The Dale R. Broadhurst "Spalding Papers" |
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Dale R. Broadhurst updated Feb. 16, 2003 |
Rough Draft -- Data Dump #1
001: ============================================ AN ARMY OF (even number of thousand) MEN KENTUCKS . . . assembled an army of thirty thousand men who [ObMs 075:07] plan of LOBASKA, an army of thirty thousand men were captured [ObMs 117:19] Call immediately into the field an army of three thousand men [ObMs 074:05] --------------------------------------------------------- food, which was guarded to us by an army of two thousand men [Alma 58:08 LDS] an army of six thousand men should be sent unto HELAMAN [Alma 62:12 LDS] that an army of six thousand men. . . be sent to the armies of LEHI [Alma 62:13 LDS] 002: ============================================ THE ARMY/ARMIES OF (leader's name) until he came in view of the army of HADOKAM [ObMs 075:17] did this complete the misfortune of the army of BOMBAL [ObMs 077:08] except about fifty who fled to the army of RAMBOCK [ObMs 162:30] a certain place where the army of the enemy must pass [ObMs 174:12] I must go and destroy that army of KENTUCKS [ObMs 165:19] --------------------------------------------------------- I did join my two thousand sons. . . to the army of ANTIPUS [Alma 56:10 LDS] insomuch that when they saw the army of ANTIPUS [Alma 56:37 LDS] let us go, lest they should overpower the army of ANTIPUS [Alma 56:46 LDS] The army of ANTIPUS. . . were about to fall into the hands [Alma 56:50 LDS] and they came even and joined the army of MORONI [Alma 59:08 LDS] which did strengthen the army of MORONI exceedingly [Alma 62:30 LDS] they were again frightened and fled before the army of MORONI [Alma 62:31 LDS] they came down. . . against the army of MORONIHAH [Alma 63:15 LDS] Now the army of ZERAHEMNAH was not prepared [Alma 43:20 LDS] the hill, where a part of the army of MORONI was concealed [Alma 43:34 LDS] and began to contend with the army of LEHI [Alma 43:36 LDS] they were exceedingly fearful lest the army of MORONI should come [Alma 50:28 LDS] and they did join the army of MORONI [Alma 55:24 LDS] they sent embassies to the army of the LAMANITES [Alma 52:20 LDS] suppose that the armies of MORONI would know [Alma 43:22 LDS] and they were met again by the armies of MORONI [Alma 43:42 LDS] Therefore the armies of MORONI encircled them [Alma 43:52 LDS] and the armies of MORONI on the west of the River [Alma 43:53 LDS] marched. . . and headed the armies of AMALICKIAH [Alma 46:32 LDS] they were surrounded by the armies of LEHONTI [Alma 47:14 LDS] the armies of ANTIPUS had overtaken them [Alma 56:49 LDS] to strengthen HELAMAN, or the armies of HELAMAN [Alma 59:03 LDS] food should be sent to the armies of LEHI [Alma 62:13 LDS] that the armies of MORONI were within the walls [Alma 62:24 LDS] as the armies of the LAMANITES had gathered [Alma 43:15a LDS] behold, the armies of the NEPHITES were prepared [Alma 43:15b LDS] the command of all the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:16 LDS] chief captain over the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:17 LDS] And when the armies of the LAMANITES saw that [Alma 43:19 LDS] were exceedingly afraid of the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:21 LDS] whither the armies of the NEPHITES should go [Alma 43:23 LDS] that the armies of the LAMANITES were marching [Alma 43:24 LDS] the armies of the NEPHITES, or of MORONI, returned [Alma 44:23 LDS] chief commander of the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 46:11 LDS] according to his will with the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 46:34 LDS] to gain favor with the armies of the LAMANITES [Alma 47:08 LDS] he had been strengthening the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 48:08 LDS] the armies of the LAMANITES were seen approaching [Alma 49:01 LDS] that the armies of the LAMANITES did march forth [Alma 52:23a LDS] TEANCUM saw the armies of the LAMANITES coming out [Alma 52:23b LDS] one of the greatest of the armies of the LAMANITES [Alma 53:06 LDS] the armies of the LAMANITES, on the west sea [Alma 53:08 LDS] and surround the armies of the LAMANITES [Alma 55:21 LDS] to keep them from the armies of the LAMANITES [Alma 56:57 LDS] Behold, the armies of the LAMANITES are marching [Alma 57:31 LDS] when the armies of the LAMANITES did arrive near [Alma 58:29 LDS] that the armies of the LAMANITES did flee out [Alma 58:30 LDS] which did reduce the armies of the LAMANITES [Alma 62:30 LDS] And the armies of the LAMANITES were all gathered [Alma 62:33 LDS] 003: =========================================== THE (Ethnic Group Army) FLED IN CONFUSION. . . the SCIOTANS . . . began a retreat with apparent confusion [ObMs 076:19] The SCIOTAN. . . they must have fled in confusion [ObMs 149:24] The SCIOTANS . . . they fled in dismay and confusion [ObMs 169:13] ------------------------------------------------------------ the LAMANITES . . . they fled in much confusion [Alma 52:28 LDS] when the LAMANITES saw. . . they fled into the wilderness [Alma 49:25 LDS] 004: =========================================== AND THEY HAVE FLED and they must have fled in confusion [ObMs 149:24] -------------------------------------------------------- and they have fled; behold, come and see [Alma 47:26 LDS] They have fled; does not this testify against them? [Alma 47:34 LDS] 005: =========================================== WHO FLED TO THE. . . OF (name) about fifty who fled to the army of RAMBOCK [ObMs 162:29] Many fled to the fort [ObMs 156:26] -------------------------------------------------------- those who fled. . . came to the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 51:24 LDS] people who possessed the land of LEHI fled to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:27 LDS] the people of LEHI had fled to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:28 LDS] the LAMANITES have fled to the land of NEPHI [Alma 58:38 LDS] and I have fled to the land of GIDEON [Alma 61:05 LDS] ANTIPARAH did leave the city, and fled to their other cities [Alma 57:04 LDS] and they fled even to the waters of SIDON [Alma 43:50 LDS] therefore they fled to. . . the place of arms [Alma 47:05 LDS] that she fled. . . over to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:31 LDS] 006: =========================================== MARCH(ING). . . THEIR DESIGN steal a march. . . before they should be apprised of their design [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and they abandoned their design in marching into the land [Alma 57:02 LDS] 007: =========================================== (the soldiers in an army) THEY THREW DOWN THEIR (weapons) [ObMs 000:00] the KENTUCKS. . . they threw down their arms and surrendered [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------------ they. . . came forth and threw down their weapons of war [Alma 44:15 LDS] that threw down their weapons of war [Alma 24:25 LDS] chief captains. . . threw down their weapons of war [Alma 52:38 LDS] 008: =========================================== OF/ON THE (BANK/SIDE OF THE) RIVER (River Name) [ObMs 000:00] surprise and astonishment to the bank of the river [ObMs 000:00] a number of houses on the bank of the river [ObMs 000:00] came within less than a mile of the river [ObMs 000:00] OHIANS were settled on both sides of the River OHIO [ObMs 000:00] and along the various branches of the river [ObMs 000:00] two great empires, one on each side of the River OHIO [ObMs 000:00] born on the opposite side of the River [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------------ away by the head of the River SIDON [Alma 43:22 LDS] which was near the bank of the River SIDON [Alma 43:27 LDS] the west valley, on the west of the River SIDON [Alma 43:32 LDS] encircled them about, yea, even on both sides of the river [Alma 43:52 LDS] men of LEHI on the east of the River SIDON [Alma 43:53a LDS] armies of MORONI on the west of the River SIDON [Alma 43:53b LDS] in the valley on the east of the River SIDON [Alma 49:16 LDS] running by the head of the River SIDON [Alma 50:11 LDS] 009: =========================================== THE WEST. . . OF THE RIVER Near the west bank of the CONEAUGHT River [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- which was on the west of the River SIDON in the wilderness [Alma 43:27 LDS] in the west valley, on the west of the River SIDON [Alma 43:32 LDS] armies of MORONI on the west of the River SIDON [Alma 43:53 LDS] 010: =========================================== THE. . . PART OF THE slow through the remaining part of the journey [ObMs 000:00] spent the remaining part of the day and evening [ObMs 000:00] the remaining part of this extensive country [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- took the remaining part of his army [Alma 43:25 LDS] attack upon the weaker part of the people [Alma 43:24 LDS] the greater part of them, the lower judges [Alma 46:04 LDS] the more part of them would not obey [Alma 47:02 LDS] had hitherto been the weakest part of the land [Alma 49:15 LDS] the wall into the inner part of the wall [Alma 62:21 LDS] 011: =========================================== THE REMAINING PART OF the remaining part of this extensive country [ObMs 000:00] slow through the remaining part of the journey [ObMs 000:00] spent the remaining part of the day and evening [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- took the remaining part of his army [Alma 43:25 LDS] 012: = extra citation =========================== CONTENTION TOOK PLACE AMONG (3rd per. pl. pro.) contentions and wars took place among these chiefs [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- for a contention which took place among them [Alma 50:25 LDS] there were no contentions nor wars in the land [Alma 04:01 LDS] contentions among the Nephites, and also the wars [Alma 28:09 LDS] 013: =========================================== THE DESIGN OF THE/THIS. . .WAS TO The design of this arrangement was to break their ranks [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- And now the design of the NEPHITES was to support [Alma 43:09 LDS] 014: =========================================== BY THE HAND OF . . . and were presented by the hand of LOBASKA to the respective kings [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- buried by the hand of the Lord [Alma 45:19 LDS] their deliverance by the hand of the Lord [Alma 46:07 LDS] my son be preserved by the hand of God [Alma 46:24 LDS] who had been slain by the hand of the NEPHITES [Alma 51:11 LDS] 015: = extra citation =========================== EAST OF THE RIVER . . . The country east of the Great River OHIO [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the valley on the east of the River SIDON [Alma 53:43 LDS] men of LEHI on the east of the River SIDON [Alma 43:53 LDS] the hill AMNIHU, which was east of the River SIDON [Alma 02:15 LDS] and went over upon the east of the River SIDON [Alma 06:07 LDS] meet them, on the east of the River SIDON [Alma 16:06 LDS] 016: =========================================== (important person's name), WHO WAS THE RAMBOCK, who was the fourteenth Emperor [ObMs 000:00] KELSOCK, who was the oldest [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- PACUMENI, who was the chief judge [Helaman 01:21 LDS] HELAMAN, who was the son of HELAMAN [Helaman Intro LDS] HELAMAN, who was the son of HELAMAN [Helaman 02:02 LDS] MORONI, who was the chief commander of the armies [Alma 46:11 LDS] LAMAN, who was the eldest son of our father [Alma 56:03 LDS] PACHUS, who was the king of those dissenters [Alma 62:06 LDS] TUBALOTH, who was the son of AMMORON [Helaman 01:16 LDS] 017: = extra citation =========================== WHO WAS THE ELDEST SON OF. . . A cousin of this description, who was the eldest son of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] was LAMOCH the eldest son of LABANCO [ObMs 000:00] that the eldest son of the King and four [ObMs 000:00] LABAMACK, the oldest son of LOBASKA. [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- LAMAN, who was the eldest son of our father LEHI [Alma 56:03 LDS] and his eldest son NEPHI began to reign [Helaman 03:37 LDS] NEPHI , who was his eldest son, concerning [3 Nephi 01:02 LDS] 018: =========================================== WHEN (pronoun/name) ARRIVED AT THE CITY OF. . . /WITH THEIR FORCES and when he had arrived at the royal city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] the eldest son of HAMBOON. . . arrived at the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] When . . .HAMBOON and his army had arrived within five miles of the city [ObMs 000:00] When these kings with their forces had all arrived at TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- they possessed when I arrived at the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:15 LDS] with their forces, they were determined to maintain those cities [Alma 56:26 LDS] 019: =========================================== SOME (noun) IN THE GOVERNMENT. . . make some amendments in the government of SCIOTA [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- there is some faction in the government [Alma 58:36 LDS] 020: = extra citation =========================== EVEN(king's name) HIMSELF. . . Even BOMBAL himself declared that [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- Yea, even AMALICKIAH did himself come down [Alma 51:12 LDS] even the king himself went before his people [Mosiah 20:07 LDS] 021: =========================================== (leader's name) HIMSELF WAS SLAIN HAMELICK himself was slain [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- CORIANTUMR . . . he himself was slain [Helaman 01:32 LDS] 022: =========================================== HE HIMSELF [ died in the war]. . . than that he himself should fall in battle [ObMs 000:00] He himself had nearly tumbled his whole length [ObMs 000:00] He himself appeared to be about forty [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- CORIANTUMR . . . he himself was slain [Helaman 01:32 LDS] 023: =========================================== OCCASIONED BY THE (fast traveling) OF(certain persons) surprise occasioned by the story of the flight of these two [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- weariness, which was occasioned by the speed of their march [Alma 56:51 LDS] 024: =========================================== THE (group of persons) ON BOTH SIDES OF THE RIVER. . . The people . . . were settled on both sides of the River OHIO [ObMs 000:00] the whole country on both sides of the OHIO River [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the armies of MORONI encircled them. . . on both sides of the river [Alma 43:52 LDS] 025: =========================================== (plural pronoun) HAD A PLENTY OF PROVISION(S). . . fed and supported with such a plenty and competence of provision [ObMs 000:00] they generally had a plenty of provision at all seasons [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- and we had also plenty of provisions brought unto us [Alma 57:06 LDS] 026: = extra citation =========================== THAT THEY SHOULD MAKE that they should make their choice of husbands [ObMs 000:00] that they should demand in addition ten mammoth [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- cause that they should make weapons of war [3 Nephi 03:01 LDS] that they should fight. . . demanded [Alma 55:23 LDS] that they should commence in digging [Alma 50:01 LDS] that they should have no power upon the lands [Alma 50:12 LDS] that they should flee to the land which was northward [Alma 50:29 LDS] that they should also harass the NEPHITES [Alma 52:13 LDS] that they should fall upon them [Alma 44:17 LDS] that they should fall upon them [Alma 52:32 LDS] that they should do the same [Alma 52:38 LDS] that they should commence laboring in digging [Alma 53:03 LDS] that they should build a breastwork of timbers [Alma 53:04 LDS] that they should fight with the NEPHITES [Alma 55:23 LDS] that they should commence a labor in strengthening [Alma 55:25 LDS] that they should break this covenant which they had made [Alma 56:08 LDS] that they should not return to the city [Alma 58:20 LDS] that they should suffer all manner of afflictions [Alma 60:17 LDS] that they should prepare in haste strong cords [Alma 62:21 LDS] that they should not cross [Alma 43:40 LDS] that they should stop shedding their blood [Alma 43:54 LDS] that they should fall upon them and slay them [Alma 44:17 LDS] that they should gather themselves together [Alma 47:01 LDS] that they should easily overpower and subject [Alma 49:07 LDS] 027: =========================================== THAT THEY SHOULD BE that they should soon be assembled [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- that they should be privileged to come [Alma 49:06 LDS] that they should be destroyed; therefore they gave [Alma 43:12 LDS] that they should be placed in power and authority [Helaman 02:05 LDS] that they should be spared while there was [Alma 57:26a LDS] that they should be preserved by his marvelous power [Alma 57:26b LDS] 028: =========================================== THAT THEY SHOULD MARCH (in a certain direction) it was necessary that they should march some distance in the direction [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- men should not sleep, but that they should march forward [Alma 58:26 LDS] MORONI caused that his men should march forth [Alma 62:22 LDS] he did cause that his men should march forth [Alma 62:25 LDS] did cause that they should march down to the land [Helaman 01:17 LDS] AMALICKIAH commanded that his armies should march forth [Alma 47:24 LDS] MORONI commanded. . . his army. . . should march forth [Alma 52:00 LDS] ANTIPUS ordered that I should march forth [Alma 56:30 LDS] I caused that my men . . . that they should march forward [Alma 58:26 LDS] 029: =========================================== (IT WAS). . . THAT THEY SHOULD (MARCH) it was necessary that they should march some distance [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- but that they should march forward [Alma 58:26 LDS] it was not expedient that they should fight [Alma 55:23 LDS] 030: = extra citation =========================== CONTENTIONS AND (fighting) AMONG THE(SE) (persons) bickerings, contentions and wars took place among these chiefs [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- put an end to such contentions and dissensions among the people [Alma 51:16 LDS] murders, and contentions, and dissensions . . . among the people [Alma 42:40 LDS] contentions. . . and dissensions, among the people of NEPHI [Helaman 03:17 LDS] and there were no contentions and disputations among them [4 Nephi 01:02 LDS] 031: =========================================== CONTENTIONS AND WARS AMONG bickerings, contentions and wars took place among these chiefs [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- breaking down the wars and contentions among his own people [Alma 51:22 LDS] they were free from wars and contentions among themselves [Alma 48:20 LDS] 032: =========================================== AMONG THE PEOPLE to defuse the knowledge of them among the people [ObMs 000:00] He still continued to associate among the people and was [ObMs 000:00] and gave permission to propagate it among the people [ObMs 000:00] and to defuse useful knowledge among the people [ObMs 000:00] the state of society which exists among the people [ObMs 000:00] military tactics. . . was likewise defused among the people [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the sons of ALMA did go forth among the people [Alma 43:01 LDS] the work of death should cease again among the people [Alma 44:20 LDS] shall no more be numbered among the people [Alma 45:13 LDS] HELAMAN went forth among the people to declare [Alma 45:20 LDS] disturbances which had been among the people [Alma 45:21 LDS] he went forth among the people, waving the rent part [Alma 46:19 LDS] and sent forth to preach among the people [Alma 49:30 LDS] never was a happier time among the people of NEPHI [Alma 50:23 LDS] would also have been peace among the people of NEPHI [Alma 50:25 LDS] serious consequences among the people of NEPHI [Alma 50:32 LDS] there began to be a contention among the people [Alma 51:02 LDS] such contentions to be among the people of NEPHI [Alma 51:09 LDS] to such contentions and dissensions among the people [Alma 51:16 LDS] and all manner of iniquity among the people of NEPHI [Alma 62:40 LDS] more peace established among the people of NEPHI [Alma 62:42 LDS] serious difficulty among the people of the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:01 LDS] they did cause three divisions among the people [Helaman 01:04 LDS] KISHKUMEN was not known among the people of NEPHI [Helaman 01:12a LDS] did mingle themselves among the people [Helaman 01:12b LDS] began to be a contention again among the people [Helaman 02:01 LDS] placed in power and authority among the people [Helaman 02:05 LDS] there was no contention among the people of NEPHI [Helaman 03:01a LDS] did cause some little dissensions among the people [Helaman 03:01b LDS] And there was no contention among the people [Helaman 03:02 LDS] 033: =========================================== ARRIVE(D) AT/BEFORE THE CITY/LAND OF (name) the Emperor of KENTUCK, arrived at the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] They at length arrive at the great city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] They arrived before the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- insomuch that we did arrive before them at the city of MANTI [Alma 58: 27 LDS] I arrived at the city of JUDEA [Alma 56: 15 LDS] MORONI did arrive with his army at the land of BOUNTIFUL [Alma 52:18 LDS] 034: =========================================== THE PEOPLE WHO WERE The people who were denominated OHIANS were settled on both sides [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- And the people who were in the land northward did dwell [Helaman 03:09 LDS] all the people who were desirous to maintain their liberty [Alma 46:28 LDS] and all the people who were in the land [Alma 48:02 LDS] Now behold, the people who were in the land [Alma 50:32 LDS] 035: =========================================== (SHALL/SHOULD) BE PLACED (in a major ruling office) shall be placed, with the title of Emperor, LABAMACK [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- and he shall be placed king over this people [Alma 61: 08 LDS] should be placed in power and authority among the people [Helaman 02:05 LDS] 036: = extra citation =========================== THE (CHIEF) COMMANDER OF THE He shall be the commander-in-chief of all the forces [ObMs 000:00] entitled them to a commander of more generosity and valor [ObMs 000:00] less than what would be obtained by their first commanders [ObMs 000:00] He was the commander-in-chief [ObMs 000:00] his princes, quick to obey their commander [ObMs 000:00] heroic commanders, had each a chosen band of warriors [ObMs 000:00] the power of their commanders to retard their [ObMs 000:00] great misfortune was to have a coward for their commander [ObMs 000:00] and avaricious disposition of their commander [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- MORONI, who was the chief commander of the armies [Alma 46: 11 LDS] AMALICKIAH to be their leader and their chief commander [Alma 47: 19 LDS] ZERAHEMNAH, who was their chief . . . leader and commander [Alma 43: 44 LDS] the chief captains and the great commander of the armies [3 Nephi 03:18 LDS] 037: =========================================== HIS/THE(IR) CHIEF CAPTAIN(S) He then directed CONCO, his chief captain, to pursue [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- his chief captains durst not attack the NEPHITES [Alma 49:11 LDS] this was the case with all his chief captains [Alma 59:12 LDS] Now the chief captain took the command of all [Alma 43:15 LDS] appointed to be the chief captain over the NEPHITES [Alma 43:16 LDS] their chief captains came forward and took an oath [Alma 49:13 LDS] their chief captains had sworn with an oath [Alma 49:17 LDS] until their chief captains were all slain [Alma 49:23 LDS] saw that their chief captains were all slain [Alma 49:25 LDS] their chief captains, all those who were not slain [Alma 52:38 LDS] their chief captains demanded their weapons [Alma 55:23 LDS] the chief captains of the LAMANITES had beheld [Alma 52:28 LDS] and many of the chief captains held a council [Alma 52:19 LDS] for the chief captains of the LAMANITES had supposed [Alma 58:25 LDS] many prisoners, all of whom are chief captains [Alma 56:12 LDS] 038: =========================================== (leader's name + adj./article) CHIEF CAPTAIN He then directed CONCO, his chief captain, to pursue [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- unto MORONI, the chief captain over the army [Alma 61:02 LDS] I am MORONI, your chief captain [Alma 60:36 LDS] ZERAHEMNAH, who was their chief captain [Alma 43:44 LDS] appointed LEHI to be chief captain over the men [Alma 49:16 LDS] GID was the chief captain over the band [Alma 57:29 LDS] he was appointed chief captain over the armies [Alma 43:17 LDS] 039: =========================================== THE CHIEF(S). . . COMMAND the chiefs choose to command their own subjects [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- Now the chief captain took the command of all the armies [ALMA 43:16 LDS] 040: =========================================== THE COMMAND OF THE. . . GAVE/GIVEN (UN(TO) The command of these bands were given to ELSEON [ObMs 000:00] they shall be subject to the command of the Emperor [ObMs 000:00] Was it possible to disobey the command of [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he gave AMALICKIAH the command of that part of his army [Alma 47:03 LDS] that TEANCUM, by the command of MORONI [Alma 52:15 LDS] by the command of AMMORON they came forth [Alma 59:07 LDS] MORONI yielded up the command of his armies [Alma 62:43 LDS] captain took the command of all the armies [Alma 43:16 LDS] he had got the command of those parts of the LAMANITES [Alma 47:05 LDS] MORONI . . . took command of the city and gave it unto LEHI [Alma 53: 02 LDS] 041: =========================================== THEY WERE COMMANDED BY (leader's name) They were commanded by MOONROD [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- They were commanded by AMMORON [Alma 56: 20 LDS] 042: =========================================== COMMANDED BY (leader's name) (TO) compelled the division commanded by SABAMAH to fall back [ObMs 000:00] destruction is commanded by. . . the Government of SCIOTA [ObMs 000:00] his attack on the division of ULIPOON commanded by HAMELICK [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- They were commanded by AMMORON to maintain those cities [Alma 56: 20 LDS] those parts which had been commanded by ALMA [Alma 63:12 LDS] 043: =========================================== HIS (troops) MARCH(ED) AGAINST THEM all the grand divisions of his army marched against them [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- he did cause that his men should march forth against them [Alma 62: 25 LDS] that the armies did march forth against them [Alma 51:18 LDS] 044: = extra citation =========================== THEY. . . THE(IR) RIGHTS (AND) PRIVILEGES OF THEIR If any refuse, they shall be denied the privilege of their instructions [ObMs 000:00] maintain the rights and privileges and the honor and dignity of our country [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- that they might preserve their rights and their privileges [Alma 43:09 LDS] to be victorious, and to reclaim their rights and their privileges [Alma 55:28 LDS] that I may preserve the rights and the liberty of my people [Alma 61:09 LDS] to maintain their rights and the privileges of their religion [Alma 51:06 LDS] defend their lands and their country, their rights and their liberties [Alma 43:26 LDS] defend themselves. . . their country, and their rights, and their religion [Alma 43:47 LDS] a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion [Alma 46:20 LDS] to maintain and to obtain their rights to the government [Alma 54:24 LDS] were deprived of the privilege of assembling themselves [Alma 06:05 LDS] 045: = extra citation =========================== TO MAINTAIN THE(IR) PRIVILEGES) OF THEIR / THEIR RIGHTS to maintain the rights and privileges and the honor and dignity [ObMs 000:00] like men determined to vindicate our rights and [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- to maintain their rights and the privileges of their religion [Alma 51:06 LDS] to defend their lands and their country, their rights and their liberties [Alma 43:26 LDS] to be victorious, and to reclaim their rights and their privileges [Alma 55:28 LDS] to maintain their rights, and the privileges of their [3 Nephi 02:12 LDS] 046: = extra citation =========================== THE (persons) OF THE KING of the principal subjects of the King [ObMs 000:00] the eldest son of the King [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- Now the servants of the king fled [Alma 47:25 LDS] Behold, the servants of the king have stabbed him [Alma 47:26 LDS] and pursued after the servants of the king [Alma 47:28 LDS] Now when the servants of the king saw [Alma 47:29 LDS] and he was one of the servants of the king [Alma 55:05 LDS] there was one of the sons of the king among those [Mosiah 19:16 LDS] And also LIMHI, being the son of the king [Mosiah 19:26 LDS] 047: = extra citation =========================== THROUGHOUT THE/THIS (country) number are provided throughout the Empire [ObMs 000:00] which are believed and practiced throughout this extensive empire [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- establish again the church of God, throughout all the land [Alma 62:46 LDS] among the children of men throughout all the land [Alma 63:12 LDS] in every city throughout all the land [Alma 45:22a LDS] appoint priests and teachers throughout all the land [Alma 45:22b LDS] he was acknowledged king throughout all the land [Alma 47:35 LDS] about all the cities, throughout all the land [Alma 50:01 LDS] establish the church of God throughout this land also [Alma 05:05 LDS] sent a proclamation throughout this part of the land [Alma 61:06 LDS] 048: =========================================== (be verb) READY TO RECEIVE THE shall always be ready to receive the petitions [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and were ready to receive the LAMANITES to battle [Alma 51:24 LDS] 049: =========================================== THE WELFARE AND. . . OF (T)HIS PEOPLE He shall consult the welfare of his people and [ObMs 000:00] Next to the welfare and prosperity of our Empire [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people [Alma 48:12 LDS] desires which they had for the welfare of this people [Alma 60:09 LDS] for the welfare and the freedom of this people [Alma 60:10 LDS] 050: =========================================== WHEN (name) (HAD) RECEIVED THE/THIS (info.) HE IMMEDIATELY When HAMBOON had received this letter, he immediately [ObMs 000:00] When HADOKAM. . . had received this plan. . . he immediately [ObMs 000:00] When LABANCO had. . . he immediately assembled [ObMs 000:00] after he received the Emperor's letter, he informed [ObMs 000:00] of another passage, he immediately dispatched a party [ObMs 000:00] He immediately dispatched an express to HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] He immediately dispatched an express [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- when MORONIHAHI had discovered this, he immediately sent [Helaman 01:28 LDS] when MORONI had received this epistle he was more angry [Alma 55:01 LDS] when MORONI had received this epistle his heart did take [Alma 62:01 LDS] when the Queen had received this message she sent unto AMALICKIAH [Alma 47:33 LDS] AMMORON, when he had received this epistle, was angry [Alma 54:15 LDS] that when LEHONTI received the message he durst not go [Alma 47:11 LDS] 051: =========================================== WHEN (leader's name) HAD (obtained information) HE IMMEDIATELY When HADOKAM . . .had received this . . .he immediately assembled all [ObMs 000:00] When LABANCO had presented. . . declaration. . . he immediately assembled [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- after MORONI had received. . . HELAMAN's epistle. . .he immediately sent [Alma 59:01 LDS] But when MORONIHAH had discovered this, he immediately sent forth LEHI [Helaman 01:28 LDS] 052: =========================================== HE IMMEDIATELY (caused that) A(N) (noun) TO (name) He immediately dispatched an express to HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] informed. . . of another passage, he immediately dispatched a party [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he immediately sent an epistle to PAHORAN [Alma 59:03 LDS] 053: = extra citation =========================== (HIS) SON WHOSE NAME WAS (son's name) His second son, whose name was HAMBACK, was present [ObMs 000:00] The Emperor had an only son, whose name was MOONROD [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- into the hands of his son, whose name was MORONIHAH [Alma 62:43 LDS] one of the sons of the king. . . whose name was LIMHI [Mosiah 19:16 LDS] his brother. . . and also his son, whose name was JONAS [3 Nephi 19:04 LDS] among the sons of CORIHOR there was one whose name was Noah [Ether 07:01 LDS] And his eldest son, whose name was SHEZ, did rebel [Ether 10:03 LDS] 054: =========================================== AT THE CITY OF (city's name) HAMBACK, was present at the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] Emperor of KENTUCK, arrived at the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] we will be within ten days at the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- attacked the NEPHITES at the city of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:10 LDS] attack the NEPHITES at the city of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:11 LDS] when I arrived at the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:15 LDS] arrive before them at the city of MANTI [Alma 58:27 LDS] 055: =========================================== TO (kill) ALL WHO SHOULD ATTEMPT TO (move) to massacre all the citizens who should attempt to make [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to smite down all who should attempt to come into their place [Alma 49:20 LDS] and slay him who should attempt to approach near the walls [Alma 50:05 LDS] to destroy all such as should attempt to climb up to enter [Alma 49:19 LDS] he should attempt to attack them in their forts [Alma 52:05 LDS] 056: =========================================== MAKE/MADE THEIR ESCAPE darkness of the ensuing night to make their escape [ObMs 000:00] citizens who should attempt to make their escape [ObMs 000:00] About two thousand made good their escape [ObMs 000:00] the inhabitants who had not made their escape [ObMs 000:00] thus made their escape and arrived safe in the fort [ObMs 000:00] But only three thousand made their escape -------------------------------------------------------- and they would make their escape; and thus we did flee [Alma 56:40 LDS] and they had made their escape [Alma 47:32 LDS] 057: =========================================== FLEE BEFORE never behold me fleeing before his gigantic sword [ObMs 000:00] And warriors flee before our sight [ObMs 000:00] your transgressions will flee away like shadows [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- LAMANITES did flee again before them, towards the [Alma 43:42 LDS] LAMANITES began to flee before them; and they [Alma 43:50 LDS] that we did flee before them, northward [Alma 56:36 LDS] LAMANITES upon us, and we did flee before them [Alma 56:41 LDS] people of NEPHIHAH were obliged to flee before them [Alma 59:08 LDS] the chief judge, did flee before CORIANTUMR [Helaman 01:21 LDS] 058: =========================================== AND MASSACRE(D) and to massacre his warriors without discrimination [ObMs 000:00] to storm the fort and massacre the whole multitude of citizens [ObMs 000:00] immediately began the massacre of the defenseless [ObMs 000:00] many thousands are massacred and how many must share their fate [ObMs 000:00] the extent of the massacre that SAMBAL and his army had made [ObMs 000:00] because we do right, as to massacre and [ObMs 000:00] the time they had fixed upon to begin the massacre of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] anticipation of the massacre of the dearest friends [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- or slay and massacre them according to their pleasure [Alma 49:07 LDS] 059: =========================================== MASSACRE(D) BY. . . BARBAROUS who had attempted to escape . . . were met and massacred by the SCIOTAN [ObMs 000:00] they had escaped the intended massacre of a barbarous unrelenting enemy [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- their children should be massacred by the barbarous cruelty [Alma 48:24 LDS] 060: = extra citation =========================== WAS/WERE ABLE TO USE (weapons) every man who. . . was able to bear arms. . . to use them to advantage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- as many as were able to use a weapon of war [Alma 55:17 LDS] that could bear arms. . . that were able to bear arms [Mosiah 10:09 LDS] 061: = extra citation =========================== TO PREPARE. . . WAR to prepare him by teaching him the art of war [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and making regulations to prepare for war [Alma 51:22 LDS] warn them to flee, or to prepare for war [Alma 48:15 LDS] therefore they began to prepare for war, and to [Mosiah 10:06 LDS] having studied, himself, in all the arts of war [Ether 13:16 LDS] 062: =========================================== THE OBJECT OF HIS he selects one as the object of his addresses [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- made known unto him the object of his desire [Helaman 02:07 LDS] it was the object of all those who belonged to his band [Helaman 02:08 LDS] 063: = extra citation =========================== FOR THE WELFARE AND (good) OF (poss. pronoun + people/state) [ObMs 000:00] Next to the welfare and prosperity of our Empire we should [ObMs 000:00] we should rejoice in the welfare and prosperity of yours [ObMs 000:00] solicitude for the future welfare and respectability of their children [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- their great desires which they had for the welfare of this people [Alma 60:09 LDS] more diligently for the welfare and the freedom of this people [Alma 60:10 LDS] did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people [Alma 48:12 LDS] doing all things for the welfare and happiness of his people [Helaman 12:02] 064: =========================================== (TO) FORTIFY (poss. pro. + people/people's home) their policy led them to fortify their country in every part [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- their other cities, which they had possession of, to fortify them [Alma 57:04 LDS] and strive to strengthen and fortify our armies [Alma 60:25 LDS] this was done to fortify the land against the LAMANITES [Alma 62:13 LDS] he did fortify and strengthen the land which was possessed by the NEPHITES [Alma 48:09 LDS] sent orders unto him that he should fortify the land BOUNTIFUL [Alma 52:09 LDS] and that he also would fortify and strengthen the cities [Alma 52:10 LDS] toiling with their might to fortify the city [Alma 56:15 LDS] 065 =========================================== FORTS Within these forts are likewise a number of small houses [ObMs 000:00] without delaying their march by attacking any forts [ObMs 000:00] to storm the fort and massacre the whole multitude [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- strengthening the armies of the NEPHITES, and erecting small forts [Alma 48:08 LDS] the LAMANITES could not get into their forts of security [Alma 49:18 LDS] not expedient that he should attempt to attack them in their forts [Alma 52:05 LDS] 066: =========================================== (made) FORTS. . . EVERY CITY Near every village or city they constructed forts or fortifications [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI had fortified, or had built forts of security, for every city [Alma 49:13 LDS] in every city throughout all the land which was [Alma 45:22 LDS] 067: =========================================== ENTER(ED) THE FORT broke down part of the palisades and entered the fort [ObMs 000:00] his army returned in great haste and entered the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- should attempt to climb up to enter the fort [Alma 49:19 LDS] 068: =========================================== PROVISION(S) AND WEAPONS/ARMS for the reception of provision and arms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- their provisions and their weapons of war [Alma 62:15 LDS] 069: =========================================== TO DEFEND THE the KENTUCKS were unprepared to defend the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- I do take my sword to defend the cause of my country [Alma 60:28 LDS] 070: =========================================== DEFEND(ING). . . RIGHTS we should defend the rights of the imperial family [ObMs 000:00] and in defending the rights of their country [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights [Alma 48:13 LDS] contending. . . to defend themselves. . . and their rights [Alma 43:47 LDS] to defend their lands and their country, their rights [Alma 43:26 LDS] 071: =========================================== TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST (pronoun/article) ENEMY able to defend themselves against an invading enemy [ObMs 000:00] If invaded by an enemy he shall defend them [ObMs 000:00] who was attempting to defend himself against the party [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- were taught to defend themselves against their enemies [Alma 48:14 LDS] they should go to defend themselves against their enemies [Alma 48:16 LDS] to defend themselves against their enemies; therefore [Alma 53:16 LDS] should go to defend themselves against the LAMANITES [Alma 43:23 LDS] were they prepared to defend themselves against the LAMANITES [Alma 49:20 LDS] 072: = extra citation =========================== (be-verb) PREPARED TO and being prepared to take our departure, the king [ObMs 000:00] The way was now prepared to introduce his system [ObMs 000:00] his men were collected and prepared to move [ObMs 000:00] marched with precipitation, prepared to make a most [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- thus were the NEPHITES prepared to destroy all such [Alma 49:19 LDS] and thus were they prepared to defend themselves [Alma 49:20 LDS] And now behold, we are prepared to receive you [Alma 54:09 LDS] and saw that we were prepared to meet them [Alma 58:29 LDS] the NEPHITES were prepared to meet them [Alma 43:15 LDS] according to his desire, he was prepared to meet them [Alma 43:33 LDS] had prepared to remove the cause of diseases [Alma 46:40 LDS] And thus being prepared to meet the Lamanites [Jarom 01:09 LDS] 073: =========================================== UNPREPARED TO the KENTUCKS were unprepared to defend the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- into an eternal world, unprepared to meet their God [Alma 48:03 LDS] 074: = extra citation =========================== (plural possessive pronoun) OVERTHROW AND DESTRUCTION execute His vengeance in their overthrow and destruction [ObMs 000:00] predict their eventual overthrow and destruction [ObMs 000:00] the SCIOTANS . . . have been overthrown and destroyed [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- come upon our land, to our overthrow and utter destruction [Alma 58:09 LDS] the overthrow, yea, almost the entire destruction of the [Helaman 02:13 LDS] to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these [Ether 08:23 LDS] 075: =========================================== FOR THE SPACE OF (number) YEARS for the space of four hundred and eighty years [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- in the church, yea, even for the space of four years [Alma 46:38 LDS] themselves, yea, even for the space of four years [Alma 48:20 LDS] their wars never did cease for the space of many years [Alma 48:22 LDS] famine, and affliction, for the space of many years [Alma 62:39 LDS] 076: =========================================== THE DARKNESS OF THE NIGHT as the darkness of the night had now commenced [ObMs 000:00] darkness had overspread the Earth at night [ObMs 000:00] radiant beams, dispels the darkness of night [ObMs 000:00] the darkness of the ensuing night to make their escape [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI went forth in the darkness of the night [Alma 62:20 LDS] 077: =========================================== ON THE TENTH DAY THE {note: only use of "tenth" in both texts} On the tenth day the Emperor transmitted [ObMs 000:00] On the tenth day from this time the nuptial [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- on the tenth day of the month, the armies [Alma 49:01 LDS] 078: =========================================== HAD BEEN INFORMED As ELSEON had been informed [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they had been informed by their spies [Alma 56:35 LDS] 079: =========================================== AT THE SAME TIME At the same time his determination was fixed to transport [ObMs 000:00] He was careful at the same time to see that [ObMs 000:00] At the same time we will treat them with good cheer [ObMs 000:00] in each nation nearly at the same time [ObMs 000:00] At the same time communicating instruction [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and it was at the same time that they had begun to settle [Alma 51:12 LDS] bring them up in the rear at the same time they were met [Alma 56:23 LDS] 080: = extra citation =========================== (BEGAN TO COVER) THE FACE OF THE EARTH began to cover her face; and had not darkness spread itself over the face of the Earth [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that they began to cover the face of the whole Earth [Helaman 03:08 LDS] you are destroyed from off the face of the Earth [Alma 54:12 LDS] little timber upon the face of the land [Helaman 03:07 LDS] should spring up upon the face of the land [Helaman 03:09 LDS] had sent upon the face of the land [Alma 46:10 LDS] even until they did cover the whole face of the land [Helaman 11:20 LDS] darkness should cover the face of the whole earth for [Helaman 14:27 LDS] The whole face of the land had become covered [Mormon 01:07 LDS] the whole face of the land northward was covered [Ether 10:21 LDS] that the whole face of the land was covered with [Ether 14:21 LDS] 081: = extra citation =========================== IF HE SHOULD COMMAND (pronoun) TO What if he should command you . . . to marry the King [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- or if he should command us so to do [Alma 61:12 LDS] If he should command me that I should [1 Nephi 17:50 LDS] 082: = extra citation =========================== MY DEAR (+ suffix) BELOVED (family member) My Dearest and Best Beloved Daughter [ObMs 000:00] my dearest and best beloved cousins [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- My dearly beloved brother, MORONI [Alma 56:02 LDS] Now, my best beloved brethren, since God hath [Alma 24:12 LDS] 083: =========================================== FELL (unconscious/dead)WITH(OUT) A GROAN With a plaintive groan she opened her eyes [ObMs 000:00] they fell with horrid groans, pale and lifeless on the sanguine plain [ObMs 000:00] and tumbling headlong, with a groan, expired [ObMs 000:00] and the shrieks and groans of the dying [ObMs 000:00] The young hero fell and, with a groan, expired [ObMs 000:00] He spoke and deeply groaning, he breathed no more [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to the heart, that he fell dead without a groan [Helaman 02:09 LDS] 084: =========================================== AN ALLIANCE WITH HIM An alliance with him an honor to our family [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he hath joined an alliance with him [Alma 61:08 LDS] 085: =========================================== THE DESCENDANTS OF (THE) (leader's name) an honor to the descendants of the great LOBASKA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and the descendants of the priests of NOAH [Alma 43:23 LDS] that these were descendants of LAMAN [Alma 56:03 LDS] 086: = extra citation =========================== RETURN (IN PEACE) (IN)TO YOUR OWN LAND(S)F (THE) Return in peace to your own land and tell your [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and return with your armies to your own lands [Alma 54:07 LDS] and I will follow you even into your own land [Alma 54:12 LDS] withdraw your armies into your own lands [Alma 54:06 LDS] should depart out of the land in peace [Helaman 01:33 LDS] returned with their king in peace to their own land [Mosiah 20:26 LDS] the people of Nephi returned again to their land [Alma 28:03 LDS] armies. . . returned and came to their houses and their lands [Alma 44:23 LDS] the NEPHITES did all return to their own lands [3 Nephi 06:01 LDS] they did return to their own lands and their possessions [3 Nephi 06:02 LDS] insomuch that they did return to their own lands again [Mormon 03:07 LDS] 087: =========================================== IF THEY SHOULD But if they should still have the temerity to refuse, we will [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they knew that if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:10 LDS] therefore, if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:11 LDS] if they should transgress the commandments of God [Alma 46:21 LDS] if they should keep his commandments they should prosper [Alma 48:25 LDS] if they should pass by us, to fall upon them in their rear [Alma 56:23 LDS] 088: =========================================== (pronoun) SHOULD FALL INTO THE HANDS OF (an enemy) rather than fall into the hands of this haughty SAMBAL [ObMs 000:00] lest we should fall into the hands of robbers [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they knew that if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:10 LDS] therefore, if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:11 LDS] which had not fallen into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 52:10 LDS] to have fallen into the hands of their brethren [Alma 53:11 LDS] were about to fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 56:50 LDS] from falling into the hands of our enemies [Alma 58:08 LDS] keep the city from falling into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 59:09 LDS] they should not fall into the hands of their brethren [Alma 59:11 LDS] yield themselves into the hands of the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:32 LDS] the remainder were delivered up into the hands of MORONI [Alma 46:33 LDS] except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith [Alma 44:04 LDS] my little sons should fall into their hands [Alma 56:39 LDS] 089: =========================================== DID NOT TARRY IN Not a moment. . . did ELSEON tarry, but marched [ObMs 000:00] The sun did not tarry in his course [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And now he did not tarry in the land [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 090: =========================================== FIRM DETERMINATION (TO) and expressed his firm determination to maintain a [ObMs 000:00] his determination was fixed to transport the fair [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON had firmly determined to marry [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to the land of NOAH with a firm determination [Alma 49:13 LDS] fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies [Alma 58:12 LDS] for it was his determination to go forth and cut his way [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 091: =========================================== HIS DETERMINATION WAS TO his determination was fixed to transport the fair [ObMs 000:00] but his determination was to march with the utmost [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- for it was his determination to go forth and cut his way [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 092: =========================================== WAS/WERE FIXED. . . DETERMINATION. . . TO his determination was fixed to transport the fair [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and were fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies [Alma 58:12 LDS] being fixed in their minds with a determined resolution [Alma 47:06 LDS] |
093: =========================================== (THEY BEGAN THEIR) MARCH (-ED/-ING) (TO/TOWARDS) THE LAND OF They began their march towards the Land of KENTUCK [ObMs 000:00] they retreated and marched to the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and had begun his march towards the land BOUNTIFUL [Alma 52:15 LDS] they should march forward by another way towards the land of MANTI [Alma 58:26 LDS] took their march with a large body of men towards the land of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:14 LDS] they pursued their march towards the land of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18 LDS] MORONI. . . took his march towards the land of GIDEON [Alma 62:03 LDS] whatsoever force he could in all his march towards the land of GIDEON [Alma 62:04 LDS] took their camp and marched towards the land of NOAH [Alma 49:12 LDS] LAMANITES were seen approaching towards the land of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:01 LDS] they were marching towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 58:24 LDS] that as they were marching towards the land [Alma 62:15 LDS] 094: =========================================== (HE) MARCH(ED) WITH THE (REMAINDER) he marched with the remainder, which [ObMs 000:00] They had marched with the greatest speed [ObMs 000:00] let us march with our brave warriors [ObMs 000:00] to march with twelve thousand men 'round the SCIOTAN [ObMs 000:00] march with the utmost expedition to [ObMs 000:00] did ELSEON tarry, but marched with precipitation [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he marched with the remainder to meet [Alma 52:26 LDS] took their march with a large body of men [Alma 62:14 LDS] they were compelled to march with their brethren [Alma 52:39 LDS] our march with speed towards the city [Alma 57:34 LDS] AMALICKIAH marched with his armies [Alma 47:20 LDS] 095: =========================================== MARCH(ED) WITH GREAT(EST) SPEED and marched, with the utmost speed, to the left wing [ObMs 000:00] They had marched with the greatest speed [ObMs 000:00] gentlemen immediately rode back with the greatest speed [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and their march was with such exceedingly great speed that [Helaman 01:19 LDS] ANTIPUS, beholding our danger, did speed the march of his army [Alma 56:38 LDS] we took our march with speed towards the city CUMENI [Alma 57:34 LDS] the LAMANITES did follow after us with great speed [Alma 58:19 LDS] weariness, which was occasioned by the speed of their march [Alma 56:51 LDS] 096: =========================================== THEY RETREATED AND MARCHED TO(WARDS) THE through which they retreated and marched to the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they retreated. . . and marched towards the Land of NOAH [Alma 49:12 LDS] 097: =========================================== MARCH (-ED/-ING) TOWARDS THE CITY OF RAMBOCK marched his whole army towards the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES are marching towards the city of CUMENI [Alma 57:31 LDS] we took our march with speed towards the city CUMENI [Alma 57:34 LDS] did march forth with a large army, even towards the city of BOUNTIFUL [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 098: =========================================== AND MARCHED OUT The SCIOTANS were soon formed and marched out of the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he took his army and marched out with his tents into the wilderness [Alma 46:31 LDS] 099: =========================================== MARCHED FORWARD WITH SAMBAL was ready to meet him, and marched forward with equal boldness [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they marched forward to the land of NOAH with a [Alma 49:13 LDS] 100: =========================================== (moving) TOWARDS [Miscellaneous] HAMBOON on the next day marched towards them [ObMs 000:00] Having marched towards the fort until they had got beyond [ObMs 000:00] he marched towards the Great River [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- even until they began to flee towards the River SIDON [Alma 43:39 LDS] and moved forth toward the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 48:06 LDS] the LAMANITES did flee again before them, towards the land of MANTI [Alma 43:42 LDS] the LAMANITES were seen approaching towards the land of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:01 LDS] they began to retreat back towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:29 LDS] traveled much in the wilderness towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 58:23 LDS] 101: = extra citation =========================== (ARE) MARCHING TOWARDS THE(M) they beheld HAMBOON's army marching towards them [ObMs 000:00] KENTUCKS are marching with a prodigious army towards the [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- armies of the LAMANITES marching towards them; and [Mormon 06:07 LDS] the LAMANITES are marching towards the city [Alma 57:31 LDS] as they were marching towards the land [Alma 62:15 LDS] 102: = extra citation =========================== BLIND(ED) + MIND a father, whose mind is blinded by the sordid advice [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- hardened the hearts of the LAMANITES and blinded their minds [Alma 48:03 LDS] ye are so hard in your hearts, and so blind in your minds [1 Nephi 07:08 LDS] hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds [1 Nephi 14:07 LDS] they hardened their hearts and blinded their minds [1 Nephi 17:30 LDS] the deafness of their ears, and the blindness of their minds [Jarom 01:03 LDS] the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds [Alma 13:04 LDS] he also knew concerning the blindness of the minds [Alma 14:06 LDS] they began to be hard in their hearts, and blind in their minds [3 Nephi 02:01] for the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds [3 Nephi 03:16] wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind [Ether 04:15 LDS] the hardness of their hearts, and the blindness of their minds [Ether 15:19 LDS] 103: =========================================== AND. . . THEIR MINDS and filled their minds with amazement and terror [ObMs 000:00] Their minds were filled with consternation and despair [ObMs 000:00] have no small effect to inform their minds [ObMs 000:00] and instruct their minds in useful knowledge [ObMs 000:00] Consternation and terror seized their minds [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- hardened the hearts of the LAMANITES and blinded their minds [Alma 48:03 LDS] they are young, and their minds are firm [Alma 57:27 LDS] being fixed in their minds with a determined resolution [Alma 47:06 LDS] 104: =========================================== THE REMAINING PART OF Their movement is slow through the remaining part of the journey [ObMs 000:00] and spent the remaining part of the day and evening in conversation [ObMs 000:00] the remaining part of this extensive country was settled [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI. . . took the remaining part of his army and marched [Alma 43:25 LDS] 105: =========================================== IN THE POWER OF (article/possessive pronoun) They were completely in the power of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] gift that is in the power of Your Majesty to bestow [ObMs 000:00] it was scarcely in the power of their commanders to retard their steps [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- insomuch that they were in the power of the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:32 LDS] 106: =========================================== PRISONERS OF THE (enemy) LAMOCH. . . had made prisoners of the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- nor a child among all the prisoners of MORONI [Alma 54:03a LDS] to obtain as many prisoners of the NEPHITES [Alma 54:03b LDS] he had armed those prisoners of the NEPHITES [Alma 55:20 LDS] all the prisoners of the LAMANITES did join the people [Alma 62:29a LDS] were relieved from all the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 62:29b LDS] he should retain all the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 52:08 LDS] did set guards over the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 53:01 LDS] they did guard the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 53:05 LDS] 107: =========================================== SURRENDERED THEMSELVES PRISONERS OF WAR They demanded quarter and surrendered themselves prisoners of war [ObMs 000:00] the KENTUCKS. . . surrendered themselves prisoners of war [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- after they had surrendered themselves prisoners of war [Alma 57:14 LDS] that when they had surrendered themselves up unto us [Alma 56:55 LDS] and also themselves as prisoners of war [Alma 56:54 LDS] deliver themselves up as prisoners of war [Alma 56:56 LDS] He took them prisoners of war, and took possession [Alma 55:24 LDS] deliver up those prisoners of war whom we had taken [Alma 57:01 LDS] matter to determine concerning these prisoners of war [Alma 57:16 LDS] 108: = extra citation =========================== THE (army who/which + verb) ON THE (portion) OF THE HILL the SCIOTANS, who lay on the side of the hill opposite to the reserved corps [ObMs 000:00] a party of the SCIOTANS, who lay in ambush on the side of the hill [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the army which was concealed on the south of the hill [Alma 43:35 LDS] the LAMANITES came up on the north of the hill [Alma 43:34 LDS] concealed them on the east, and on the south of the Hill RIPLAH [Alma 43:31 LDS] the army of CORIANTUMR did pitch their tents by the Hill RAMAH [Ether 15:11 LDS] 109: =========================================== NOT SHED BLOOD (in fighting a related people) He conjured the SCIOTANS not to shed one drop of blood [ObMs 000:00] Not a drop of blood was shed to accomplish the whole [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they would not take up their weapons of war against their brethren to shed blood [Alma 56:06 LDS] We would not shed the blood of the LAMANITES [Alma 61:10 LDS] We would not shed the blood of our brethren [Alma 61:11 LDS] not come out to battle against you that we might shed your blood [Alma 44:02 LDS] an oath that they never would shed blood [Alma 53:11 LDS] 110: = extra citation =========================== LOSS OF BLOOD repelled and defeated without much loss of blood [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- a man fell. . . by their swords and the loss of blood [Alma 43:38 LDS] sixty, who had fainted because of the loss of blood [Alma 57:25 LDS] and he fainted with the loss of blood [Ether 15:09 LDS] and they fainted with the loss of blood [Ether 15:27 LDS] behold Shiz had fainted with the loss of blood [Ether 15:29 LDS] 111: =========================================== A SUFFICIENT QUANTITY OF These magazines were to contain a sufficient quantity of arms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- an army of six thousand men, with a sufficient quantity of food [Alma 62:13 LDS] 112: = extra citation =========================== (leader's name) HAD FALLEN SAMBAL. . . had fallen upon his back [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON's warriors who had fallen by the sword [ObMs 000:00] heroes, who had fallen bravely fighting [ObMs 000:00] the chiefs who had fallen were carried --------------------------------------------------------- For ANTIPUS had fallen by the sword [Alma 56:51 LDS] to touch him or any of those who had fallen [Alma 19:24 LDS] those of their brethren who had fallen under the sword [Alma 24:24 LDS] they saw those five men who had fallen to the earth [Helaman 09:07 LDS] 113: =========================================== (wounded/fallen/bleeding) BY THE SWORD warriors who had fallen by the sword [ObMs 000:00] and their warriors bleeding under our swords [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- who are falling by the sword, yea, wounded and bleeding [Alma 60:22 LDS] For ANTIPUS had fallen by the sword [Alma 56:51 LDS] kept them from falling by the sword [Alma 58:39 LDS] yea, thousands have fallen by the sword [Alma 60:05 LDS] saved thousands of them from falling by the sword [Alma 60:08 LDS] there are many who have fallen by the sword [Alma 60:12 LDS] 114: = extra citation =========================== WAS/WERE DESTROYED BY THE SWORD was destroyed by the cruel sword of SAMBAL [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- and were not all destroyed by the sword [Alma 57:23 LDS] this people shall be destroyed by the sword [Helaman 11:04 LDS] or to perish by the sword. . . and mingle with the LAMANITES [Alma 50:22 LDS] 115: =========================================== BEFORE. . . SWORD(S) shall never behold me fleeing before his gigantic sword [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- did fall exceedingly fast before the swords of the NEPHITES [Alma 44:18 LDS] 116: =========================================== A(N) BLOODY BATTLE many a bloody battle hath been fought [ObMs 000:00] by the fatigues of a most bloody contest [ObMs 000:00] was that a most bloody engagement would take place [ObMs 000:00] those who fight the most bloody battles [ObMs 000:00] bloody skirmishes ensued with various success [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- it became an exceedingly bloody battle [Helaman 01:30 LDS] 117: =========================================== (scriptural writings) WHICH HAVE BEEN (preserved) Be attentive, O man, to the words of truth which have been recorded [ObMs 000:00] all the commandments which have been written [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- I spake unto thee concerning those records which have been kept [Alma 45:02 LDS] 118: = extra citation =========================== RECORD(S). . . KEPT Records are kept of the transactions of their governments [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- I spake unto thee concerning those records which have been kept [Alma 45:02 LDS] the record of HELAMAN, which he kept in his days ???[Helaman ??? LDS] all those engravings. . . were to be kept sacred, and handed down [Alma 63:13 LDS] wherefore he and his fathers had kept the records [1 Nephi 05:16 LDS] I, NEPHI, had kept the records upon my plates [2 Nephi 05:29 LDS] the things which he had kept. . . all the records [Mosiah 28:20 LDS] And it is they who have kept the records [Alma 03:12 LDS] many records of every kind, and they have been kept [Helaman 03:15 LDS] and all the records which had been kept [3 Nephi 01:02 LDS] 119: =========================================== THE RECORD(S) OF manuscript is preserved among the records of their emperors [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And thus ended the record of ALMA [Alma 44:24 LDS] the record of HELAMAN, which he kept in his days ???[Helaman ??? LDS] according to the records of HELAMAN, who was the son [Helaman Intro. LDS] and also according to the records of his sons [Helaman Intro. LDS] according to the record of HELAMAN and his sons [Helaman Intro. LDS] 120: =========================================== THE CONFLICT never shrink like a dastard from the conflict [ObMs 000:00] his warriors maintained the conflict and redoubled their efforts [ObMs 000:00] they continued the conflict and maintained their position [ObMs 000:00] the arrangement they had made to manage the conflict [ObMs 000:00] The KENTUCK army were unable to continue the conflict [ObMs 000:00] warriors and engaged in the conflict with tenfold fury [ObMs 000:00] maintain the conflict with a manly and heroic firmness [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- saying: Behold, we will end the conflict [Alma 44:10 LDS] 121: =========================================== WITH SUCH (adjective) STRENGTH AND COURAGE Warriors met warriors with such equal strength and courage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- LAMANITES. . . fight with such exceedingly great strength and courage [Alma 43:43 LDS] never were men known to have fought with such miraculous strength [Alma 56:56 LDS] 122: =========================================== STRENGTH AND and these artists better employ their strength and ingenuity [ObMs 000:00] preserved as a trophy of my superior strength and valor [ObMs 000:00] He lived. . . to see them acquire that strength and firmness [ObMs 000:00] seized an oar and used it with great strength and dexterity [ObMs 000:00] fifteen thousand who boasted of superior strength and agility [ObMs 000:00] Possessed of gigantic strength and of astonishing agility [ObMs 000:00] being nearly equal as to strength and numbers [ObMs 000:00] with such equal strength and courage that it was [ObMs 000:00] were met by others of equal strength and valor [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- exceed the LAMANITES in their strength and in their skill of war [Alma 51:31 LDS] did seek to cut off the strength and the power of the LAMANITES [Alma 50:12 LDS] valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity [Alma 53:20 LDS] rendered unto our armies sufficient strength and succor [Alma 60:05 LDS] I will leave the strength and the blessings of God upon them [Alma 60:25 LDS] with his strength and also with his great wisdom [Helaman 01:16 LDS] 123: = extra citation =========================== WITH GREAT STRENGTH AND seized an oar and used it with great strength and dexterity [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to fight with such exceedingly great strength and courage [Alma 43:43 LDS] join the army of MORONI, and were a great strength to his army [Alma 55:24 LDS] the LAMANITES were also receiving great strength from [Alma 58:05 LDS] contend with the NEPHITES with great strength [Alma 02:17 LDS] 124: =========================================== WITH (personal quality) AND COURAGE meet their threatened vengeance with fortitude and courage [ObMs 000:00] then let us meet war with fortitude and courage [ObMs 000:00] inspired the men with boldness and courage [ObMs 000:00] They received them with firmness and courage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- fight with such exceedingly great strength and courage [Alma 43:43 LDS] 125: =========================================== EXCEED... IN SKILL rivalship. . . to exceed each other in skill and dexterity in military [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- exceed the LAMANITES in their strength and in their skill of war [Alma 51:31 LDS] 126: =========================================== THAT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE (preposition) that it was impossible to determine. . . the greatest slaughter [ObMs 000:00] it was impossible to conjecture which [ObMs 000:00] It was impossible to withstand the violence [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- saw that it was impossible that he could overpower them [Alma 52:17 LDS] 127: =========================================== (THEM/THEMSELVES) FROM THE (noun) OF THEIR ENEMIES they broke through the ranks of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] the destruction of so many thousand of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] They were completely in the power of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] could not withstand the impetuosity, the numbers and strength of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] great advantage of the confusion of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] to begin the massacre of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] so anxious were they to finish the destruction of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] cleared themselves from the camp of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] Many hundreds of their enemies they pierced with their [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- prepare strongholds against the coming of their enemies [Alma 50:06 LDS] again delivered them out of the hands of their enemies [Alma 45:01 LDS] they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies [Alma 43:09 LDS] he had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies [Alma 62:50 LDS] in delivering them from the hands of their enemies [Alma 49:28 LDS] secure their armies and their people from the hands of their enemies [Alma 50:10 LDS] and he had delivered them out of the hands of their enemies [Alma 62:50 LDS] 128: =========================================== A CONSIDERABLE DISTANCE And having sailed a considerable distance [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- Yea, even to a considerable distance, insomuch that [Alma 57:37 LDS] 129: =========================================== ARE SURROUNDED BY THE. . . OF of those who are surrounded by the walls of yonder fort [ObMs 000:00] which was surrounded by the most beautiful flowers [ObMs 000:00] Surrounded by innumerable hordes of human beings [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and ye are surrounded by security, that ye do not [Alma 60:19 LDS] they were surrounded by the armies of LEHONTI [Alma 47:14 LDS] they were surrounded. . . by the men of MORONI [Alma 52:31a LDS] they beheld that they were surrounded by the NEPHITES [Alma 52:31b LDS] that they might not be surrounded by our people [Alma 56:37 LDS] 130: =========================================== (leader + verb) (WITH) HIS MEN AND SURROUNDED THE (opposing forces) [ObMs 000:00] HANOCK. . . formed his men into four divisions and surrounded the enemy [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL. . . rushed forward with a small band and surrounded a small [ObMs 000:00] formed a procession and surrounded the stage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- LEHONTI came down with his men and surrounded the men of AMALICKIAH [Alma 47:14 LDS] his men should march. . . and slew many, and surrounded many [Alma 62:25 LDS] 131: =========================================== MAINTAIN PEACE then let us maintain peace; but if not [ObMs 000:00] ought to strive to maintain peace and friendship [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- thus they did maintain peace in the land [Alma 46:37 LDS] Nevertheless, they did not long maintain an entire peace [Alma 51:02 LDS] 132: =========================================== THE GREAT (leader) OF OUR GOVERNMENT by the great founder of our government [ObMs 000:00] the high authority of our government [ObMs 000:00] an insult on the dignity of our government [ObMs 000:00] and outraged the authority of our government [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- yea, even the great head of our government [Alma 60:24 LDS] yea, even the slothfulness of our government [Alma 60:14 LDS] 133: =========================================== OUR (plural noun) TO BE TRODDEN (preposition) bend our necks to be trodden upon by every [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- cast our garments at thy feet to be trodden under [Alma 46:22 LDS] shall be trodden down and destroyed [Alma 46:18 LDS] 134: = extra citation =========================== AND THE HIGH PRIEST(S) MOONROD, his councilors, and the High Priest [ObMs 000:00] and LAKOONROD, the High Priest [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And HELAMAN and the high priests [Alma 46:38 LDS] who was the son of ALMA. . . and also the high priest [Alma Intro. LDS] I am ALMA, and am the high priest over the church [Alma 08:23 LDS] almost all the lawyers and the high priests, did gather [3 Nephi 06:27 LDS] 135: = extra citation =========================== (HE/Military Leader's name) (verb) HIS SWORD ELSEON darted his sword through his heart [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL thrust his sword into his side [ObMs 000:00] HALOON plunged his sword into the heart [ObMs 000:00] KELSOCK. . . darted his sword through his heart [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL. . . buried his sword in her bosom [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL. . . aimed a thrust of his sword at ELSEON's heart [ObMs 000:00] His sword he held in his right hand [ObMs 000:00] He spoke and plunged his sword into SAMBAL's heart [ObMs 000:00] and then darted his sword into his left arm [ObMs 000:00] and with his sword he struck HELICON's head [ObMs 000:00] after his sword was crimsoned with the blood [ObMs 000:00] His conquering sword had killed two daring chiefs [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- ZERAHEMNAH retained his sword [Alma 44:12 LDS] But AMMON raised his sword, and said unto him [Alma 20:22 LDS] ZERAHEMNAH . . . he came forth and delivered up his sword [Alma 44:08 LDS] ZERAHEMNAH . . . raised his sword [Alma 44:08 LDS] when CORIANTUMR had leaned upon his sword [Ether 15:30 LDS] 136: =========================================== RAISED HIS SWORD HAMKOL raised his sword and [ObMs 000:00] raising his sword, he threw his whole strength [ObMs 000:00] Having brandished his sword as a token [ObMs 000:00] MOONROD. . . he brandished his sword [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- but as he raised his sword, behold [Alma 44:12 LDS] But AMMON raised his sword, and said unto him [Alma 20:22 LDS] ZERAHEMNAH . . . raised his sword [Alma 44:08 LDS] 137: =========================================== AS A TOKEN OF (amity) which he received as a token of friendship [ObMs 000:00] Having brandished his sword as a token for silence [ObMs 000:00] sacrifice an elk as a token that your sins deserve punishment [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- as was the custom with the LAMANITES, as a token of peace [Alma 47:23 LDS] 138: =========================================== THE POINT OF HIS SWORD ELSEON turned the point of his sword from him [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- laid it upon the point of his sword [Alma 44:13 LDS] 139: =========================================== THE(IR) WHOLE ARMY reverence with which the whole army viewed him [ObMs 000:00] the whole army with one voice proclaimed [ObMs 000:00] the whole army with a loud voice replied [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that the whole army of the LAMANITES halted [Alma 56:52 LDS] a second leader over the whole army [Alma 47:13 LDS] They durst not pass by us with their whole army [Alma 56:24 LDS] the LAMANITES did suffer their whole army. . . to be led away [Alma 58:22 LDS] they had driven their whole army therefore they took no [Alma 58:25 LDS] 140: = extra citation =========================== PURSUE(D) THEM to HAMBOON, informing him that he should pursue them [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they took courage and pursued them with vigor [Alma 52:24 LDS] MORONI and his army did pursue them from city to city [Alma 62:32 LDS] the LAMANITES did pursue them, and did overtake them [Mosiah 19:10 LDS] they sent an army into the wilderness to pursue them [Mosiah 22:15 LDS] after they had pursued them two days, they could no longer [Mosiah 22:16 LDS] the NEPHITES did pursue them with their might [Alma 02:36 LDS] which pursued after them returned, having pursued after them [Alma 47:30 LDS] he had pursued them with his army, but it was in vain [Alma 47:32 LDS] the LAMANITES took courage, and began to pursue them [Alma 56:52 LDS] armies should pursue them as far as the borders [3 Nephi 04:13a LDS] and thus they did pursue them and did slay them [3 Nephi 04:13b LDS] when they had fled we did pursue them with our armies [Mormon 02:26 LDS] did cause the serpents that they should pursue them [Ether 09:33 LDS] Wherefore, he did pursue them, and on the morrow [Ether 15:29 LDS] 141: = extra citation =========================== TO PURSUE THE(M) directed CONCO, his chief captain, to pursue the survivors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES took courage, and began to pursue them [Alma 56:52 LDS] they sent an army into the wilderness to pursue them [Mosiah 22:15 LDS] 142: =========================================== (verb) HIM THAT HE SHOULD (verb) informing him that he should pursue them [ObMs 000:00] inform the young Prince that he should receive an answer [ObMs 000:00] Emperor added that he should do himself the honor [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- desiring him that he should inquire of the Lord [Alma 43:23 LDS] commanded him that he should go forth [Alma 47:03 LDS] desired him that he should come [Alma 47:33a LDS] also desired him that he should bring [Alma 47:33b LDS] orders unto him that he should retain [Alma 52:08 LDS] orders unto him that he should fortify [Alma 52:09 LDS] 143: =========================================== (sent) AN (embassy) TO (person) INFORMING HIM/HER THAT dispatched an express to HAMBOON, informing him that [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- sent an embassy to the Queen informing her that the King had [Alma 47:32 LDS] 144: = extra citation =========================== IF THIS (IS/WAS/BE) THE CASE If this was the case perhaps we might accept [ObMs 000:00] it was generally the case that love [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- if this be the case that ye will do it [Alma 54:11 LDS] Now this was the case with all his chief captains [Alma 59:12 LDS] I say unto you that if this be the case, that if they should [Alma 09:23 LDS] Therefore, if this is the case, I would that ye should go in [Alma 19:05 LDS] And now, my beloved brethren, if this be the case [Moroni 07:35 LDS] wo be unto the children of men if this be the case [Moroni 10:25 LDS] 145: = extra citation =========================== THE (noun) OF THE RIGHTEOUS prepared for the souls of the righteous [ObMs 000:00] the felicity of the righteous [ObMs 000:00] the delights of the righteous [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- because of the prayers of the righteous [Alma 62:40 LDS] God must deliver up the spirits of the righteous [2 Nephi 09:13 LDS] take away the righteousness of the righteous from him [2 Nephi 15:23 LDS] yet the words of the righteous shall be written, and the prayers [2 Nephi 26:15 LDS] shall not be numbered among the names of the righteous [Alma 05:57 LDS] For the names of the righteous shall be written in the book [Alma 05:58 LDS] Ye are laying plans to pervert the ways of the righteous [Alma 10:18 LDS] I say unto you that if it were not for the prayers of the righteous [Alma 10:22 LDS] But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared [Alma 10:23 LDS] but in the hearts of the righteous doth he dwell [Alma 34:36 LDS] seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come [Helaman 06:38 LDS] the Lord will remember the prayers of the righteous [Mormon 05:21 LDS] 146: =========================================== A VICTORY OVER (a related enemy) and give you a glorious victory over your enemies [ObMs 000:00] as a victory would ensure him the capture of LAMESA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI had thus gained a victory over. . . the LAMANITES [Alma 53:06 LDS] their great victory which they had had over the LAMANITES [Alma 46:07 LDS] 147: =========================================== HAD GAINED A VICTORY Neither army had gained a victory or had reason [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI had thus gained a victory over. . . the LAMANITES [Alma 53:06 LDS] 148: =========================================== (be verb) THE CAUSE OF (poss. pronoun) [produced an effect] [ObMs 000:00] account of his life and of the cause of his arrival [ObMs 000:00] my love for you has been the cause of all my present affliction [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- while your iniquity is for the cause of your love of glory [Alma 60:32 LDS] this had been hitherto a cause of all their destruction [Alma 51:16 LDS] we desire to know the cause of your thoughtless state [Alma 60:06 LDS] 149: =========================================== (be verb) A/THE CAUSE OF (WAR) [produced an effect] implicate him in the same crime and be a sufficient cause of war [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- had been the cause of this great and lasting war [Alma 62:35a LDS] which had been the cause of so much war and bloodshed [Alma 62:35b LDS] which was the cause of so much bloodshed among ourselves [Alma 60:16 LDS] God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases [Alma 46:40 LDS] the cause of these our embarrassments, or the cause why [Alma 58:09 LDS] we desire to know the cause of this exceedingly great neglect [Alma 60:06 LDS] that have been the cause of this great iniquity [Alma 61:04a LDS] which will be the cause of sore affliction among us [Alma 61:04b LDS] 150: =========================================== CAUSE OF [goal or interest] The more liberal sort vindicated the cause of ELSEON [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the progress of this people in the cause of our freedom [Alma 60:30 LDS] rejoice. . . in the cause of our Redeemer [Alma 61:14 LDS] all those who were not true to the cause of freedom [Alma 62:11 LDS] MORONI prayed that the cause of the Christians [Alma 46:16 LDS] enter into a covenant to support the cause of freedom [Alma 46:35 LDS] was called by their enemies the cause of Christians [Alma 48:10 LDS] yea, to support and maintain the cause of God [Alma 50:39 LDS] but were obliged to maintain the cause of freedom [Alma 51:07 LDS] take up arms and support the cause of liberty [Alma 51:17 LDS] maintain our religion and the cause of our God [Alma 54:10 LDS] they have died in the cause of their country [Alma 56:11 LDS] to maintain our lands. . . and the cause of our liberty [Alma 58:12 LDS] had they been true to the cause of our freedom [Alma 60:16 LDS] 151: =========================================== CAUSE OF (poss. pronoun) COUNTRY [goal or interest] die, gloriously fighting in the cause of their country [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- a traitor to the freedom and cause of his country [Alma 62:01 LDS] they have died in the cause of their country [Alma 56:11 LDS] I do take my sword to defend the cause of my country [Alma 60:28 LDS] 152: =========================================== IN DEFENCE OF/DEFEND THEIR. . . AND THEIR COUNTRY in defence of their friends and their country [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and to take up arms in defence of their country [Alma 51:20 LDS] to defend their lands and their country [Alma 43:26 LDS] to defend. . . their country, and their rights [Alma 43:47 LDS] would not take up arms to defend their country [Alma 51:13 LDS] to compel those dissenters to defend their country or [Alma 51:15 LDS] desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 53:13 LDS] took their weapons of war to defend their country [Alma 53:18 LDS] they are flocking. . . in the defence of their country [Alma 61:06 LDS] would not take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 62:09 LDS] 153: =========================================== AND THE. . . OF HIS COUNTRY than his honor and the interest of his country required [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- did joy in the liberty and the freedom of his country [Alma 48:11 LDS] traitor to the freedom and cause of his country [Alma 62:01 LDS] 154: =========================================== (pick up) THEIR ARMS THE DEFENCE OF (the/their state) warriors seized their arms, . . . in the defence of the city [ObMs 000:00] for the defence of the kingdom [ObMs 000:00] the support of government and for the defence of the nation [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 53:13 LDS] whosoever would not take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 62:09 LDS] did take up their swords in the defence of their freedom [Alma 62:05 LDS] to their arms, in the defence of their country and their freedom [Alma 61:06 LDS] bestir yourselves in the defence of your country [Alma 60:29 LDS] 155: =========================================== TAKE (UP) ARMS AND roused the SCIOTANS to take arms and threatens to deluge [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- or they should take up arms and support the cause [Alma 51:17 LDS] as many as were able to take up arms, and they called [Alma 53:16 LDS] and they would not take up arms, yea [Alma 43:11 LDS] they were sorry to take up arms against the LAMANITES [Alma 48:23 LDS] people of MORIANTON took up arms against their brethren [Alma 50:26 LDS] and they refused to take up arms, for they were so wroth [Alma 51:13a LDS] that they would not take up arms to defend their country [Alma 51:13b LDS] and to take up arms in defence of their country [Alma 51:20 LDS] they had been kept from taking up arms against their brethren [Alma 53:11 LDS] were desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 53:13 LDS] would not take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 62:09 LDS] 156: =========================================== THE. . . OF (poss. pronoun) COUNTRY which has plotted the ruin of my country [ObMs 000:00] fighting in the cause of their country [ObMs 000:00] thrown ourselves into the heart of their country [ObMs 000:00] and in defending the rights of their country [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the honor and dignity of our country at the risk of our lives ????? I do take my sword to defend the cause of my country [Alma 60:28 LDS] and the freedom and welfare of my country [Alma 60:36 LDS] in the defence of their country and their freedom [Alma 61:06 LDS] desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 53:13 LDS] would not take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 62:09 LDS] be strictly observed for the safety of their country [Alma 62:10 LDS] bestir yourselves in the defence of your country [Alma 60:29 LDS] 157: =========================================== (3rd per. pl. pronoun + die) IN THE CAUSE OF THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR GOD those who shall die. . . in the cause of their country and their God [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they have died in the cause of their country and of their God [Alma 56:11 LDS] those who had rebelled against their country and also their God [Alma 62:02 LDS] to their arms, in the defence of their country and their freedom [Alma 61:06 LDS] bestir yourselves in the defence of your country and your little ones [Alma 60:29 LDS] to support and maintain the cause of God all his days [Alma 50:39 LDS] 158: =========================================== TO/OF OUR COUNTRY Our country is one body and we are part of its members [ObMs 000:00] maintain the rights. . . of our country at the risk of our lives [ObMs 000:00] forth their warriors, anxious to revenge our country's wrongs [ObMs 000:00] threatens to deluge our land. . . and to lay our country in ruins [ObMs 000:00] we may achieve a glorious deliverance to our country [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- support those parts of our country which he has regained [Alma 60:24 LDS] and we have come forth to defend our country [Alma 56:05 LDS] neglected us because ye are in the heart of our country [Alma 60:19 LDS] by that liberty which binds us to our lands and our country [Alma 44:05 LDS] 159: =========================================== OUR COUNTRY FROM we can effect their deliverance and rid our country from [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- defend ourselves and our country from falling into the hands [Alma 58:08 LDS] 160: =========================================== (The Leader) MARCH/MARCHED AT THE HEAD OF (army of thousands) ELSEON at the head of thirty thousand warriors. . . had marched [ObMs 000:00] HAMKOL at the head of many thousand SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL, at the head of a great multitude [ObMs 000:00] At the head of this army, BOMBAL began his march [ObMs 000:00] At the head of this army. . . he marched [ObMs 000:00] At the head of a select band of sixteen thousand [ObMs 000:00] himself at the head of about one thousand warriors [ObMs 000:00] At the head of ten thousand bold and robust warriors [ObMs 000:00] are now at the head of one hostile army [ObMs 000:00] are at the head of the other (army) [ObMs 000:00] being at the head of my brave warriors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- CORIANTUMR did march forth at the head of his numerous host [Helaman 01:19 LDS] AMALICKIAH had come. . . at the head of his army [Alma 49:10 LDS] AMALICKIAH did himself come down, at the head of the LAMANITES [Alma 51:12 LDS] HELAMAN did march at the head of his two thousand [Alma 53:22 LDS] HELAMAN did march at the head of these two thousand [Alma 56:09 LDS] 161: =========================================== AT THE HEAD OF THE your father and you. . . are at the head of the other [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- did himself come down, at the head of the LAMANITES [Alma 51:12 LDS] 162: = extra citation =========================== PLACE(D) HIMSELF AT THE(IR) HEAD LAMOCH however placed himself at the head of about [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that he might place himself at their head and dethrone [Alma 47:08 LDS] he came forth. . . and placed himself upon the throne [Ether 14:06 LDS] 163: = extra citation =========================== (WITH) A LOUD VOICE the whole army, with a loud voice replied: "Victory [ObMs 000:00] At this instant a loud voice was heard [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- saying unto them with a loud voice [Alma 44:13 LDS] I also did say unto them with a loud voice that [1 Nephi 08:15 LDS] they began to shout with a loud voice, because of their joy [3 Nephi 04:09 LDS] 164: = extra citation =========================== CRY(ING) WITH A LOUD VOICE (quotation) all crying with a loud voice: "Revenge [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and crying with a loud voice, saying: "Behold [Alma 46:19 LDS] the Spirit cried with a loud voice, saying: Hosanna [1 Nephi 11:06 LDS] she arose and. . . cried with a loud voice, saying [Alma 19:29 LDS] hands towards heaven, and cry with a loud voice, saying [Alma 31:14 LDS] and stretched forth his hand and cried with a loud voice [Helaman 13:04 LDS] they . . . did cry with a loud voice, saying: [3 Nephi 04:28 LDS] 165: = extra citation =========================== (WILL) AVENGE THEIR WRONGS We will avenge their wrongs [ObMs 000:00] We will avenge the crime [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- war hath been waged to avenge their wrongs [Alma 54:24 LDS] Behold, I will avenge his blood upon you [Alma 54:16 LDS] they are flocking to us . . . to avenge our wrongs [Alma 61:06 LDS] and except ye do this, I will avenge their wrongs [3 Nephi 03:10 LDS] 166: = extra citation =========================== THAT (noun) should be declared that war should be declared [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that the word of God should be declared [Alma 45:21 LDS] desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature [Mosiah 28:03 LDS] 167: = extra citation =========================== (ALL) THE INHABITANTS OF THE (geographical entity) all the inhabitants of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- upon the inhabitants of the city [Helaman 01:19 LDS] and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth [1 Nephi 01:14] make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth [2 Nephi 02:08 LDS] God will speedily visit the inhabitants of the earth [2 Nephi 28:16 LDS] behold, if the inhabitants of the earth shall repent [2 Nephi 28:17 LDS] a voice heard among all the inhabitants of the earth [3 Nephi 09:01 LDS] wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except [3 Nephi 09:02 LDS] flee and join the inhabitants of the city TEANCUM [Mormon 04:03 LDS] upon you as the inhabitants of the land have [Ether 02:11 LDS] all the inhabitants of the earth which had been [Ether 03:25 LDS] 168: = extra citation =========================== TO TAKE POSSESSION OF permits them to take possession of ethereal bodies [ObMs 000:00] to take possession of their property [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- refused ALMA to take possession of those records [Alma 50:38 LDS] For the LAMANITES had taken possession of all these lands [Mosiah 24:02 LDS] the NEPHITES had taken possession of all the. . . land [Alma 22:29 LDS] enter into them, and take possession of their house [Alma 40:13 LDS] come into the land of MANTI and take possession of the land [Alma 43:22 LDS] come into that land and take possession of the city [Alma 43:25 LDS] dethrone the king and take possession of the kingdom [Alma 47:08 LDS] flee to the land. . . and take possession of the land [Alma 50:29 LDS] that he might take possession of the land BOUNTIFUL [Alma 51:30 LDS] and should take possession of their lands as much as [Alma 52:13 LDS] they did destroy them and did take possession of the city [Alma 58:21 LDS] by this stratagem we did take possession of the city [Alma 58:28 LDS] And we will take possession of the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 61:18 LDS] the men of Pachus. . . had taken possession of the land [Alma 62:06 LDS] he had obtained possession of the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:30 LDS] insomuch that they did take possession of the whole city [Helaman 01:20 LDS] CORIANTUMR. . . obtained the possession of the strongest [Helaman 01:22 LDS] robbers. . . began to take possession of the lands [3 Nephi 04:01 LDS] and we did take possession of the city, and make [Mormon 02:04 LDS] until we had again taken possession of the lands [Mormon 02:27 LDS] the LAMANITES did take possession of the city [Mormon 04:02 LDS] that they might take possession of the city Teancum [Mormon 04:07 LDS] the LAMANITES did take possession of the city DESOLATION [Mormon 04:13 LDS] 169: =========================================== (pronoun) WAS (verb + ing) TO DEFEND HIMSELF AGAINST THE(M) who was attempting to defend himself against the party [ObMs 000:00] He demanded a guard to defend him against the rage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he was preparing to defend himself against them [Alma 52:06 LDS] 170: =========================================== AGAINST THE. . . OF THE(IR) defend himself against the rage of the common people [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- fought against the people of the Lord [Alma 54:08 LDS] prepared against the time of the coming of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:26 LDS] against the people of the NEPHITES [Alma 51:09 LDS] prepare strongholds against the coming of their enemies [Alma 50:06 LDS] 171: =========================================== INTO THE HEART OF THEIR COUNTRY/LANDS (in time of war) thrown ourselves into the heart of their country [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- because ye are in the heart of our country [Alma 60:19 LDS] come into the heart of their lands to attack [Helaman 01:18 LDS] 172: = extra citation =========================== THE HEART OF (leader's name) plunged his sword into the heart of HAMKO [ObMs 000:00] nothing was farther from the heart of ULIPOON [ObMs 000:00] plunge their swords into the heart of every man [ObMs 000:00] plunge your sword into the heart of my father [ObMs 000:00] thrown ourselves into the heart of their country [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- had known all the heart of KISHKUMEN [Helaman 02:08 LDS] because ye are in the heart of our country [Alma 60:19 LDS] come into the heart of their lands to attack [Helaman 01:18 LDS] the Lord did soften the heart of ISHMAEL [1 Nephi 07:05 LDS] they were put into the heart of GADIANTON by that [Helaman 06:26 LDS] put it into the heart of GADIANTON to still carry on [Helaman 06:29 LDS] and Jared put it into the heart of AKISH [Ether 08:17 LDS] 173: =========================================== (article) BAND OF (persons) appeared at TOLANGA with a chosen band of warriors [ObMs 000:00] had each a chosen band of warriors [ObMs 000:00] this gallant and desperate band of KENTUCKS [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- a band of Christians remain to possess the land [Alma 46:13 LDS] the leader of the band of KISHKUMEN [Helaman 02:04 LDS] 174: =========================================== THE/THIS BAND OF MURDERERS rid our country from the most ferocious band of murderers [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- send forth to take this band of robbers and secret murderers [Helaman 02:10 LDS] 175: =========================================== LITTLE BAND OF (fighters) with the survivors of his little band of warriors [ObMs 000:00] fighting LAMOCH and the little band of desperate heroes [ObMs 000:00] by this small band of valiant citizens [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- join their brethren, my little band of two thousand [Alma 57:06 LDS] my little band of two thousand and sixty [Alma 57:19 LDS] 176: =========================================== BY. . . SMALL BAND havoc was made on the SCIOTANS by this small band [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- lead them out of the city by our small bands [Alma 58:02 LDS] 177: =========================================== BAND OF (number) THOUSAND (fighters) At the head of a select band of sixteen thousand [ObMs 000:00] A band of about three thousand resolute warriors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- join their brethren, my little band of two thousand [Alma 57:06 LDS] my little band of two thousand and sixty [Alma 57:19 LDS] 178: =========================================== (soldiers of the army) WAS/WERE OBEDIENT (to their king) They were always obedient to the orders of their king [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- (King AMALICKIAH 's) ... army which was obedient unto his commands [Alma 47:03 LDS] 179: =========================================== BY THIS MEANS OBTAIN(ED) (something of value) by this means he could obtain wealth [ObMs 000:00] opportunity by this means to gain the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- TEOMNER by this means had obtained possession [Alma 58:23 LDS] 180: =========================================== WITH THE REMAINDER OF (possessive pronoun + fighters) With the remainder of his own troops, he returned back [ObMs 000:00] he marched with the remainder, which consisted of about twenty [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- gave LEHI and TEANCUM command over the remainder of his army [Alma 62:03 LDS] he did stir up the remainder of his soldiers to anger [Alma 44:16 LDS] I remained, with the remainder of my army [Alma 58:17 LDS] as the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS] he might spend the remainder of his days in peace [Alma 62:43 LDS] also recover the remainder of our possessions in these parts [Alma 60:24 LDS] if they would spare the remainder of their lives [Alma 44:19 LDS] the remainder of them broke through and fled from us [Alma 57:33 LDS] he marched with the remainder to meet the LAMANITES [Alma 52:26 LDS] 181: =========================================== THE REMAINDER OF THE(M)/THOSE The remainder of the three thousand sold their lives [ObMs 000:00] The remainder escaped to their own land [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the remainder of the people of NEPHIHAH were obliged to flee [Alma 59:08 LDS] enable the LAMANITES to conquer the remainder of the land [Alma 61:08 LDS] while the remainder of the seed of JOSEPH shall perish [Alma 46:24 LDS] and the remainder of them fled into the land of MORONI [Alma 62:25 LDS] the remainder of them, being much confused, knew not whither [Alma 52:36 LDS] that he might obtain the remainder of those possessions [Alma 59:04 LDS] the remainder of those dissenters, rather than be smitten down [Alma 51:20 LDS] come. . . and leave the remainder in the charge of LEHI [Alma 61:15 LDS] the remainder he concealed in the west valley [Alma 43:32 LDS] the remainder were delivered up into the hands of MORONI [Alma 46:33 LDS] leaving the remainder to maintain the city [Alma 56:33 LDS] and the remainder I took and joined them to my stripling [Alma 56:67 LDS] 182: =========================================== HE MARCHED WITH THE REMAINDER TO(WARDS)THE he marched with the remainder. . . towards HAMBOON's encampment [ObMs 000:00] he marched to join the grand army [ObMs 000:00] he marched towards the Great River [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he marched with the remainder to meet the LAMANITES [Alma 52:26 LDS] ANTIPUS did march forth. . . leaving the remainder to [Alma 56:33 LDS] 183: =========================================== LEAVING. . . MEN. . . AND DEFEND. . . MARCH(ED) leaving. . . men. . . and defend. . . he marched with the remainder [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- PAHORAN, leaving a large body of men. . . took their march [Alma 62:14 LDS] MORONI, leaving a part of his army. . . marched over [Alma 43:25 LDS] leaving men in every city to maintain and defend it [Alma 51:25 LDS] ANTIPUS did march forth. . . leaving the remainder to [Alma 56:33 LDS] 184: =========================================== HE (collected/united) HIS FORCES he had made the utmost expedition to collect his forces [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he desired all his forces when he should make an attack [Alma 53:05 LDS] he came . . . uniting his forces with those of PAHORAN [Alma 62:06 LDS] 185: =========================================== WITH THEIR FORCES When these kings with their forces had all arrived [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And thus, with their forces, they were determined to [Alma 56:26 LDS] 186: = extra citation =========================== ON/IN THE PLAINS OF (place name) Thus ended the great battle on the Plains of GEHENO [ObMs 000:00] and paraded on the great Plain of GEHENO [ObMs 000:00] be gloriously distinguished on the plains of glory [ObMs 000:00] the brave on the plains of glory [ObMs 000:00] will be celebrated on the plains of glory [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- did pitch their tents in the plains of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18 LDS] did pursue him until he came to the plains of HESHLON [Ether 13:28 LDS] pursue him until he came to the plains of AGOSH [Ether 14:15 LDS] And when he had come to the plains of AGOSH he gave [Ether 14:16 LDS] 187: = extra citation =========================== ON/UPON THE PLAIN(S) enemies marshaling on the celestial plain [ObMs 000:00] HELIZA as arriving on the celestial plain [ObMs 000:00] Their place of residence is on a vast plain [ObMs 000:00] pale and lifeless on the sanguine plain [ObMs 000:00] RAMBOCK ordered them to parade on a great plain [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- with his army to meet them upon the plains [Alma 52:20 LDS] gave him battle again upon the plains [Ether 13:29 LDS] 188: = extra citation =========================== BATTLE ON/UPON THE PLAINS Thus ended the great battle on the Plains of GEHENO [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- come out to battle against them, upon the plains [Alma 62:19 LDS] gave him battle again upon the plains; and behold [Ether 13:29 LDS] when he had come to the plains of AGOSH he gave battle unto LIB [Ether 14:16 LDS] and great and terrible was the battle thereof [3 Nephi 04:11 LDS] after the great and tremendous battle at CUMORAH [Mormon 08:02 LDS] 189: =========================================== ON/UPON (article) PLAIN(S) (adjacent to) THE CITY/CITIES paraded on a great plain before the city [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to meet them upon the plains between the two cities [Alma 52:20 LDS] in the plains of NEPHIHAH, which is near the city [Alma 62:18 LDS] 190: =========================================== HE (past tense verb) HIMSELF AND HIS ARMY He has thrown himself and his army into a most [ObMs 000:00] He has implicated himself and all his subjects [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he did prepare himself and his armies [Alma 51:10 LDS] 191: =========================================== GOD (HE) (verb) THAT WE SHOULD NOT He requires that we should not only avenge [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- God would strengthen us, insomuch that we should not suffer [Alma 56:08 LDS] 192: = extra citation =========================== AVENGE OUR WRONGS we should not only avenge our own wrongs [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they are flocking to us. . . and to avenge our wrongs [Alma 61:06 LDS] this war hath been waged to avenge their wrongs [Alma 54:24 LDS] and except ye do this, I will avenge their wrongs [3 Nephi 03:10 LDS] |
193: = extra citation =========================== HOLY PROPHETS And also the prophecies of many holy prophets [ObMs 000:00] investigated by our holy prophets and priests [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the words. . . by the mouth of all the holy prophets [1 Nephi 03:20 LDS] And also the prophecies of the holy prophets [1 Nephi 05:13 LDS] containeth many of the prophecies of the holy prophets [1 Nephi 13:23 LDS] but also all the holy prophets which were before us [Jacob 04:04 LDS] the assistance of the holy prophets who were among [Words Mor. 01:16 LDS] the prophecies which have been spoken by the holy prophets [Mosiah 02:34 LDS] sent his holy prophets among all the children of men [Mosiah 03:13 LDS] and also holy prophets spake unto them concerning [Mosiah 03:15 LDS] the words of. . . the holy prophets who have prophesied [Mosiah 15:11 LDS] to prophesy. . . I mean all the holy prophets ever since [Mosiah 15:13 LDS] the things. . . spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets [Mosiah 18:19 LDS] And was he not a holy prophet? Did he not speak [Alma 05:11 LDS] and also all the holy prophets, whose garments are [Alma 05:24 LDS] and the holy prophets who have been ever since the [Alma 07:25 LDS] and I know that thou art a holy prophet of God [Alma 08:20 LDS] they are just men and holy prophets of the true God [Alma 20:15 LDS] prophecies. . . handed down by holy prophets [Alma 30:14 LDS] speak against all the prophecies of the holy prophets [Alma 30:22 LDS] thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets [Alma 30:44 LDS] the prophecies of many holy prophets, before the coming of Christ [Helaman Intro LDS] but also all the holy prophets, from his days even to [Helaman 08:16 LDS] yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written [Helaman 15:07 LDS] I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets [3 Nephi 01:13 LDS] according to the words of the prophecy of all the holy prophets [3 Nephi 01:26 LDS] the words of all the holy prophets who had spoken [3 Nephi 05:01 LDS] fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets [3 Nephi 10:14 LDS] the words of the Lord. . . by the holy prophets [3 Nephi 29:02 LDS] 194: =========================================== (divine assistance for) OUR ARMS priests who have given. . . assurance that success shall attend our arms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- God, who has strengthened our arms [Alma 44:05 LDS] 195: =========================================== THAT WE SHALL BE priests who have given. . . assurance. . . that we shall be enriched [ObMs 000:00] that we shall be patronized and protected [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- We covenant with our God, that we shall be destroyed [Alma 46:22 LDS] will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed [Alma 44:04 LDS] 196: =========================================== WAS. . . JUST CAUSE/CAUSE IS JUST Our cause is just [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- AMMORON knew that it was not a just cause [Alma 55:01 LDS] 197: =========================================== THEY HAVE/HAD. . . THEIR SWORDS AND they have brandished their swords and [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they had only their swords and their cimeters [Alma 43:20 LDS] 198: =========================================== TAKING (TAKE UP) THEIR SWORDS They both, taking their swords and tomahawks [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- instead of taking up their swords against us [Alma 60:16 LDS] and did take up their swords in the defence [Alma 62:05 LDS] 199: = extra citation =========================== THEY. . . WITH THEIR SWORDS they are cutting off his head with their swords [ObMs 000:00] Each emperor, with their swords brandishing [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were prepared. . . with their swords [Alma 49:20 LDS] blows of the NEPHITES with their swords [Alma 43:37 LDS] the LAMANITES did contend with their swords [Alma 44:17 LDS] those who would not deliver up their swords [Alma 52:17 LDS] they contended in their might with their swords [Ether 15:24 LDS] 200: =========================================== THEIR SWORDS IN and employed their swords in overthrowing those [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- did take up their swords in the defence of their freedom [Alma 62:05 LDS] 201: =========================================== NOT/NOR BE TAKEN IN THE/THEIR SNARE(S) nor fish be taken in the snare [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- They could not be taken in their snares [Alma 55:31 LDS] 202: =========================================== THE INTRIGUES OF could behold the dark intrigues and cabals of [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- notwithstanding all the intrigues of the LAMANITES [Alma 55:27 LDS] 203: = extra citation =========================== COULD (launch) THEIR ARROWS they could shoot their arrows against an enemy [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- could not cast their stones and their arrows at them [Alma 49:04 LDS] they had only. . . their bows and their arrows [Alma 43:20 LDS] they could not hit him. . . with their arrows [Helaman 16:02 LDS] they could not hit him with their stones and their arrows [Helaman 16:06 LDS] 204: =========================================== MAINTAIN PEACE then let us maintain peace; but if not [ObMs 000:00] and ought to strive to maintain peace [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and thus they did maintain peace in the land [Alma 46:37 LDS] they did not long maintain an entire peace in the land [Alma 51:02 LDS] 205: = extra citation =========================== WITHOUT SHEDDING BLOOD be healed without shedding blood [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- possession of the city of MANTI without the shedding of blood [Alma 58:28 LDS] deliver up your lands. . . without the shedding of blood [3 Nephi 03:10 LDS] 206: = extra citation =========================== THEIR WOMEN AND CHILDREN their helpless women and children expiring by thousands [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- their women and their children from famine and affliction to take their women and children, and their flock [Mosiah 22:02 LDS] their wives and their children -- both men, women and [Ether 15:15 LDS] 207: = extra citation =========================== THE(Y). . . WITH ONE VOICE The whole army with one voice proclaimed [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and they cried with one voice unto the Lord [Alma 43:49 LDS] they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy [Mosiah 04:02 LDS] they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe [Mosiah 05:02 LDS] they did rejoice and cry again with one voice [3 Nephi 04:30 LDS] they did cry out with one voice, and gave glory to Jesus [3 Nephi 20:09 LDS] 208: =========================================== ORDERED. . . MARCH (WITH) he ordered HANOCK, his son, to march with twelve thousand men [ObMs 000:00] The Emperor then ordered them to march [ObMs 000:00] were ordered, as soon as the battle should begin, to march [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- ANTIPUS ordered that I should march forth with my little [Alma 56:30 LDS] 209: =========================================== (WAS/WERE) TO MARCH (WITH) his determination was to march with the utmost expedition [ObMs 000:00] to march with twelve thousand men 'round the SCIOTAN army [ObMs 000:00] The Emperor then ordered them to march by divisions [ObMs 000:00] and to march to the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were compelled to march with their brethren [Alma 52:39 LDS] And we were to march near the city of ANTIPARAH [Alma 56:31 LDS] 210: =========================================== THE STANDARD OF assembled around the standard of your Emperor [ObMs 000:00] They joined the standard of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- yielded to the Standard of Liberty [Alma 51:20 LDS] he did raise the Standard of Liberty [Alma 62:04 LDS] MORONI planted the Standard of Liberty [Alma 46:36 LDS] 211: = extra citation =========================== MAKE/MADE/MAKING PREPARATION(S) FOR WAR to make the most active and vigorous preparation for war [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- therefore they made preparations for war [Alma 43:04 LDS] MORONI did not stop making preparations for war [Alma 50:01 LDS] astonished at their manner of preparation for war [Alma 49:09 LDS] round about, as if making preparations for war; yea [Alma 52:06 LDS] and arming them, and preparing for war [Alma 51:09 LDS] warn them to flee, or to prepare for war [Alma 48:15 LDS] the javelin, and all preparations for war [Jarom 01:08 LDS] all their preparations for war did he discover [Mosiah 20:08 LDS] to make preparations for war against the people [Alma 24:04 LDS] not even make any preparations for war; yea [Alma 24:06 LDS] the LAMANITES, made preparations for war [Alma 24:20 LDS] began to make preparations for war against the people [Alma 24:04 LDS] they would not even make any preparations for war [Alma 24:06 LDS] made preparations for war, and came up to [Alma 24:20 LDS] 212: = extra citation ============================ MAKING PREPARATION(S) TO all busily employed in making preparation to cross the river [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were making preparations to come out against us [Alma 58:16 LDS] was thus making preparations to go against the LAMANITES [Alma 59:05 LDS] 213: = extra citation ============================ PUT FORTH HIS HAND He put forth his hand and formed it into [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the king put forth his hand to raise them [Alma 47:23 LDS] he put forth his hand and raised the king [Alma 22:22 LDS] he put forth his hand and wrote unto KORIHOR [Alma 30:51 LDS] KORIHOR put forth his hand and wrote, saying [Alma 30:52 LDS] and lest he should put forth his hand, and take [Alma 42:03 LDS] if Adam had put forth his hand immediately and [Alma 42:05 LDS] 214: = extra citation ============================ HAS/HAD A PERFECT KNOWLEDGE OF and has a perfect knowledge of all things [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- AMMORON had a perfect knowledge of his fraud [Alma 55:01 LDS] we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt [2 Nephi 09:14a LDS] the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their [2 Nephi 09:14 b LDS] and attain to a perfect knowledge of him [Jacob 04:12 LDS] he had a perfect knowledge of the language [Jacob 07:04 LDS] faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things [Alma 32:21 LDS] it was not a perfect knowledge -- even so it is [Alma 32:26a LDS] any more than faith is a perfect knowledge [Alma 32:26b LDS] ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God [Moroni 07:16 LDS] ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil [Moroni 07:17 LDS] 215: = extra citation ============================ OBEY THE (message) OF THE(IR) (ruler) were quick to obey the requisition of their sovereign [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- would not obey the commandments of the king [Alma 47:02 LDS] Therefore I did obey the voice of the Spirit, and took [1 Nephi 04:18 LDS] they did obey the commandments of the Lord [Jacob 05:72 LDS] 216: = extra citation =========================== TAKE ARMS AND he has roused the SCIOTANS to take arms and [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- or they should take up arms and support the cause [Alma 51:17 LDS] people again refused to take their arms, and they [Alma 27:03 LDS] assemble. . . as many as were able to take up arms, and [Alma 53:16 LDS] 217: =========================================== WHICH. . . TO OUR WIVES AND OUR CHILDREN which will extend to our wives and our children [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- support which we owe to our wives and our children [Alma 44:05 LDS] and our peace, our wives and our children [Alma 46:12 LDS] our possessions, and our wives and our children [Alma 58:12 LDS] their wives and their children, and their all [Alma 43:45 LDS] their wives and their children, and their peace [Alma 48:10 LDS] that their wives and their children should be massacred [Alma 48:24 LDS] and also for their wives and their children [Alma 56:28 LDS] hundred men, with their wives and their children [Alma 63:04 LDS] 218: =========================================== DETERMINED TO men determined to vindicate our rights and to retaliate [ObMs 000:00] determined to risk their lives in the defence of the city [ObMs 000:00] determined to wait for the return of SAMBAL [ObMs 000:00] Determined to investigate (( the )) design of this [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON had firmly determined to marry LAMESA [ObMs 000:00] determined, if they found their enemy, to take ample [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- insomuch that they were determined to slay them [Alma 46:02 LDS] the LAMANITES were determined to maintain those cities [Alma 52:05 LDS] they were determined to maintain those cities [Alma 56:26 LDS] they were still determined to maintain the city [Alma 57:11 LDS] JACOB was determined to slay them and cut his way through [Alma 52:34 LDS] ye are still determined to carry on after his death [Alma 54:05 LDS] being determined to overthrow the LAMANITES in that city [Alma 62:14 LDS] he was determined. . .to overpower the NEPHITES [Alma 48:04 LDS] and they were determined by the sword to slay them [Alma 50:26 LDS] 219: =========================================== DETERMINED TO CONQUER OR DIE Determined to conquer or die, it was impossible to [ObMs 000:00] determined to destroy his life or lose his own [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were determined to conquer in this place or die [Alma 56:17 LDS] we will retain our swords, and we will perish or conquer [Alma 44:08 LDS] 220: =========================================== US THAT WE SHOULD But they demand of us that we should secure [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and did cause us that we should hope [Alma 58:11 LDS] 221: =========================================== TO CROSS THE RIVER making preparation to cross the river [ObMs 000:00] to compel them to cross the river [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES. . . began to cross the River SIDON [Alma 43:35 LDS] 222: = extra citation =========================== WERE IT NOT FOR were it not for you I should be the most wretched being [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- For were it not for the wickedness. . . we could [Alma 60:15 LDS] yea, were it not for these king-men. . . we should have [Alma 60:16 LDS] for were it not for him, we must have perished [2 Nephi 01:24] ye should remember that were it not for these plates [Mosiah 01:03 LDS] were it not for these things. . . we should have been [Mosiah 01:05 LDS] were it not for the atonement. . . that they must [Mosiah 13:28 LDS] For were it not for the redemption which he hath made [Mosiah 15:19a LDS] were it not for this, all mankind must have perished [Mosiah 15:19b LDS] were it not for the interposition . . . they must [Mosiah 29:19 LDS] were it not for these things. . . could not have convinced [Alma 37:09 LDS] for were it not for that, the Lamanites could have [Mormon 04:04 LDS] for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger [Ether 03:09 LDS] 223: =========================================== (verb) BEEN THE CAUSE OF has been the cause of all my present affliction [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- had been the cause of this great and lasting war [Alma 62:35a LDS] which had been the cause of so much war [Alma 62:35b LDS] that have been the cause of this great iniquity [Alma 61:04 LDS] 224: =========================================== WHICH HAD BEEN that portion which had been set apart for himself [ObMs 000:00] animals which had been so long domesticated [ObMs 000:00] pursued them to the hill, which had been in the rear [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the highness of the bank which had been thrown up [Alma 49:18a LDS] the depth of the ditch which had been dug [Alma 49:18b LDS] those cities which had been taken out of their hands [Alma 52:10 LDS] a small army, which had been left to protect [Alma 52:27 LDS] And those cities which had been taken by the LAMANITES [Alma 58:31 LDS] great and lasting war. . . which had been the cause [Alma 62:35 LDS] those sacred things which had been delivered [Alma 63:01 LDS] those parts which had been commanded by ALMA [Alma 63:12 LDS] those plans which had been laid by this band [Helaman 02:06 LDS] disturbances which had been among the people [Alma 45:21 LDS] 225: =========================================== MASSACRE THE(M) as to massacre and do all the mischief [ObMs 000:00] to begin the massacre of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] to storm the fort and massacre the whole multitude [ObMs 000:00] of the massacre of the dearest friends [ObMs 000:00] and to massacre his warriors [ObMs 000:00] were ordered to massacre all the citizens [ObMs 000:00] began the massacre of the defenseless multitude [ObMs 000:00] How many thousands are massacred [ObMs 000:00] ascertain the extent of the massacre [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- slay and massacre them according to their pleasure [Alma 49:07 LDS] 226: =========================================== MASSACRE(ED) (BY THE) BARBAROUS the intended massacre of a barbarous unrelenting enemy [ObMs 000:00] were met and massacred by the SCIOTAN warriors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- children should be massacred by the barbarous [Alma 48:24 LDS] 227: =========================================== (a stratagem performed) IN THE NIGHT to get their boats down the river in the night [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- resolve upon any stratagem in the night-time [Alma 62:35 LDS] to come down with his army in the night-time [Alma 47:13 LDS] now behold this was done in the night-time [Alma 55:22 LDS] because of this our march in the night-time [Alma 58:27 LDS] 228: =========================================== WERE PREPARED FOR THE The people were now prepared for the introduction of a [ObMs 000:00] A house was immediately prepared for the accommodation [ObMs 000:00] the way was prepared for the introduction of that system [ObMs 000:00] he was prepared for the answer which he received [ObMs 000:00] Ethereal bodies are prepared for the souls of the righteous [ObMs 000:00] I am prepared for your next victim [ObMs 000:00] an entertainment to be prepared for his new friends [ObMs 000:00] being prepared for his journey, he set off with his [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Now they were prepared for the LAMANITES [Alma 48:08b LDS] 229: =========================================== THEY WERE (+ NOW) PREPARED FOR THE/THEM They were now prepared for the hostile engagement [ObMs 000:00] The people were now prepared for the introduction of a [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- Now they were prepared for the LAMANITES [Alma 48:08b LDS] they were prepared for them, in a manner [Alma 48:08a LDS] 230: =========================================== ARMY WERE Each grand army were now ready, were anxious for the combat [ObMs 000:00] The KENTUCK army were unable to continue [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS] 231: =========================================== TO THE RIGHT. . . TO THE LEFT marching to the left and the women to the right [ObMs 000:00] which was heard from the right to the left [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they did not turn to the right nor to the left [Alma 56:37 LDS] they durst not turn to the right nor to the left [Alma 56:40a LDS] neither would I turn to the right nor to the left [Alma 56:40b LDS] men were on the right and the others on the left [Alma 58:17 LDS] 232: = extra citation =========================== FIGHT LIKE (ferocious ones) my brave warriors, and fight like heroes [ObMs 000:00] share their fate unless you fight like heroes [ObMs 000:00] and you will fight like wolves [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- yea, they did fight like dragons [Alma 43:44 LDS] exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight [Mosiah 20:11 LDS] 233: =========================================== RUSHED FORWARD the SCIOTANS rushed forward with hideous yells [ObMs 000:00] rushed forward and met their furious combatants [ObMs 000:00] they rushed forward in any direction [ObMs 000:00] rushed forward with a small band [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and he rushed forward that he might slay MORONI [Alma 44:12 LDS] 234: =========================================== (name). . . WITH A SMALL. . . OF SAMBAL. . . rushed forward with a small band [ObMs 000:00] arrived. . . with a small but splendid retinue of friends [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- AMALICKIAH fled with a small number of his men [Alma 46:33 LDS] GID, with a small number of men, should secrete himself [Alma 58:16 LDS] 235: =========================================== THEY RECEIVED (pronoun) WITH They received them with firmness and courage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they received him with joy [Alma 55:09 LDS] 236: =========================================== (plural pronoun) BROKE THROUGH AND they broke through the ranks of their enemies and. . . retreated [ObMs 000:00] They broke through their ranks [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the remainder of them broke through and fled [Alma 57:33 LDS] 237: = extra citation =========================== STRUCK WITH TERROR the SCIOTANS being struck with surprise and terror began to retire [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were struck with terror [Alma 43:53 LDS] struck with great fear, insomuch that they did flee [Alma 58:29 LDS] they. . . were struck with fear [Alma 44:15 LDS] people. . . were struck with wonder and amazement [Mosiah 25:07 LDS] greatly astonished and struck with much fear [Alma 02:23 LDS] they were struck with great fear, and fled from [Alma 14:29 LDS] I was struck with such great fear and amazement [Alma 36:11 LDS] but stood as if they were struck dumb with amazement [Helaman 05:25 LDS] fell down. . . for he was struck with fear [Ether 03:06 LDS] 238: = extra citation =========================== IN EVERY CITY hold a great festival in every city [ObMs 000:00] The people in every city [ObMs 000:00] In every city, town, and village the people [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- leaving men in every city to maintain and defend [Alma 51:25 LDS] yea, in every city throughout all the land [Alma 45:22 LDS] declare the word, among all the people in every city [Alma 35:15 LDS] 239: = extra citation =========================== (OF) MANY THOUSAND(S) (killed) How many thousands are massacred [ObMs 000:00] of so many thousand brave warriors [ObMs 000:00] at the head of many thousand SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] destruction of so many thousand of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] and many thousand robust and brave warriors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- because of the many thousands who had been slain [Alma 51:11 LDS] they had slain many thousands of the LAMANITES [Words Mor. 01:14 LDS] Behold, how many thousands of our brethren [Alma 26:13 LDS] the destruction of many thousand lives; yea [Alma 28:10 LDS] the bodies of many thousands are laid low [Alma 28:11a LDS] the bodies of many thousands are moldering [Alma 28:11b LDS] While many thousands of others truly mourn [Alma 28:12 LDS] convinced so many thousands of the Lamanites [Alma 37:09 LDS] the means of bringing many thousands of [Alma 37:10 LDS] the restoration of many thousands of the [Alma 37:19 LDS] a great many thousand years before his coming [Helaman 08:18 LDS] a great many thousand people who were called [3 Nephi 03:24 LDS] there were many thousands who did yield themselves [3 Nephi 04:27 LDS] and many thousands fell by the sword [Ether 14:04 LDS] 240: =========================================== WERE COMPELLED TO brave warriors. . . were compelled to receive deadly wounds [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were compelled to march with their brethren [Alma 52:39 LDS] those who . . . were compelled to behold [Alma 53:15 LDS] that they were compelled to deliver up [Alma 56:54 LDS] those dissenters. . . were compelled to hoist the Title [Alma 51:20 LDS] they were compelled reluctantly to contend with their [Alma 48:21 LDS] they were compelled by the orders of AMMORON to not [Alma 56:18 LDS] the NEPHITES were compelled, alone, to withstand [Alma 43:13 LDS] 241: =========================================== RECEIVE(D) (adjective) WOUNDS were compelled to receive deadly wounds [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- among them who had not received many wounds [Alma 57:25 LDS] But behold, they have received many wounds [Alma 58:40 LDS] 242: =========================================== TO ATTACK THE provoke HAMBOON to attack the main army [ObMs 000:00] not to attack the SCIOTANS until further [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- sworn with an oath to attack the city [Alma 49:17 LDS] preparations to attack the city MORIANTON [Alma 55:33 LDS] 243: =========================================== TO ATTACK THEM every preparation was made to attack them [ObMs 000:00] good policy to attack them at the present [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- should attempt to attack them in their forts [Alma 52:05 LDS] 244: =========================================== (WHO SHOULD) ATTEMPT TO (overrun) THE(IR) FORT(S) risk his person in the hazardous attempt to storm the fort [ObMs 000:00] the citizens who should attempt to make their escape [ObMs 000:00] this attempt to throw off the veil [ObMs 000:00] either to make the desperate attempt to return [ObMs 000:00] of those on whom we attempt to execute vengeance [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- such as should attempt to climb up to enter the fort [Alma 49:19 LDS] he should attempt to attack them in their forts [Alma 62:05 LDS] all who should attempt to come into their place of security [Alma 49:20 LDS] slay him who should attempt to approach [Alma 50:05 LDS] LAMANITES attempt to encircle them about by night [Alma 55:29 LDS] the LAMANITES did attempt to destroy the NEPHITES [Alma 49:23 LDS] And many times did they attempt to administer [Alma 55:30 LDS] 245: =========================================== LED BY THE the division led by the valiant RANKOFF [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And they had been led by the [Alma 46:05 LDS] the narrow pass which led by the sea [Alma 50:34 LDS] 246: =========================================== DRIVING (the enemy) BEFORE (third person pronoun) while driving them furiously before him [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- driving the NEPHITES before them and slaying many [Alma 51:28 LDS] 247: =========================================== A(N). . . CHANCE TO a favorable chance to gain immortal renown [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- might have an equal chance to fight [Alma 49:22 LDS] 248: =========================================== I. . . MY SWORD I should. . . never sheath my sword [ObMs 000:00] Your life is safe from my sword [ObMs 000:00] Their lives says he, are safe from my sword [ObMs 000:00] feel the effects of my conquering sword [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- I do take my sword to defend the cause [Alma 60:28 LDS] 249: =========================================== WITH (unusually great) FURY With tenfold rage and fury his warriors maintained the conflict [ObMs 000:00] They attacked them with incredible fury [ObMs 000:00] engaged in the conflict with tenfold fury [ObMs 000:00] charged each other with incredible fury [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to battle with exceeding fury against MORONI [Alma 52:33 LDS] they fought on both hands with exceeding fury [Alma 52:35 LDS] pressed upon their rear with such fury. . . that [Alma 52:36 LDS] 250: =========================================== (aggressively engaged the enemy) WITH SUCH FURY attacked them with such fury and courage [ObMs 000:00] rushed upon him with more fury than a tiger [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- LEHI pressed upon their rear with such fury [Alma 52:36 LDS] 251: =========================================== TO ATTACK THE(M) ELSEON's fortune to attack the division led by the valiant [ObMs 000:00] which was to provoke HAMBOON to attack the main army [ObMs 000:00] and recommending not to attack the SCIOTANS until further [ObMs 000:00] not thinking it good policy to attack them at the present [ObMs 000:00] every preparation was made to attack them the next morning [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- chief captains had sworn with an oath to attack the city [Alma 49:17 LDS] for MORONI to make preparations to attack the city [Alma 55:33 LDS] that he should attempt to attack them in their forts [Alma 52:05 LDS] his chief captains durst not attack the NEPHITES [Alma 49:11 LDS] we durst not go forth and attack them in their strongholds [Alma 58:02 LDS] but that they would attack the cities 'round about [Helaman 01:26 LDS] 252: =========================================== ATTACKED THE(M) LABANCO attacked the division of SAMBAL [ObMs 000:00] Had HELICON known when he attacked the savage [ObMs 000:00] which attacked them with such fury and courage [ObMs 000:00] They attacked them with incredible fury [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- caused the LAMANITES to have attacked the NEPHITES [Alma 49:10 LDS] 253: =========================================== TO HAVE ATTACKED it was RAMBOCK's intention to have attacked HANOCK [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- caused the LAMANITES to have attacked the NEPHITES [Alma 49:10 LDS] 254: =========================================== IN(TO) THE CENTER OF THE They kneel in the center of the room [ObMs 000:00] HAMKOL met in the center of their divisions [ObMs 000:00] take their stand in the center [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- strength was in the center of the land [Helaman 01:24 LDS] durst not come into the center of the land [Helaman 01:26 LDS] they had come into the center of the land [Helaman 01:27 LDS] 255: =========================================== AND HIS BAND and his band performed the most brilliant exploits [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- KISHKUMEN and his band, who had covenanted with him [Helaman 01:12 LDS] 256: = extra citation =========================== AND WHILE (military leader's name) WAS [fighting in a war] [ObMs 000:00] and while LABANCO was engaged in combat [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And while TEANCUM was thus leading away the LAMANITES [Alma 52:24 LDS] And while I was thus struggling in the spirit [Enos 01:10 LDS] 256: =========================================== AND BELOVED BY THE. . . OF LABANCO fell, lamented and beloved by the subjects of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and also beloved by all the people of NEPHI [Alma 53:02 LDS] 258: = extra citation =========================== THE MINDS OF THE (people) plan to produce in the minds of the multitude [ObMs 000:00] terror seized the minds of the whole multitude [ObMs 000:00] excited in the minds of the KENTUCKS a more ardent thirst [ObMs 000:00] The cowardly mind of ULIPOON was not a [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- had been preparing the minds of the people [Alma 48:07 LDS] to prepare the minds of the children of men [Alma 16:16 LDS] and also this was the minds of the people [Alma 17:06 LDS] powerful effect upon the minds of the people [Alma 31:05 LDS] they found out privily the minds of all the people [Alma 35:05 LDS] they had found out the minds of all the people [Alma 35:06 LDS] that they may prepare the minds of their children [Alma 39:16 LDS] established according to the minds of those who [3 Nephi 07:14 LDS] 259: =========================================== THE CONFLICT they continued the conflict and maintained [ObMs 000:00] they had made to manage the conflict [ObMs 000:00] army were unable to continue the conflict [ObMs 000:00] warriors and engaged in the conflict with tenfold fury [ObMs 000:00] and maintain the conflict with a [ObMs 000:00] never shrink like a dastard from the conflict [ObMs 000:00] his warriors maintained the conflict and redoubled [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- Behold, we will end the conflict [Alma 44:10 LDS] 260: = extra citation =========================== GREAT HAS/HAD BEEN THE SLAUGHTER Great already had been the slaughter which the [ObMs 000:00] contrived the slaughter of the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] After the slaughter was ended, in passing [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- great has been the slaughter among our people [Alma 60:05 LDS] yea, great and terrible was the slaughter thereof [3 Nephi 04:11 LDS] wars, and great slaughters with the sword [1 Nephi 12:02 LDS] and we slew them with a great slaughter [Mosiah 10:20 LDS] they slew the Amlicites with great slaughter [Alma 02:18 LDS] and did slay them with much slaughter [Alma 02:19 LDS] there was a tremendous slaughter among the people [Alma 28:03 LDS] to slay them with an exceedingly great slaughter [Alma 59:07 LDS] that they did slay them with a great slaughter [Alma 62:38 LDS] slaying the people with a great slaughter [Helaman 01:27 LDS] and the great slaughter which was among them [Helaman 04:11 LDS] and the great slaughter which had been made [3 Nephi 04:24 LDS] slaughtered with an exceedingly great slaughter [Mormon 04:21 LDS] 261: =========================================== AN IMMENSE SLAUGHTER which prevented an immense slaughter of citizens [ObMs 000:00] An immense slaughter was made [ObMs 000:00] The slaughter was immense and each [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL's death and the immense slaughter [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were slain with an immense slaughter [Alma 49:21 LDS] 262: = extra citation =========================== WITH THE(IR) DEAD AND (not quite dead) BODIES earth was overspread with the dead and dying bodies [ObMs 000:00] the field was covered with dead and dying heroes [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- filled up in a measure with their dead and wounded bodies [Alma 49:22 LDS] the whole face of the land was covered with the bodies of the dead [Ether 14:21 LDS] 263: =========================================== THE NUMBER(S) AND STRENGTH OF (plural possessive pronoun) the impetuosity, the numbers and strength of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] he beheld the number and the martial appearance of the enemy [ObMs 000:00] according to the number of inhabitants who lived in the town [ObMs 000:00] in proportion to the number of inhabitants served to supply [ObMs 000:00] to marry another until the numbers of the single young men [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- might discover the number and the strength of our army [Alma 58:14 LDS] more than double the number of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:51 LDS] Now the number of their dead was not numbered [Alma 44:21a LDS] yea, the number of their dead was exceedingly great [Alma 44:21b LDS] because of the greatness of the number of his people [Alma 46:04 LDS] And now the number of prisoners who were taken [Alma 52:40a LDS] who were taken exceeded more than the number of [Alma 52:40b LDS] the number of the NEPHITES who were slain [Helaman 01:25 LDS] 264: =========================================== HAD MADE THEIR ESCAPE the inhabitants who had not made their escape [ObMs 000:00] But only three thousand made their escape [ObMs 000:00] thus made their escape and arrived safe [ObMs 000:00] About two thousand made good their escape [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and they had made their escape [Alma 47:32 LDS] 265: =========================================== (would/should) MAKE THEIR ESCAPE all the citizens who should attempt to make their escape [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and they would make their escape; and thus we did flee [Alma 56:40 LDS] 266: = extra citation =========================== SPREADING DEATH their efforts in spreading death [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- your enemies are spreading the work of death [Alma 60:07 LDS] did spread so much death and carnage throughout the land [3 Nephi 02:11 LDS] 267: = extra citation =========================== IN BATTLE if we are valiant in battle or are [ObMs 000:00] so as not to encumber them in battle [ObMs 000:00] hat he himself should fall in battle [ObMs 000:00] HANOCK was engaged in battle with HABOLAN [ObMs 000:00] desire to engage the enemy in battle did not [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- leaders who were not slain in battle were taken [Alma 51:19 LDS] and they having waxed strong in battle [Alma 09:22 LDS] My father hath been slain in battle [Mormon 08:05 LDS] 268: = extra citation =========================== NO PART OF THE No part of the war raged with a more [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And now no part of the land was desolate [Helaman 03:06 LDS] they have no part nor portion of the Spirit of the Lord [Alma 40:13 LDS] insomuch that there was no part of their frame [3 Nephi 11:03 LDS] 269: = extra citation =========================== THE (region) WAS. . . COVERED WITH The field was. . . thickly covered with human bodies [ObMs 000:00] and the field was covered with dead and dying heroes [ObMs 000:00] pierced with mortal wounds and covered with blood [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the land which was northward, which was covered with [Alma 50:29 LDS] for the land was covered with animals of the forest [Ether 10:19 LDS] the whole face of the land. . . was covered with inhabitants [Ether 10:21 LDS] the whole face of the land was covered with the bodies of the dead [Ether 14:21 LDS] 270: = extra citation =========================== AT THIS PERIOD At this awful period, whilst the [ObMs 000:00] their long period of peace and prosperity [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- there was no time for their trials at this period [Alma 51:19 LDS] were our circumstances at this period of time [Alma 58:05 LDS] are at this period of time in our possession [Alma 58:31 LDS] now at this period of time also a great support [Alma 53:19 LDS] your blood, at this period of time when I am about to go down [Mosiah 02:28 LDS] 271: =========================================== (preposition) THE/THIS (segment) OF TIME hostile emperors prevented in this interval of time [ObMs 000:00] punctual at the very instant of time, the attack was begun [ObMs 000:00] from the earliest ages of time [ObMs 000:00] slumber away the precious moments of time [ObMs 000:00] so much effaced by the ravages of time [ObMs 000:00] secured so that the ravages of time will have [ObMs 000:00] At this instant a loud voice was heard [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- all of them are at this period of time in our possession [Alma 58:31 LDS] became now at this period of time also a great support [Alma 53:19 LDS] thus were our circumstances at this period of time [Alma 58:05 LDS] in so short a space of time [Alma 56:00 LDS] 272: =========================================== AT THIS TIME by attacking the fort at this time when they are not suspecting [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And we suppose that they are now at this time in the land [Alma 56:12 LDS] at this time the chief captains of the LAMANITES were astonished [Alma 49:05 LDS] even at this time, which he spake unto LEHI [Alma 50:19 LDS] even at this time, in the twenty and first year [Alma 50:23 LDS] in their dangerous circumstances at this time [Alma 53:15 LDS] they did assemble themselves together at this time [Alma 53:16 LDS] therefore, at this time, MORONI prayed that the cause [Alma 46:16 LDS] 273: = extra citation =========================== WITH GREAT (swiftness) and was carried with great velocity [ObMs 000:00] came instantly, sliding with great velocity [ObMs 000:00] It flew with great velocity and had not [ObMs 000:00] blow from the west with great violence [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES did follow after us with great speed [Alma 58:19 LDS] he will visit you with great destruction [Mosiah 29:27 LDS] contend with the NEPHITES with great strength [Alma 02:17 LDS] they slew the AMLICITES with great slaughter [Alma 02:18 LDS] they saw and beheld with great sorrow that [Alma 04:08 LDS] being filled with great joy because of the [Alma 04:14 LDS] I wish. . . with great anxiety even unto pain [Alma 13:27 LDS] they were struck with great fear, and fled from [Alma 14:29 LDS] the people did hear with great joy and gladness [Alma 16:20 LDS] and he beheld with great joy; for he beheld [Alma 32:06 LDS] Let us nourish it with great care, that it may [Alma 32:37 LDS] by your faith with great diligence, and with patience [Alma 32:41 LDS] I was struck with such great fear and amazement [Alma 36:11 LDS] to fight with such exceedingly great strength [Alma 43:43 LDS] and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy [Alma 45:01 LDS] the LAMANITES pursuing them with great vigor [Alma 56:52 LDS] to slay them with an exceedingly great slaughter [Alma 59:07 LDS] and was filled with exceedingly great joy because [Alma 62:01 LDS] they did slay them with a great slaughter; and [Alma 62:38 LDS] with his strength and also with his great wisdom [Helaman 01:16 LDS] their march was with such exceedingly great speed [Helaman 01:19 LDS] slaying the people with a great slaughter [Helaman 01:27 LDS] they did preach with great power, insomuch that [Helaman 05:17 LDS] preach unto the Lamanites with such great power [Helaman 05:18 LDS] many did preach with exceedingly great power and [Helaman 06:05 LDS] but they do swell with great pride, unto boasting [Helaman 13:22] and do await with great anxiety for the word [3 Nephi 03:03 LDS] did minister with power and with great authority [3 Nephi 07:17 LDS] the people began to look with great earnestness for the sign [3 Nephi 08:03 LDS] forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee [3 Nephi 22:07 LDS] did come upon us with exceedingly great power [Mormon 2:03 LDS] and did urge them with great energy, that they would [Mormon 03:23 LDS] go against the Lamanites with exceedingly great anger [Mormon 04:15 LDS] slaughtered with an exceedingly great slaughter [Mormon 04:21 LDS] 274: =========================================== THEY. . . THE PURSUIT They were unable to see their enemy or continue the pursuit [ObMs 000:00] overthrowing and killing some in the pursuit [ObMs 000:00] overthrew and killed thousands in the pursuit [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they should return from the pursuit of TEANCUM [Alma 52:26 LDS] 275: = extra citation =========================== WE WERE OBLIGED TO We were obliged to anchor amongst them [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- we were obliged to employ all our force [Alma 57:13 LDS] and we were obliged to leave behind our property [1 Nephi 03:26 LDS] 276: = extra citation =========================== THE(Y) WERE OBLIGED TO They were obliged, in their turn, to retreat [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they durst not oppose but were obliged to maintain the cause [Alma 51:07 LDS] the people of NEPHIHAH were obliged to flee [Alma 59:08 LDS] the NEPHITES were obliged to contend with their brethren [Alma 43:14 LDS] therefore they were obliged to abide by the laws [Alma 01:01 LDS] 277: =========================================== GREAT ADVANTAGE the SCIOTANS could not take any great advantage of [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- gave MORONIHAH great advantage over them [Helaman 01:25 LDS] 278: = extra citation =========================== (military leader's name) COMMANDED HIS MEN ELSEON, observing this, commanded his men to halt [ObMs 000:00] HAMBOON commanded his men to face their pursuers [ObMs 000:00] ULIPOON. . . returned back and commanded his forces [ObMs 000:00] HAMBOON then commanded his principal officers to [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI. . . commanded his men that they should stop [Alma 43:54 LDS] MORONI commanded his men that they should fall upon them [Alma 52:32 LDS] he commanded his people that they should fall upon them [Alma 44:17 LDS] and he hath commanded his people that they should [2 Nephi 26:27 LDS] SHIZ commanded his people that they should not [Ether 14:31 LDS] 279: =========================================== THE ADVANTAGE THEY HAD. . . (THE GROUND) aided by the advantage they had obtained by the [ObMs 000:00] their enemies had the advantage of the ground [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- all the ground and the advantage which they had [Alma 55:27 LDS] 280: =========================================== A BATTLE WHICH with a battle which had lasted near four hours [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- a battle with the army which was placed [Alma 57:07 LDS] 281: =========================================== (venture) A BATTLE WITH THE(M) IN (the/that) and to try a battle with them in the open field [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- attempt a battle with the LAMANITES in that [Alma 53:07 LDS] a battle with the army which was placed [Alma 57:07 LDS] 282: = extra citation =========================== WERE/WAS WOUNDED AND Others were sorely wounded and retired back [ObMs 000:00] he was mortally wounded and laid prostrate [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI was wounded and JACOB was killed [Alma 52:35 LDS] falling by the sword, yea, wounded and bleeding [Alma 60:22 LDS] he was not dead, having been wounded and left upon the ground [Mosiah 20:12 LDS] 283: = extra citation =========================== ON EVERY SIDE Warriors fell on every side and the field was covered [ObMs 000:00] and facing the multitude on every side [ObMs 000:00] blood, which was spread thick on every side [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- have power to harass them on every side [Alma 52:09 LDS] the Lamanites had surrounded them on every side [Mosiah 21:05 LDS] and should hem them in on every side, and if they [3 Nephi 04:16 LDS] 284: = extra citation =========================== THUS ENDED THE Thus ended the affair [ObMs 000:00] Thus ended the great battle on the Plains [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And thus ended the days of PACUMENI [Helaman 01:21 LDS] and thus ended the days of ALMA, who was the founder of [Mosiah 29:47 LDS] And thus ended the words of AMULEK, or this is all [Alma 11:46 LDS] And thus ended the account of ALMA, and HELAMAN [Alma 63:17 LDS] And thus ended the book of HELAMAN, according to [Helaman 16:25 LDS] And thus ended the (various numbers) year 285: =========================================== (allow) THEM NO TIME TO That day afforded them no time to bury their dead [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL gave him no time to repeat the challenge [ObMs 000:00] he lost no time to regulate matters in the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- giving them no time to assemble themselves together [Helaman 01:24 LDS] 286: = extra citation =========================== TO BURY THEIR DEAD afforded them no time to bury their dead [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- compel them to go forth and bury their dead [Alma 53:01 LDS] cast their dead into the waters of SIDON. . . and are buried [Alma 44:22 LDS] the LAMANITES had finished burying their dead [Alma 53:03 LDS] I, myself. . . did help to bury their dead [Mosiah 09:19 LDS] after they had finished burying their dead they all [Alma 03:01 LDS] they had made for the purpose of burying their dead [Alma 19:01 LDS] they had buried their dead, and also after the days [Alma 30:02 LDS] 287: =========================================== DID NOT TARRY IN did not tarry in his course but hid himself below [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And now he did not tarry in the land of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 288: =========================================== AND THEY ARE NOW and they are now receiving the rewards assigned [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And we suppose that they are now at this time in the land [Alma 56:12 LDS] 289: = extra citation =========================== (compel) US THAT WE SHOULD/SHALL demand of us that we should secure their remains [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and did cause us that we should hope for our [Alma 58:11 LDS] command us that we shall subject ourselves [Alma 61:13 LDS] hast elected us that we shall be saved, whilst all around [Alma 31:17 LDS] be taken from us that we shall have no place in them [Helaman 08:05] in warning us, that we should flee out of the land [2 Nephi 01:03 LDS] for us, that we should put an end to their lives [Alma 57:15 LDS] to cause us that we should believe in some great and [Helaman 16:20 LDS] 290: =========================================== THAT WE/THEY (helping verb) SECURE THEIR. . . FROM THE demand of us that we should secure their remains from the voracious [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that they might secure their armies and their people from the [Alma 50:10 LDS] 291: = extra citation =========================== (TO) LAY DOWN THEIR ARMS/WEAPONS both armies will mutually agree to lay down their arms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- if ye will lay down your arms, and subject yourselves [Alma 54:18a LDS] I cause that my people shall lay down their weapons [Alma 54:18b LDS] they could not suffer to lay down their lives [Alma 48:24 LDS] many. . . did lay down their weapons of war, and also [Helaman 05:51 LDS] 292: = extra citation =========================== BURY(ING) THE(IR) DEAD be employed from each army in burying the dead [ObMs 000:00] afforded them no time to bury their dead [ObMs 000:00] for the purpose of burying the remains of those [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES had finished burying their dead I, myself. . . did help to bury their dead [Mosiah 09:19 LDS] after they had finished burying their dead they all [Alma 03:01 LDS] a sepulchre. . . for the purpose of burying their dead [Alma 19:01 LDS] and their dead were buried by the people of the land [Alma 30:01 LDS] after they had buried their dead, and also after [Alma 30:02 LDS] cast their dead into the waters of SIDON. . . and are buried [Alma 44:22 LDS] compel them to go forth and bury their dead, yea [Alma 53:01 LDS] after the LAMANITES had finished burying their dead [Alma 53:03 LDS] and had buried our dead and also the dead of the [Alma 57:28 LDS] there was none left to bury the dead, but they did [Ether 14:22 LDS] 293: =========================================== THE. . . OF THE WAR This was only the beginning of the war [ObMs 000:00] waited for the termination of the war to fulfill their [ObMs 000:00] Thus happy was the termination of the war [ObMs 000:00] declared that the termination of the war about the [ObMs 000:00] No part of the war raged with a more [ObMs 000:00] very industrious in this part of the war [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the exceedingly great length of the war between the NEPHITES [Alma 62:41a LDS] hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war [Alma 62:41b LDS] an account of the wars between the NEPHITES [Alma 43:03 LDS] 294: =========================================== THE BLOOD OF THE the stolen treasure or the blood of the transgressor [ObMs 000:00] to his manes the blood of his cruel enemies [ObMs 000:00] sword was crimsoned with the blood of his friend [ObMs 000:00] whose sword is red with the blood of my friends [ObMs 000:00] thirsted for each other's blood, for the blood of brothers [ObMs 000:00] deluge our land with the blood of our citizens [ObMs 000:00] hands should be stained with the blood of your [ObMs 000:00] after his sword was crimsoned with the blood of enemies [ObMs 000:00] and mingle their blood with the blood of heroes [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- brethren should rejoice over the blood of the NEPHITES [Alma 48:25 LDS] We would not shed the blood of the LAMANITES [Alma 61:10 LDS] he had sworn to drink the blood of MORONI [Alma 51:09 LDS] those people who professed the blood of nobility [Alma 51:21 LDS] by the shedding of the blood of so many of our valiant men [Alma 56:13 LDS] the blood of thousands shall come upon your heads [Alma 60:10 LDS] We would not shed the blood of our brethren [Alma 61:11 LDS] 295: =========================================== TEN THOUSAND MEN ten thousand men from each army entered the field [ObMs 000:00] and that ten thousand men might be employed [ObMs 000:00] Ten thousand men from each army, without arms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And thus we were prepared with ten thousand men [Alma 56:28 LDS] |
296: = extra citation =========================== IN THIS MANNER THEY In this manner they proceeded until they had finished [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and in this manner they did fall upon them [Helamen 01:24 LDS] which is spoken of in this manner, can be the resurrection [Alma 40:17 LDS] 297: = extra citation =========================== THEY. . . UNTIL THEY HAD they proceeded until they had finished the interment [ObMs 000:00] marched towards the fort until they had got beyond [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they did cause the LAMANITES to labor until they had encircled [Alma 53:04 LDS] they did not head them until they had come to the borders [Alma 50:34 LDS] they should fall upon them until they had given up their weapons [Alma 52:32 LDS] they did contend. . . until they had driven them out [Words Morm. 01:14 LDS] they were met. . . until they were scattered on the [Alma 02:37 LDS] they did call. . . even until they had all fallen to the earth [Alma 19:16 LDS] they had cast them out. . . until they had arrived in the land [Alma 20:30 LDS] they returned. . . until they had assembled themselves together [Alma 31:20 LDS] they did not prosper. . . until they had lost possession of [Helaman 04:13 LDS] they did repent. . . even until they had regained the [Helaman 04:16 LDS] from one city to another, until they had gone forth among all [Helaman 05:16 LDS] they had overspread. . . until they had come down to believe [Helaman 06:38 LDS] they. . . did march forth. . . until they had all gone forth to [3 Nephi 03:22 LDS] they should not spare any. . . even until they had fulfilled the [3 Nephi 04:13 LDS] until they had gone forth out of the reach of the people [3 Nephi 7:13 LDS] this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone [3 Nephi 11:15 LDS] the Lamanites did not beat them until they had come again [Mormon 04:20 LDS] the people did follow. . . until they had devoured them all [Ether 09:34 LDS] 298: =========================================== THE. . . OF THE (people) WHO/THAT WERE SLAIN The bodies of the chiefs that were slain [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- of the number of the NEPHITES who were slain [Helaman 01:25 LDS] the dead of the NEPHITES who were slain [Alma 53:01 LDS] and many of the NEPHITES were slain by their hands [Alma 43:44 LDS] and more than a thousand of the LAMANITES were slain [Alma 49:23 LDS] insomuch that they were slain with an immense slaughter [Alma 49:21 LDS] there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain [Alma 57:26 LDS] in the which, the greater number of them were slain [Alma 57:33 LDS] and there were many of the LAMANITES who were slain [Alma 62:26 LDS] the NEPHITES had fled before them, and were slain [Helaman 01:22 LDS] and among the number who were slain [Helaman 01:30 LDS] 299: = extra citation =========================== MOUNDS/BANKS OF EARTH. . . BODIES [preColumbian earthworks] [ObMs 000:00] deposited the bodies of their deceased. . . raised over them large mounds of earth [ObMs 000:00] Over them they raised prodigious mounds of earth which will remain [ObMs 000:00] they were interred and prodigious mounds of earth were raised over them [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- banks of earth. . . filled. . . with their dead and wounded bodies [Alma 49:22c LDS] throwing up banks of earth 'round about to enclose his armies [Alma 48:08 LDS] the Nephites had dug up a ridge of earth round about them [Alma 49:04 LDS] they began to dig down their banks of earth that they might [Alma 49:22a LDS] by pulling down the banks of earth [Alma 49:22b LDS] that they should commence in digging up heaps of earth [Alma 50:01 LDS] upon the top of these ridges of earth he caused that there [Alma 50:02 LDS] they did cast up mighty heaps of earth to get ore [Ether 10:23 LDS] and their bones should become as heaps of earth upon the [Ether 11:06 LDS] 300: =========================================== TO WAIT FOR THE (arrival) OF (military leader) determined to wait for the return of SAMBAL [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to wait for the coming of MORONI [Alma 52:017 LDS] 301: = extra citation =========================== TOOK POSSESSION OF HAMBOON. . . took possession of a hill in plain view [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- SHIBLON took possession of those sacred things [Alma 63:01 LDS] MORONIHAH took possession of the city of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:33 LDS] AMALICKIAH took possession of the city, yea [Alma 51:23 LDS] He took them prisoners of war, and took possession of the city [Alma 55:24 LDS] the LAMANITES took possession of the land of HELAM [Mosiah 23:29 LDS] they went. . . and took possession of the land of JERSHON [Alma 27:26 LDS] he entered the city. . . and took possession of the city [Alma 47:31 LDS] 302: =========================================== MARCHED/DID MARCH WITH HIS WHOLE ARMY HAMBOON. . . marched. . . and there encamped with his whole army [ObMs 000:00] RAMBOCK marched his whole army towards the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] RAMBOCK and his whole army [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- CORIANTUMR. . . did march forth with his whole army into [Helaman 01:20 LDS] 303: =========================================== MARCHED/DID MARCH. . . TOWARDS THE CITY OF (city name) RAMBOCK marched his whole army towards the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he did march forth with a large army, even towards the city of BOUNTIFUL [Alma 52:15 LDS] CORIANTUMR. . . did march forth with his whole army into the city [Helaman 01:20 LDS] we took our march with speed towards the city CUMENI [Alma 57:34 LDS] the LAMANITES are marching towards the city of CUMENI [Alma 57:34 LDS] 304: = extra citation =========================== THE (persons + be verb) MARCHING TOWARDS THE (enclosure/place) The KENTUCKS are marching with a prodigious army towards the fort [ObMs 000:00] they beheld HAMBOON's army marching towards them [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the armies of the LAMANITES are marching towards the city [Alma 57:31 LDS] the armies of the LAMANITES were marching [Alma 43:24 LDS] as he was marching forth with his numerous army [Alma 51:30 LDS] they were marching towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 58:24 LDS] as they were marching towards the land [Alma 62:15 LDS] and were marching through the most capital parts [Helaman 01:27 LDS] they. . . took their camp and marched towards the land of NOAH [Alma 49:12 LDS] I caused. . . that they should march. . . towards the land of MANTI [Alma 58:26 LDS] MORONI. . . took his march towards the land of GIDEON [Alma 62:03 LDS] force he could in all his march towards the land of GIDEON [Alma 62:04 LDS] PAHORAN. . . took their march. . . towards the land of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:14 LDS] they pursued their march towards the land of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18 LDS] behold the armies of the LAMANITES marching towards them [Mormon 06:07 LDS] 305: = extra citation =========================== THE INHABITANTS WHO (WERE/IN THE) character of the inhabitants who were settled [ObMs 000:00] according to the number of inhabitants who lived in the town [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he caused that the inhabitants who were in the land [Alma 50:09 LDS] an account of those ancient inhabitants who were destroyed [Ether 01:01] 306: =========================================== THE INHABITANTS WHO HAD killing the inhabitants who had not made their escape [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- because of the many inhabitants who had before [Helaman 03:05] 307: =========================================== THE CITY OF in order to arrive at the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] your company in our return to the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] HAMBACK, was present at the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] the Emperor of KENTUCK, arrived at the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] we will be within ten days at the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] perfidious design in transporting (( her )) to the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] LAMESA is doubtless with you in the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] and to march to the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] marched his whole army towards the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] They arrived before the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] the plunder they had taken in the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] carried in triumph into the city of TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- to the city of NEPHI, which was the chief city [Alma 47:20 LDS] that the city of AMMONIHAH had been rebuilt [Alma 49:03 LDS] attacked the NEPHITES at the city of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:10 LDS] not attack the NEPHITES at the city of AMMONIHAH [Alma 49:11 LDS] the city of NOAH, which had hitherto been [Alma 49:14 LDS] and as the city of NOAH had hitherto been the weakest [Alma 49:15 LDS] between the city of MORONI and the city of AARON [Alma 50:14 LDS] were not sufficiently strong in the city of MORONI [Alma 51:23 LDS] fled out of the city of MORONI came to the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 51:24a LDS] the people of the city of LEHI gathered [Alma 51:24b LDS] to go against the city of NEPHIHAH to battle [Alma 51:25 LDS] the city of NEPHIHAH, and the city of LEHI [Alma 51:26a LDS] and the city of MORIANTON, and the city of OMNER [Alma 51:26b LDS] and the city of GID, and the city of MULEK [Alma 51:26c LDS] retreated with all their army into the city of MULEK [Alma 52:02 LDS] orders to make an attack upon the city of MULEK [Alma 52:16 LDS] preparations to make an attack upon the city of MULEK [Alma 52:17 LDS] advantage over them and take again the city of MULEK [Alma 52:19 LDS] which protected the city of MULEK [Alma 52:20 LDS] cut his way through to the city of MULEK [Alma 52:34 LDS] And MORONI went to the city of MULEK [Alma 53:02 LDS] they had encircled the city of BOUNTIFUL [Alma 53:04 LDS] had obtained possession of the city of MULEK [Alma 53:06 LDS] NEPHITES were guarded in the city of GID [Alma 55:07 LDS] two thousand young men, to the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:09 LDS] the city of MANTI, and the city of ZEEZROM [Alma 56:14 a LDS] and the city of CUMENI, and the city of ANTIPARAH [Alma 56:14 b LDS] I arrived at the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:15 LDS] not come against the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:18 LDS] march down against the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 56:25a LDS] cross the head of SIDON, over to the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 56:25b LDS] were to march near the city of ANTIPARAH [Alma 56:31 LDS] took our march back to the city of JUDEA [Alma 56:57 LDS] he would deliver up the city of ANTIPARAH [Alma 57:01a LDS] to take the city of ANTIPARAH by our force [Alma 57:01b LDS] preparations to go against the city of ANTIPARAH [Alma 57:03 LDS] and thus the city of ANTIPARAH fell into our hands [Alma 57:04 LDS] they were driven back to the city of MANTI [Alma 57:22 LDS] the LAMANITES are marching towards the city of CUMENI [Alma 57:31 LDS] our next object was to obtain the city of MANTI [Alma 58:01 LDS] the LAMANITES, who were in the city of MANTI [Alma 58:13 LDS] they took no thought concerning the city of MANTI [Alma 58:25 LDS] we did arrive before them at the city of MANTI [Alma 58:27 LDS] we did take possession of the city of MANTI [Alma 58:28 LDS] are with me in the city of MANTI [Alma 58:39 LDS] gathered together from the city of MORONI [Alma 59:05a LDS] and the city of LEHI and the city of MORIANTON [Alma 59:05b LDS] men sent to the city NEPHIHAH [Alma 59:09 LDS] when MORONI saw that the city of NEPHIHAH was lost [Alma 59:11 LDS] PAHORAN, in the city of ZARAHEMLA, who is the chief [Alma 60:01 LDS] he hath agreed to maintain the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 61:08 LDS] we will take possession of the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 61:18 LDS] they had come to the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18a LDS] which is near the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18b LDS] obtained the possession of the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:26 LDS] after he had obtained possession of the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:30 LDS] he returned to the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 62:42 LDS] he was in possession of the city of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:22 LDS] even towards the city of BOUNTIFUL [Helaman 01:23 LDS] the capital city which was the city of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:27 LDS] took possession of the city of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:33 LDS] 308: = extra citation =========================== BUT GREAT WAS THE(IR) (action or reaction) But as great was their grief and lamentation, when they [ObMs 000:00] Great indeed was the surprise, the consternation [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- But behold, how great was their disappointment [Alma 49:04 LDS] when they beheld. . . how great was their joy [1 Nephi 16:32 LDS] so great was their faith and their patience that [Mosiah 24:16 LDS] And so great was their astonishment, that they fell [Mosiah 27:12 LDS] fell again to the earth, for great was their astonishment [Mosiah 27:18 LDS] that so great was their fear that they fell to the earth [Alma 14:27 LDS] 309: = extra citation =========================== FOR THE PURPOSE agreed to the suspension of arms for the purpose of burying [ObMs 000:00] and fit it for the purpose of edged tools [ObMs 000:00] both parties met for the purpose of agreeing to terms [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- but they have halted for the purpose that we should come [Alma 56:43 LDS] shall be given them for the purpose of convincing them [2 Nephi 25:18 LDS] interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding [Mosiah 08:19 LDS] were handed down. . . for the purpose of interpreting languages [Mosiah 28:14 LDS] and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts [Alma 13:24 LDS] a sepulchre, which they had made for the purpose of burying [Alma 19:01 LDS] their brethren. . . came up. . . for the purpose of destroying [Alma 24:20 LDS] 310: = extra citation =========================== THE (ethnic group) SALLY (SALLIED/SALLYING) FORTH/OUT As the SCIOTANS sallied out in parties to plunder [ObMs 000:00] fired with indignation, sallied forth in parties in every direction [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And the LAMANITES were sallying forth against us [Alma 58:06 LDS] they began to be fearful, and began to sally forth [Alma 56:29 LDS] those armies. . . began to come down and to sally forth [3 Nephi 04:01 LDS] 311: = extra citation =========================== (leader's name) GAINED THE (noun) OF THE HAMKO had nearly gained the encampment of the KENTUCKS [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- AMALICKIAH, by his fraud, gained the hearts of the people [Alma 47:30 LDS] JARED... did flatter. . . until he had gained the half of the kingdom [Ether 08:02 LDS] when he had gained the half of the kingdom he gave battle [Ether 08:03 LDS] 312: =========================================== (leader's name) HAD OVERTAKEN (the foe) HALOON with a party of SCIOTANS had overtaken HAMKO [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the armies of ANTIPUS had overtaken them [Alma 56:49 LDS] 313: =========================================== WERE OVERTAKEN BY these were pursued, overtaken, or met by parties of the KENTUCKS [ObMs 000:00] that she might be overtaken by her brother [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- whether they were overtaken by ANTIPUS we knew not [Alma 56:43 LDS] 314: = extra citation =========================== OVERTAKE/OVERTOOK/OVERTAKEN AND ( murder) CONCO overtook and killed about a thousand of the wretched fugitives [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- should overtake me, and we could not stand against them, but be slain [Alma 56:40 LDS] desirous to overtake us that they might slay us [Alma 58:19 LDS] the LAMANITES . . . did overtake them, and began to slay them [Mosiah 19:10 LDS] the people. . . could not overtake them to destroy them [Mosiah 23:02 LDS] they should overtake me, and we . . . be slain [Alma 56:40 LDS] GIDDIANHI... was pursued... was overtaken and slain [3 Nephi 04:14 LDS] he did overtake them. . .they had all fallen by the sword [Ether 15:29 LDS] 315: =========================================== A THOUSAND OF THE [soldiers were killed] CONCO overtook and killed about a thousand of the wretched fugitives [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and more than a thousand of the LAMANITES were slain [Alma 49:23 LDS] while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain [Alma 57:26 LDS] 316: = extra citation =========================== THEY/THESE/THOSE WERE MET BY these were pursued, overtaken, or met by parties [ObMs 000:00] Those who had attempted. . . were met and massacred by [ObMs 000:00] bands rushing between the divisions were met by others [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- it came to pass that they were met by TEANCUM [Alma 51:29 LDS] and then they were met by LEHI and a small army [Alma 52:27 LDS] until they were met by LEHI and TEANCUM [Alma 62:32 LDS] robbers began their march, they were met by the armies [3 Nephi 04:25 LDS] 317: =========================================== TO/UNTO THE PLACE WHERE (pronoun/article) towards the Great River, to the place where they left [ObMs 000:00] with the greatest speed to the place where they had halted [ObMs 000:00] to the hill which was opposite to the place where they landed [ObMs 000:00] can have respect only to the place where the [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- went in unto the Queen, unto the place where she sat [Alma 47:34 LDS] I know the place where the LAMANITES do guard [Alma 55:03 LDS] in that same place where we had first pitched our tents [Alma 58:17 LDS] 318: =========================================== ALL THE. . . OF THE all the proceedings of the SCIOTAN Government [ObMs 000:00] all the inhabitants of the Empire of KENTUCK [ObMs 000:00] All the princes of the Empire were quick to obey [ObMs 000:00] jurisdiction over all the priests of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] honored above all the other Princes of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] he beheld all the ladies of the imperial family [ObMs 000:00] all the sympathetic. . . feelings of the human [ObMs 000:00] All the duties of the conjugal state [ObMs 000:00] all the reasoning of the venerable BOAKIN [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- all the prisoners of the LAMANITES did join [Alma 62:29a LDS] relieved from all the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 62:29b LDS] notwithstanding all the intrigues of the LAMANITES [Alma 55:27 LDS] among all the people of the LAMANITES [Alma 47:35 LDS] he cut off all the strongholds of the LAMANITES [Alma 50:11 LDS] retain all the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 52:08 LDS] merciful and just are all the dealings of the Lord [Alma 50:19 LDS] and all the dissenters of the NEPHITES [Alma 47:35 LDS] command of all the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:16 LDS] 319: = extra citation =========================== WHO FELL/FALL/FALLING INTO THEIR HANDS people without distinction. . . who fell into their hands [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that my little sons should fall into their hands [Alma 56:39 LDS] our property, and it fell into the hands of LABAN [1 Nephi 03:26 LDS] the NEPHITES who fell into their hands, and carry them [Alma 17:20 LDS] retain all the prisoners who fell into his hands for as [Alma 52:08 LDS] thus the city of ANTIPARAH fell into our hands [Alma 57:04 LDS] preserve my people. . . from falling into the hands of their enemies [Omni 01:01 LDS] preserved them from falling into the hands of their enemies [Omni 01:02 LDS] until they have fallen into my hands. And I [Words Morm. 01:11 LDS] they must have fallen into the hands of the LAMANITES [Mosiah 01:14 LDS] and have been kept from falling into the hands of your enemies [Mosiah 02:31 LDS] and keep them from falling into the hands of our enemies [Mosiah 10:02 LDS] I have suffered myself that I have fallen into your hands [Mosiah 17:09 LDS] he might . . . fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Mosiah 21:19 LDS] it was their lot to have fallen into the hands of a more hardened [Alma 20:30 LDS] if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES, that [Alma 43:10 LDS] therefore, if they should fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:11 LDS] the cities round about, which had not fallen into the hands of the [Alma 52:10 LDS] suffered themselves to have fallen into the hands of their [Alma 53:11 LDS] The army . . . were about to fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 56:50 LDS] they returned in season to save us from falling into their hands [Alma 57:17 LDS] to defend. . . from falling into the hands of our enemies [Alma 58:08 LDS] to keep the city from falling into the hands of the LAMANITES [Alma 59:09 LDS] whether they should not fall into the hands of their brethren [Alma 59:11 LDS] many cities which had fallen into the hands of the LAMANITES [Helaman 04:09 LDS] not spare any that should fall into their hands [3 Nephi 04:13 LDS] in preserving them from falling into the hands of their enemies [3 Nephi 04:31 LDS] not suffer the records. . . to fall into the hands of the LAMANITES [Mormon 06:06 LDS] 320: = extra citation =========================== GAIN ADVANTAGE OVER emperors. . . seeking. . . to gain advantage over each other [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- insomuch that they did gain advantage over the LAMANITES [Alma 51:31 LDS] that they might gain advantage over them [Alma 52:19 LDS] here we had hope to gain advantage over the LAMANITES [Mormon 06:04 LDS] 321: = extra citation =========================== (IN) THEIR TENT(S) two friends were sitting in their tent one evening [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they pitched their tents round about, every man [Mosiah 02:05 LDS] And they pitched their tents round about the temple [Mosiah 02:06 LDS] they came to a hill. . . there they pitched their tents [Mosiah 07:05 LDS] therefore they took their tents and their families and departed [Mosiah 18:34 LDS] to take their . . . their herds, and their tents, and depart [Mosiah 22:02 LDS] And they pitched their tents, and began to till the ground [Mosiah 23:05 LDS] they pitched their tents in a valley, and they called the [Mosiah 24:20 LDS] his people should pitch their tents in the valley of GIDEON [Alma 02:20 LDS] the people of NEPHI took their tents, and departed [Alma 02:26 LDS] into the wilderness, where they had pitched their tents [Alma 27:25 LDS] he caused his army to pitch their tents in the valley [Alma 47:09 LDS] TEANCUM and his men did pitch their tents in the borders [Alma 51:32 LDS] and they did pitch their tents, for the chief captains [Alma 58:25 LDS] when they had come. . . they did pitch their tents in the plains [Alma 62:18 LDS] came to the sea they pitched their tents... and they dwelt in tents [Ether 02:13 LDS] they pitched their tents. . . and CORIANTUMR pitched his tents [Ether 14:28 LDS] when they came to these waters they pitched their tents [Ether 15:08 LDS] they . . . did pitch their tents in a place which was called OGATH [Ether 15:10 LDS] CORIANTUMR did pitch their tents by the hill RAMAH [Ether 15:11 LDS] 322: = extra citation =========================== (verb ending in "s" or "th") ME THAT Something whispers me that this night we can perform [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- for thus it whispereth me, according to the [WM 01:10 RLDS] [Words Morm. 01:02 LDS] it supposeth me that thou art a child of Hell [Alma 54:11b LDS] it supposeth me that I talk to you concerning [Alma 54:11a LDS] it sufficeth me that I tell you that [Alma 56:05 LDS] And it supposeth me that they have come up hither [Jacob 02:08 LDS] The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth [Alma 14:11 LDS] For so exceedingly do they anger that it seemeth me that [Moroni 09:05 LDS] 323: =========================================== (IN)TO THE CAMP OF THE (person's/peoples' name) their plan in getting into the camp of the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] They both. . . repaired towards the camp of the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] they had cleared themselves from the camp of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- TEANCUM. . . did go forth into the camp of the LAMANITES [Alma 62:36 LDS] he might know when the camp of the LAMANITES should come [Alma 43:28 LDS] the spies. . . sent out to watch the camp of the LAMANITES [Alma 57:30 LDS] the people who possessed the land of LEHI fled to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:27 LDS] the people of LEHI had fled to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:28 LDS] she fled, and came over to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:31 LDS] TEANCUM. . . returned to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:35 LDS] TEANCUM. . . went into the camp of AMALICKIAH [Alma 51:33 LDS] 324: = extra citation =========================== IN THE MORNING in the morning; this was the time they had fixed [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- when the LAMANITES awoke in the morning they beheld that [Alma 55:02 LDS] and it was in the morning of the third day of the seventh month [Alma 56:42 LDS] in the morning the Lord caused a deep sleep... a profound sleep [Mosiah 24:19 LDS] 325: =========================================== AT LENGTH ARRIVE They at length arrive at the great city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] At length a mariner stept forward [ObMs 000:00] At length the venerable BOAKIN arose [ObMs 000:00] At length all became silent [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- At length their provisions did arrive [Alma 57:01 LDS] 326: =========================================== THESE/THOSE YOUNG (MEN) HAVE/HAD. . . THEIR these young heroes had accomplished their plan [ObMs 000:00] These young men. . . spared no exertions [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- these young men have taken their weapons of war [Alma 56:05 LDS] thousand of those young men, who entered. . . took their weapons [Alma 53:18 LDS] 327: =========================================== HAD ACCOMPLISHED (possessive pronoun + scheme) IN. . . THE heroes had accomplished their plan in getting into the camp [ObMs 000:00] no difficulty in obtaining his consent [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- we had accomplished our designs in obtaining the city [Alma 57:12 LDS] he had accomplished his design, for he had hardened [Alma 48:03 LDS] 328: =========================================== HAD ACCOMPLISHED (possessive pronoun + scheme) IN. . . THE They found them lying in a profound sleep [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they . . . found the king lying in his gore [Alma 47:27 LDS] 329: = extra citation =========================== IN A PROFOUND SLEEP/SILENCE They found them lying in a profound sleep [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- those things were done in a profound silence [Alma 55:17 LDS] task-masters were in a profound sleep [Mos 11:68 RLDS] [Mos 24:29 LDS] 330: =========================================== FATIGUE(S). . . OF THE DAY for the fatigues of the day and the [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- fatigue, which was caused by the labors and heat of the day [Alma 51:33 LDS] 331: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ THE DESTRUCTION OF (THEIR ENEMIES) In addition to the destruction of all their property [ObMs 000:00] to display our valor in the destruction of our enemies [ObMs 000:00] they were informed of the destruction of so many [ObMs 000:00] let us revenge the insult by the destruction of their [ObMs 000:00] so anxious were they to finish the destruction of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] he regard the miseries and destruction of others [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the greatness of the destruction of the people who had [Helaman 03:06 LDS] even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire [1 Nephi 22:17 LDS] manifest himself . . . unto the destruction of their enemies [2 Nephi 06:14 LDS] 332: = extra citation =========================== AT THE FEET OF (leader's name) he tumbled at the feet of HAMKO [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- came forth and threw down their weapons of war at the feet of MORONI [Alma 44:15 LDS] and they cast their garments at the feet of MORONI [Alma 46:22a LDS] he may cast us at the feet of our enemies [Alma 46:22b LDS] chief captains. . . threw down their weapons of war at the feet of MORONI [Alma 52:38 LDS] chief captains. . . cast them at the feet of the NEPHITES [Alma 55:23 LDS] they did fall down at the feet of JESUS, and did worship him [3 Nephi 11:17 LDS] 333: = extra citation =========================== THE. . . AND FELL UPON He cast his eyes on the lifeless body of his friend and fell upon it [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they ran to the city and fell upon the guards [Alma 58:21 LDS] they. . . went over. . . and fell upon the people [Alma 25:02 LDS] 334: = extra citation =========================== HAD TAUGHT THEM Experience had taught them to use stratagem [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they said unto me that their mothers had taught them [Alma 57:21 LDS] he spake. . . and denied the things which he had taught them [Jacob 07:17 LDS] a just man. . . who had taught them to keep the commandments [Mosiah 02:[04 LDS] the last words which king BENJAMIN had taught them [Mosiah 08:03 LDS] 335: = extra citation =========================== ON THE PART OF THE (ethnic group) terminate the war successfully on the part of the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] of these articles, on the part of the princes of KENTUCK [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- but it was more dreadful on the part of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:37 LDS] it would be the means of great loss on the part of the NEPHITES [Alma 31:04 LDS] on the part of the NEPHITES . . . on the part of the LAMANITES [Mormon 02:08 LDS] 336: =========================================== (leader's name) WITH HIS ARMY/ARMIES (TO) prevented by the arrival of HAMBOON with his army to [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- MORONI did arrive with his army at the land [Alma 52:18 LDS] MORONI had been in their rear with his army [Alma 52:29 LDS] had beheld LEHI with his army coming against them [Alma 52:28 LDS] AMALICKIAH marched with his armies [Alma 47:20 LDS] MORONI, with his armies, which did increase daily [Alma 50:12 LDS] would not come out with his army to meet them [Alma 52:20 LDS] and march forth with his army against the LAMANITES [Alma 52:17 LDS] come down with his army in the night-time [Alma 47:13 LDS] that he had pursued them with his army [Alma 47:32 LDS] he entered the city NEPHI with his armies [Alma 47:31 LDS] he would come out with his armies to meet them [Alma 52:20 LDS] 337: =========================================== PURSUED THEM WITH HIS (fighters) ELSEON pursued them with his warriors [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that he had pursued them with his army [Alma 47:32 LDS] 338: =========================================== THEY. . . PURSUED THEM WITH (dispatch) they immediately pursued them with the utmost expedition [ObMs 000:00] They, however, pursued them to the hill [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they took courage and pursued them with vigor [Alma 52:24 LDS] 339: =========================================== THEIR ARMS IN THE DEFENCE OF THE(IR) (place) seized their arms. . . in the defence of the city [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- take up arms, in the defence of their country [Alma 53:13 LDS] their arms, in the defence of their country and [Alma 61:06 LDS] take up their swords in the defence of their freedom, that [Alma 62:05 LDS] whosoever would not take up arms in the defence of their country [Alma 62:09 LDS] in their cities, and to take up arms in defence of their country [Alma 51:20 LDS] 340: =========================================== THREW/LAY DOWN THEIR (weapons/arms) [ObMs 000:00] they threw down their arms and surrendered [ObMs 000:00] both armies will mutually agree to lay down their arms [ObMs 000:00] And giving up their arms, their demand was granted [ObMs 000:00] they pierced with their deadly weapons [ObMs 000:00] arrows and the weapons of death [ObMs 000:00] the weapons (( of )) death and destruction [ObMs 000:00] to the deadly weapons of an enemy [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- many came forth and threw down their weapons of war [Alma 44:15 LDS] my people shall lay down their weapons [Alma 54:18 LDS] and their weapons of war were taken from them [Alma 52:39 LDS] deliver up their weapons of war and also themselves as prisoners [Alma 56:54 LDS] deliver up your weapons of war unto us [Alma 44:06 LDS] here are our weapons of war; we will deliver them up [Alma 44:08a LDS] take our weapons of war, and suffer that we may depart [Alma 44:08b LDS] deliver up your weapons of war and depart with a covenant [Alma 44:14 LDS] 341: = extra citation =========================== (article) NARROW PASS(AGE) WHICH LED (IN)TO THE (location) posted his warriors in a narrow passage which led to the city [ObMs 000:00] caused heaps of them to lie prostrate in the narrow passage [ObMs 000:00] forcing his march into the city through this narrow passage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and secure the narrow pass which led into the land northward [Alma 52:09 LDS] by the narrow neck which led into the land northward [Alma 63:05 LDS] by the narrow pass which led by the sea into the land northward [Alma 50:34 LDS] to the narrow passage which led into the land [Mormon 02:29 LDS] by the narrow pass which led into the land southward. [Mormon 03:05 LDS] 342: =========================================== (get) A PASS(AGE) TO THE(IR) Our swords will find a passage to their hearts [ObMs 000:00] they. . . made a passage over the bodies [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they might obtain a pass to their armies [Alma 49:22 LDS] 343: = extra citation =========================== (IN)TO. . . THROUGH (article) PASS(AGE) to enter the city through that passage forcing his march into the city through this narrow passage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- exposed to the arrows of the LAMANITES through the pass [Alma 49:24 LDS] Behold the back pass, through the back wall [Mosiah 22:06 LDS] we will pass through the secret pass on the left of their camp [Mosiah 22:07 LDS] 344: = extra citation =========================== (poss. pronoun) MARCH INTO THE began to despair of forcing his march into the city [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and we took our march into the wilderness [Alma 56:39 LDS] they should. . . march into the furthermost parts of the land [3 Nephi 04:23 LDS] 345: =========================================== ABOUT FOUR THOUSAND dispatched a party of about four thousand from his band [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and they were in number about four thousand [Alma 62:17 LDS] 346: =========================================== THEY... (TO) MAINTAIN THE They could no longer maintain the bloody contest [ObMs 000:00] We are therefore bound to maintain the rights and privileges [ObMs 000:00] retain the Princess and maintain the conflict [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they durst not oppose but were obliged to maintain the cause of freedom [Alma 51:07 LDS] after this manner, they were still determined to maintain the city [Alma 57:11 LDS] leaving the remainder to maintain the city [Alma 56:33 LDS] he hath agreed to maintain the city of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 61:08 LDS] yea, to support and maintain the cause of God [Alma 50:39 LDS] 347: = extra citation =========================== TO RETREAT NUNAPON advised him to retreat without loosing a moment [ObMs 000:00] The SCIOTANS began to retreat [ObMs 000:00] They were obliged, in their turn, to retreat [ObMs 000:00] break through the ranks of his last assailants and to retreat [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES coming out against him he began to retreat [Alma 52:23 LDS] therefore they began to retreat into the wilderness again [Alma 58:24 LDS] that they began to retreat back towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:29 LDS] 348: =========================================== THEY (compound verb) RETREAT BACK TO(WARDS) THE they could still retreat back to the fortifications [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they began to retreat back towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:29 LDS] 349: = extra citation =========================== BEGAN TO RETREAT The SCIOTANS began to retreat [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he began to retreat down by the seashore [Alma 52:23 LDS] therefore they began to retreat into the wilderness again [Alma 58:24 LDS] they began to retreat back towards the land of ZARAHEMLA [Helaman 01:29 LDS] the LAMANITES. . . began to retreat towards the north countries [Mormon 02:03 LDS] 350: =========================================== THEY RETREATED. . . (IN)TO THE they retreated and marched to the fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- Therefore they retreated into the wilderness [Alma 49:12 LDS] 351: =========================================== TO WITHSTAND THE with his small band to withstand the strength of such [ObMs 000:00] It was impossible to withstand the violence of their charge [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- were compelled, alone, to withstand against the LAMANITES [Alma 43:13 LDS] 352: =========================================== THE REMAINDER OF THE The remainder of the three thousand sold their lives [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- while the remainder of the seed of JOSEPH shall perish [Alma 46:24 LDS] enable the LAMANITES to conquer the remainder of the land [Alma 61:08 LDS] And the remainder of those dissenters. . . yielded to the [Alma 51:20 LDS] and the remainder of them. . . knew not whither to go [Alma 52:36 LDS] as the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS] that he might obtain the remainder of those possessions [Alma 59:04 LDS] also recover the remainder of our possessions [Alma 60:24 LDS] TEANCUM command over the remainder of his army [Alma 62:03 LDS] he might spend the remainder of his days in peace [Alma 62:43 LDS] he did stir up the remainder of his soldiers to anger [Alma 44:16 LDS] if they would spare the remainder of their lives [Alma 44:19 LDS] 353: = extra citation =========================== WITH THE REMAINDER OF (singular pronoun + soldiers) With the remainder of his own troops, he returned back [ObMs 000:00] with the remainder, which consisted of about twenty thousand [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- I remained, with the remainder of my army [Alma 58:17 LDS] I. . . put them with the remainder of my record, for [Words Morm. 01:06 LDS] he marched with the remainder to meet the LAMANITES [Alma 52:26 LDS] 354: = extra citation =========================== THE REMAINDER FLED (IN/UN)TO THE The remainder. . . fled to the army of RAMBOCK [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and the remainder of them fled into the land of MORONI [Alma 62:25 LDS] the remainder of the people of NEPHIHAH were obliged to flee [Alma 59:06 LDS] and the remainder of them fled. . . unto the regions round about [Alma 21:13 LDS] And the remainder, having fled into the east wilderness [Alma 25:05 LDS] AMALICKIAH fled with a small number. . . the remainder were [Alma 46:33 LDS] and the remainder of them broke through and fled from us [Alma 57:33 LDS] 355: =========================================== THE PROGRESS OF THE/THIS This battle checked the progress of the enemy [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- power to impede the progress of this people [Alma 60:30 LDS] 356: =========================================== (gave/giving) THEM NO TIME TO That day afforded them no time to bury their dead [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL gave him no time to repeat the challenge [ObMs 000:00] he lost no time to regulate matters in the fort [ObMs 000:00] No time was lost to make preparation [ObMs 000:00] the SCIOTANS lost no time, but marched into the city [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- he did march forth, giving them no time to [Helaman 01:24 LDS] 357: = extra citation =========================== IN THIS PART OF THE (geographical region) prince, who reigned in this part of the western continent [ObMs 000:00] an enemy, was however, very industrious in this part of the war [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- concerning our warfare in this part of the land [Alma 56:02 LDS] joined the LAMANITES in this part of the land [Alma 59:06 LDS] and in this part of the land they are also seeking to [Moroni 08:28 LDS] 358: =========================================== AND AS THE. . . WERE and as the governments were not infected with thirst for conquest [ObMs 000:00] As the priests and the censors were vigilant and careful [ObMs 000:00] As the two empires were not displeased with each other's [ObMs 000:00] As the debates were proceeding, ELSEON rose [ObMs 000:00] As the two armies were paraded in fair view [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- And as the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS] now, as the AMALEKITES were of a more wicked and [Alma 43:06 LDS] 359: = extra citation =========================== IN THEIR REAR the SCIOTAN army and lie in ambush in their rear [ObMs 000:00] reinforced by a body of troops in their rear [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the NEPHITES coming upon them in their rear [Alma 43:36 LDS] MORONI had been in their rear with his army [Alma 52:29 LDS] to fall upon them in their rear, and thus bring them [Alma 55:23 LDS] encircled the LAMANITES about on the east in their rear [Alma 43:35 LDS] the armies of the NEPHITES both in their front and in their rear [3 Nephi 04:25 LDS] 360: =========================================== MAKE/MADE AN ATTACK UPON (article) CITY made an attack upon a city to rob the citizens of their [ObMs 000:00] in order to surprise them with an attack after the battle [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- TEANCUM made preparations to make an attack upon the city [Alma 52:17 LDS] he desired. . . he should make an attack upon the LAMANITES [Alma 53:05 LDS] we were not desirous to make an attack upon them [Alma 56:21 LDS] nor by day to make an attack upon our other cities [Alma 56:22 LDS] they might commence an attack upon the weaker part [Alma 43:24 LDS] TEANCUM had received orders to make an attack upon the city [Alma 52:16 LDS] 361: =========================================== TAKE PLACE AMONG And the wars which take place among nations [ObMs 000:00] provided a war should take place and they [ObMs 000:00] an honorable reconciliation may take place and a [ObMs 000:00] a most bloody engagement would take place immediately [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- can cause to take place among the children of men [Alma 46:09 LDS] 362: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ THEM WITH birds would charm them with their melody [ObMs 000:00] done them no injury nor even insulted them with words [ObMs 000:00] treat them with good cheer and enlighten their dark souls [ObMs 000:00] by feeding them with good fare and keeping them clean [ObMs 000:00] dissipate the solemnity and inspire them with cheerfulness [ObMs 000:00] garment with sleeves which they girded 'round them with belts [ObMs 000:00] by treating them with great familiarity, by cropping their wings [ObMs 000:00] to supply them with all the implements which custom [ObMs 000:00] orators entertain them with the productions of their poets [ObMs 000:00] and furnish them with instructors as I please [ObMs 000:00] LOBASKA rose and presented them with the following constitution [ObMs 000:00] he shall defend them with the force of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] treated them with attention, civility, and tenderness [ObMs 000:00] they furnish them with a convenient house [ObMs 000:00] and views them with the utmost detestation [ObMs 000:00] They received them with firmness and courage [ObMs 000:00] RAMECK supported them with his warlike band [ObMs 000:00] and endeavored to inspire them with persevering courage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- gather together men, and arm them with swords [Alma 60:02 LDS] pull down their pride. . . and level them with the earth [Alma 51:17 LDS] MOSIAH received them with joy; and he also received [Mosiah 22:14 LDS] we did stand before them with such firmness that they [Mormon 02:25 LDS] therefore we did fortify against them with all our force [Mormon 03:06 LDS] 363: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ (try to kill) THEM WITH and destroy them with as much facility as you would [ObMs 000:00] They attacked them with incredible fury [ObMs 000:00] which attacked them with such fury and courage [ObMs 000:00] to surprise them with an attack after the battle [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- that they might destroy them with poison [Alma 55:30 LDS] they did begin to slay them with an exceedingly great slaughter [Alma 59:07 LDS] the NEPHITES. . . did slay them with much slaughter [Alma 02:19 LDS] the LAMANITES began. . . to slay them with the sword [Alma 24:21 LDS] they did slay them with a great slaughter; and they [Alma 62:38 LDS] 364: =========================================== TO DESTROY THE(M) pursue the survivors of ULIPOON's army and to destroy them [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- supposing that they were coming to destroy them [Alma 47:05 LDS] had gone to destroy them by joining the LAMANITES [Alma 48:24 LDS] that they might destroy them with poison [Alma 55:30 LDS] they did destroy them and did take possession [Alma 58:21 LDS] 365: =========================================== TO DESTROY THE(IR). . . OF so horrid as maliciously to destroy the life of man [ObMs 000:00] met his antagonist, determined to destroy his life [ObMs 000:00] either to destroy or to take possession of their property [ObMs 000:00] mutually engaged to destroy each other's life [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he. . . sought to destroy the liberty of the people [Helaman 01:08 LDS] the LAMANITES did attempt to destroy the NEPHITES [Alma 49:23 LDS] it was their intention to destroy their brethren [Alma 43:29 LDS] yea, and to seek to destroy the church of God [Alma 46:10a LDS] and to seek. . . to destroy the foundation of liberty [Alma 46:10b LDS] 366: =========================================== AND DESTROY THEM/THAT and destroy them with as much facility as you would [ObMs 000:00] I must go and destroy that army of KENTUCKS [ObMs 000:00] his children should contend and destroy that existence [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- MORONI should come upon them and destroy them [Alma 50:28 LDS] he would not fall upon the LAMANITES and destroy them [Alma 55:19 LDS] 367: = extra citation =========================== PURSU(ING/ED) THEM (WITH VIGOR) ELSEON pursued them with his warriors [ObMs 000:00] they immediately pursued them with the utmost expedition [ObMs 000:00] forming great plans; and of prosecuting them with vigor [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they took courage and pursued them with vigor [Alma 52:24 LDS] the LAMANITES pursuing them with great vigor [Alma 56:52 LDS] the NEPHITES did pursue them with their might [Alma 02:19 LDS] that he had pursued them with his army, but it was [Alma 47:32 LDS] the army of Antipus pursuing them, with their might [Alma 56:37 LDS] when they had fled we did pursue them with our armies [Mormon 02:26 LDS] 368: =========================================== AND. . . THEM WITH VIGOR and of prosecuting them with vigor [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- and pursued them with vigor [Alma 52:24 LDS] 369: =========================================== (possessive pronoun) OBJECT WAS TO (verb) THE as their object probably was to ravage the country [ObMs 000:00] and whose only object was to sell their lives [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- our next object was to obtain the city of MANTI [Alma 58:01 LDS] 370: = extra citation =========================== HAVE/HAD COMMENCED SCIOTA and KENTUCK had commenced their new career [ObMs 000:00] as the darkness of the night had now commenced [ObMs 000:00] we have now commenced a new voyage [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- overtaken them, and a terrible battle had commenced [Alma 56:49] insomuch that they who had commenced in the path [1 Nephi 08:23 LDS] for as you have commenced in your youth to look to [Alma 38:02 LDS] and having commenced the twenty and fifth year in peace [Alma 51:01] the work of the Father hath already commenced unto the [3 Nephi 21:07 LDS] ye may know that the work of the Father has commenced [Ether 04:17 LDS] 371: = extra citation =========================== THE/THEY (people) ENCIRCLED BY THE the poor citizens now encircled by the walls of a fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES were encircled about in the borders by the wilderness [Alma 62:34 LDS] he led his army forth and encircled the LAMANITES about [Alma 43:35 LDS] Therefore the armies of MORONI encircled them about [Alma 43:52 LDS] that they were encircled about by the NEPHITES [Alma 43:53 LDS] until they had encircled the city of BOUNTIFUL 'round about [Alma 53:04 LDS] and also building walls of stone to encircle them [Alma 48:08 LDS] they were encircled about by the bands of death [Alma 05:07 LDS] he began to be encircled about by the pains of hell [Alma 14:06 LDS] and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death [Alma 36:18 LDS] NEPHI and LEHI were encircled about as if by fire [Helaman 05:23 LDS] they were encircled about, yea every soul, by a pillar of fire [Helaman 05:43 LDS] we are encircled about by the angels of him who hath sought [Helaman 13:37 LDS] they were encircled about as if it were by fire; and it came [3 Nephi 19:14 LDS] 372: =========================================== THE WALLS OF (article + fort/city) those who are surrounded by the walls of yonder fort [ObMs 000:00] the poor citizens now encircled by the walls of a fort [ObMs 000:00] -------------------------------------------------------- they were all within the walls of the city [Alma 62:23 LDS] who should attempt to approach near the walls of the city [Alma 50:05 LDS] did flee before CORIANTUMR, even to the walls of the city [Helaman 001:21 LDS] did let himself down over the walls of the city [Alma 62:36 LDS] 373: =========================================== BEHOLDING THE GREAT(NESS). . . OF THEIR beholding the greatest exhibition of . . . their palaces [ObMs 000:00] of beholding the great and benevolent objects which he had [ObMs 000:00] at beholding the ruins of all their property [ObMs 000:00] at beholding. . . the blood and carnage of so many thousand [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and beholding the greatness of their numbers [Alma 62:19 LDS] 374: = extra citation =========================== OF ALL THEIR In addition to the destruction of all their property [ObMs 000:00] they had, during the reigns of all their Emperors, been in the habit [ObMs 000:00] sorrowful at beholding the ruins of all their property [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- this had been hitherto a cause of all their destruction [Alma 51:16 LDS] And he laid a tax of. . . a fifth part of all their grain [Mosiah 11:03 LDS] Amalickiah took. . . possession of all their fortifications [Alma 51:23 LDS] they succeeded in regaining even the half of all their possessions [Helaman 04:10 LDS] regained. . . the one-half of all their lands [Helaman 04:16 LDS] insomuch that they did repent of all their sins [3 Nephi 03:25 LDS] take with them all that they had not devoured, of all their grain [3 Nephi 06:02 LDS] and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness [3 Nephi 27:19 LDS] that they truly repented of all their sins [Moroni 06:02 LDS] 375: =========================================== LEST (pronoun/name) SHOULD (NOT). . . TO/INTO lest we should fall into the hands of robbers [ObMs 000:00] lest HAMBOON should not arrive in season to prevent [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- lest by any means a part of the LAMANITES should come into that land [Alma 43:25 LDS] against the NEPHITES lest they should lose their lives [Alma 47:02 LDS] fearful lest the army of MORONI should come upon them [Alma 50:28 LDS] lest the LAMANITES had awakened and should come upon them [Alma 51:36 LDS] lest the LAMANITES should obtain that point [Alma 52:09 LDS] lest perhaps they should not obtain the city MULEK [Alma 52:28 LDS] HELAMAN feared lest by so doing they should lose their souls [Alma 53:15 LDS] lest they should not be sufficiently strong and they should fall [Alma 56:24 LDS] turn to the right nor to the left lest they should be surrounded [Alma 56:40a LDS] nor to the left lest they should overtake me [Alma 56:40b LDS] let us go, lest they should overpower the army of ANTIPUS [Alma 56:46 LDS] he feared lest that he should be destroyed [Helaman 02:11 LDS] 376: =========================================== ARRIVE IN SEASON TO not arrive in season to prevent the storming of the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- those men whom we sent. . . did arrive in season to check them [Alma 57:18 LDS] the LAMANITES were upon us, and they returned in season to save us [Alma 57:17 LDS] 377: =========================================== THE (captured things) THEY HAD TAKEN the plunder they had taken in the city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] A great reformation had taken place in the morals [ObMs 000:00] BOMBAL, the King. . . had taken great umbrage [ObMs 000:00] no intermarriages had taken place [ObMs 000:00] When further deliberation had taken place [ObMs 000:00] He had taken great umbrage at ELSEON for saying that [ObMs 000:00] a great multitude of citizens, had taken their stand [ObMs 000:00] attack his army in the position he had taken [ObMs 000:00] since the two armies had taken their different positions [ObMs 000:00] an indiscriminate slaughter had taken place [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- keep and protect all the prisoners whom they had taken [Alma 55:27 LDS] fulfilling the oath which they had taken [Alma 56:08 LDS] AMMORON to maintain those cities which they had taken [Alma 56:20 LDS] determined to maintain those cities which they had taken, and [Alma 52:05 LDS] determined to maintain those cities which they had taken [Alma 56:26 LDS] deliver up those prisoners of war whom we had taken [Alma 57:01 LDS] notwithstanding that which we had taken from the [Alma 57:15 LDS] and cities which the LAMANITES had taken from them [Alma 59:04 LDS] out of the land of ZARAHEMLA and had taken possession [Alma 62:06 LDS] after they had taken them, they caused them [Alma 62:16 LDS] come into the center of the land, and had taken the capital [Helaman 01:27 LDS] for, behold, he had taken those who went with him [Alma 47:01 LDS] which custom they had taken from the NEPHITES [Alma 47:23 LDS] those cities, which they had taken by the shedding of blood [Alma 52:04 LDS] determined to maintain those cities which they had taken, and [Alma 52:05 LDS] for as the LAMANITES had taken many prisoners [Alma 52:08a LDS] a ransom for those whom the LAMANITES had taken [Alma 52:08b LDS] left to possess the cities which he had taken [Alma 52:13 LDS] against their brethren; for they had taken an oath [Alma 53:11 LDS] Now the LAMANITES had taken many women and children [Alma 54:03a LDS] or the prisoners whom MORONI had taken [Alma 54:03b LDS] did cause the LAMANITES, whom he had taken prisoners [Alma 55:25 LDS] determined to maintain those cities which they had taken [Alma 56:26 LDS] 378: =========================================== (carry/carried + the/this) PLAN INTO EFFECT with the plan, granted. . . permission to carry it into effect [ObMs 000:00] he returned back to carry into effect the order of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] This novel invention was soon carried into effect [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they would have carried this plan into effect [Alma 50:30 LDS] we were desirous to bring a stratagem into effect [Alma 56:30 LDS] 379: =========================================== UNTIL THEY HAD. . . THE marched towards the fort until they had got beyond the view [ObMs 000:00] they proceeded until they had finished the interment [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- cause the LAMANITES to labor until they had encircled the city [Alma 53:04 LDS] did not head them until they had come to the borders [Alma 50:34 LDS] fall upon them until they had given up their weapons [Alma 52:32 LDS] 380: = extra citation =========================== (pronoun) HAD GOT marched towards the fort until they had got beyond the view [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- now he had got the command of those parts of the LAMANITES [Alma 47:05 LDS] he had got great hold upon the hearts of the NEPHITES [Helaman 06:31 LDS] 381: = extra citation =========================== THEY (verb) THEIR COURSE They all precipitate their course [ObMs 000:00] ordered them to turn their course towards the Great River [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and they took their course northward [Alma 63:06 LDS] they went round. . . and bent their course towards the land [Mosiah 22:11 LDS] if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale [Alma 37:45 LDS] MORONI being in their course of march, therefore JACOB was [Alma 52:34 LDS] 382: =========================================== A NUMBER OF having asked a number of very pertinent questions [ObMs 000:00] They assigned us. . . a number of houses [ObMs 000:00] spectators had a number of times seen him [ObMs 000:00] Within these forts are likewise a number of small houses [ObMs 000:00] anxiety which for a number of days were visible [ObMs 000:00] when they were seen by a number of pioneers [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- to maintain so great a number of cities [Alma 58:32 LDS] obtained possession of a number of their cities [Alma 53:08 LDS] 383: =========================================== WERE NOT DISCOVERED BY (the enemy) HANOCK's division were not discovered by ULIPOON [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they were not discovered by the LAMANITES [Alma 58:19 LDS] 384: =========================================== THE(SE) WERE THROWN (preposition) the SCIOTANS were thrown into the utmost confusion [ObMs 000:00] These were thrown across three of the mammoons [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the stones and arrows which were thrown at them [Alma 49:22 LDS] 385: =========================================== THOSE WHO HAD BEEN the lifeless remains of those who had been his enemies [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and by all those who had been ordained [Alma 49:30 LDS] slew all those who had been left to protect the city [Alma 52:25 LDS] the number of those who had been slain [Alma 52:40a LDS] yea, more than those who had been slain on both sides [Alma 52:40b LDS] and those men who had been selected to convey the prisoners [Alma 57:22 LDS] even those who had been compelled to flee [Alma 59:06 LDS] and also those king-men who had been taken [Alma 62:09 LDS] 386: =========================================== OF HIS OWN (persons) With the remainder of his own troops, he returned [ObMs 000:00] he infused a particle of his own spiritual substance [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- for the support of his own people [Alma 54:02 LDS] 387: =========================================== THIS (scheme + was/would have) CARRIED INTO EFFECT This novel invention was soon carried into effect [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they would have carried this plan into effect. . . but behold [Alma 50:30 LDS] 388: =========================================== TO CARRY/BRING (article + scheme) INTO EFFECT he returned back to carry into effect the order of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] the plan, granted to ULIPOON his permission to carry it into effect [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- we were desirous to bring a stratagem into effect upon them [Alma 56:30 LDS] 389: =========================================== THEY WERE (verb + prep.) THE ORDERS OF (leader) They were always obedient to the orders of their king [ObMs 000:00] King of MICHIGAN, received the orders of the Emperor [ObMs 000:00] returned back to carry into effect the order of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] prevent them from breaking the order of their ranks [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they were compelled by the orders of AMMORON to not come [Alma 56:18 LDS] TEANCUM, by the orders of MORONI, caused that they should [Alma 53:03 LDS] 390: =========================================== (IN)TO HIS/YOUR/THEIR OWN LAND(S) The remainder escaped to their own land [ObMs 000:00] their escape and carried the doleful tidings . . . to their own land [ObMs 000:00] the KENTUCKS returned in peace to their own country [ObMs 000:00] he solicited him to bear him company to his own dominions [ObMs 000:00] their daughters shall marry within their own dominions [ObMs 000:00] that his daughters should marry in his own dominions [ObMs 000:00] requested his permission to depart to his own country [ObMs 000:00] he has. . . transported her into his own country [ObMs 000:00] his determination was to march. . . to his own dominions [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they were beaten and driven back again to their own lands [Alma 63:15 LDS] if they would stay in their own land [Alma 61:10 LDS] who were in the east wilderness into their own lands [Alma 50:07 LDS] And he returned again privily to his own camp [Alma 51:35 LDS] withdraw your armies into your own lands [Alma 54:06 LDS] and I will follow you even into your own land [Alma 54:12 LDS] 391: =========================================== (leader's name) RETURNED TO THE. . . OF HADOKAM immediately returned with shouting to the edge of the canal [ObMs 000:00] ULIPOON. . . immediately returned back and commanded his forces [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON and his army returned in great haste and entered the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- TEANCUM . . . took them prisoners, and returned to the camp of MORONI [Alma 50:35 LDS] 392: = extra citation =========================== THE(Y) RETURNED TO (nation) the KENTUCKS returned in peace to their own country [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they returned to the land of NEPHI, to inform their king [Alma 49:25 LDS] the LAMANITES. . . returned. . . in peace to their own land [Mosiah 20:26 LDS] 393: =========================================== HE RETURNED TO He returned back to TOLANGA and sent his second son [ObMs 000:00] he returned back to carry into effect the order of HAMBOON [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And he returned again privily to his own camp [Alma 51:35 LDS] he abandoned his designs and returned again to the city [Alma 52:17 LDS] he returned to the city of ZARAHEMLA; and also HELAMAN Nephi [Alma 62:42 LDS] 394: =========================================== (unusually perilous) AND DANGEROUS beheld their situation to be extremely critical and dangerous [ObMs 000:00] and his army into a most critical and dangerous situation [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the people of NEPHI exceedingly precarious and dangerous [Alma 47:07 LDS] |
395: =========================================== THE. . . OF OUR ARMY to the general of our army there [ObMs 000:00] have lost a large division of our army [ObMs 000:00] can save our army from destruction [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the remainder of our army were about to give way [Alma 57:20 LDS] might discover the number and the strength of our army [Alma 58:14 LDS] and also an addition to our army [Alma 57:06 LDS] they were so much more numerous than was our army [Alma 58:02 LDS] 396: = extra citation =========================== SAVE/SAVING (poss. pronoun + persons) FROM DESTRUCTION Nothing says he can save our army from destruction [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he delighted in the saving of his people from destruction [Alma 55:19 LDS] that perhaps we might save them from destruction [Mormon 02:21 LDS] 397: =========================================== THAT THEY MIGHT GAIN. . .THE That they might gain the fort without being perceived [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they might gain advantage over them [Alma 52:19 LDS] that they might discover the number and the strength [Alma 58:14 LDS] that they might come into the land [Alma 43:22 LDS] that they might maintain that which was called [Alma 48:10b LDS] that they might live unto the Lord [Alma 48:10a LDS] that they might destroy them with poison [Alma 55:30 LDS] that they might not pass us by night nor by day [Alma 56:22 LDS] that they might not be surrounded by our people [Alma 56:37 LDS] that they might catch us in their snare [Alma 56:43 LDS] that they might rejoice also [Alma 59:02 LDS] that they might not come into bondage [Alma 62:05 LDS] that they might pitch battle against the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:15 LDS] that they might be executed according to the law [Helaman 02:10 LDS] that they might build many cities [Helaman 03:11 LDS] that they might preserve them from the hands [Alma 43:09a LDS] that they might preserve their rights [Alma 43:09b LDS] that they might worship God according to their desires [Alma 43:09c LDS] that they might come over into the land of MANTI [Alma 43:24a LDS] that they might commence an attack upon the weaker [Alma 43:24b LDS] that they might maintain a free government [Alma 46:35 LDS] with their brethren, that they might not be destroyed [Alma 47:15 LDS] that they might obtain a pass to their armies [Alma 49:22a LDS] that they might have an equal chance to fight [Alma 49:22b LDS] that they might secure their armies [Alma 50:10 LDS] that they might by some means flatter them [Alma 52:19 LDS] their arrows at them that they might take effect [Alma 49:04 LDS] desirous to overtake us that they might slay us [Alma 58:19 LDS] 398: =========================================== THAT HE MIGHT (verb) took a seat and told HELICON that he might inform [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Now this he did that he might preserve their hatred [Alma 43:07a LDS] that he might bring them into subjection to the [Alma 43:07b LDS] this he did that he might usurp great power over them [Alma 43:08a LDS] and also that he might gain power over the NEPHITES [Alma 43:08b LDS] that he might know when the camp of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:28 LDS] he rushed forward that he might slay MORONI [Alma 44:12 LDS] AMALICKIAH would do that he might obtain his purposes [Alma 46:30 LDS] that he might place himself at their head [Alma 47:08 LDS] that he might accomplish his designs in dethroning [Alma 47:16 LDS] that he might take possession of the land BOUNTIFUL [Alma 51:30 LDS] that he might assist TEANCUM with his men [Alma 52:15 LDS] that he might receive strength to his army [Alma 52:17 LDS] that he might decoy the LAMANITES out of their [Alma 52:21 LDS] that he might with ease maintain that part of the land [Alma 59:03 LDS] to lay a plan that he might obtain the remainder of those [Alma 59:04 LDS] that he might spend the remainder of his days in peace [Alma 62:43 LDS] that he might obtain the north parts of the land [Helaman 01:23 LDS] to the judgment-seat that he might murder HELAMAN [Helaman 02:07 LDS] 399: =========================================== THAT THEY MIGHT GAIN That they might gain the fort without being perceived [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they might gain advantage over them [Alma 52:19 LDS] and also that he might gain power over the NEPHITES [Alma 43:08 LDS] 400: = extra citation =========================== GAIN THE That they might gain the fort [ObMs 000:00] had opportunity by this means to gain the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- fearing that he should not gain the point that AMLICI should gain the voice of the people [Alma 02:04 LDS] 401: =========================================== WHEN HE SHOULD (carry out + article) when he should commence the engagement [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he desired all his forces when he should make an attack [Alma 53:05 LDS] 402: =========================================== (3rd person pronoun) SHOULD COMMENCE when he should commence the engagement [ObMs 000:00] an attack after the battle should commence [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they should commence in digging up heaps [Alma 50:01a LDS] he caused that his armies should commence in the [Alma 50:01b LDS] that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch [Alma 53:03 LDS] that they should commence a labor in strengthening [Alma 55:25 LDS] 403: = extra citation =========================== WHEN THE NIGHT HAD When the night had far advanced RAMBOCK's forces were [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that when the night had come, TEANCUM and his [Alma 51:33 LDS] And when the night came, MORONI went forth [Alma 62:20 LDS] yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high [Enos 01:04 LDS] shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh [Alma 41:05 LDS] because there was no darkness when the night came [3 Nephi 01:15 LDS] and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord [Ether 06:09 LDS] and when the night came again they did rend the air [Ether 15:17 LDS] and when the night came they slept upon their swords [Ether 15:20 LDS] when the night came they were drunken. . . and they slept [Ether 15:22 LDS] and when the night came they had all fallen by the sword [Ether 15:23 LDS] And when the night came there were thirty and two [Ether 15:23 LDS] 404: =========================================== FORCES WERE RAMBOCK's forces were all in readiness and began [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- we were sure our forces were sufficient to take [Alma 57:02 LDS] 405: =========================================== IN READINESS RAMBOCK's forces were all in readiness and began their march [ObMs 000:00] You will be in readiness and yield a [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he caused that his armies should stand in readiness [Alma 51:36 LDS] 406: =========================================== AS SOON AS (leader's name). . . THE As soon as ELSEON heard the news of their arrival [ObMs 000:00] As soon as he entered LAMESA arose [ObMs 000:00] as soon as the battle should begin [ObMs 000:00] as soon as the storm abated they marched [ObMs 000:00] As soon as darkness had overspread the Earth [ObMs 000:00] As soon as the KENTUCKS perceived that [ObMs 000:00] As soon as all resistance was overcome and had [ObMs 000:00] And as soon as the morning light appeared [ObMs 000:00] orders were as soon as the morning light began to appear [ObMs 000:00] whilst he, as soon as the light should appear [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- as soon as AMALICKIAH had obtained the kingdom [Alma 48:01 LDS] as soon as they had departed into the wilderness [Alma 43:23 LDS] 407: =========================================== WOULD ATTACK as the light should appear, would attack HANOCK [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they would attack the cities 'round about [Helaman 01:26 LDS] 408: =========================================== OPPORTUNITY TO wishing for another opportunity to measure swords [ObMs 000:00] and afford him an opportunity to obtain revenge [ObMs 000:00] part had opportunity by this means to gain the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he would seek every opportunity to scourge [Alma 52:10 LDS] 409: = extra citation =========================== GREAT WAS THE(IR) (reaction) great was their grief and lamentation, when they beheld [ObMs 000:00] Great indeed was the surprise which his arrival produced [ObMs 000:00] Great were the amazement and consternation of RAMBOCK [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- great was their disappointment; for behold, the NEPHITES [Alma 49:04 LDS] when they beheld. . . how great was their joy [1 Nephi 16:32 LDS] so great was their faith and their patience that the [Mosiah 24:16 LDS] And so great was their astonishment, that they fell [Mosiah 27:12 LDS] fell again to the earth, for great was their astonishment [Mosiah 27:18 LDS] And it came to pass that so great was their fear that they fell [Alma 14:27 LDS] 410: =========================================== UNPREPARED TO the KENTUCKS were unprepared to defend the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- into an eternal world, unprepared to meet their God [Alma 48:23 LDS] 411: =========================================== BUT IT WAS But it was impossible with his small band [ObMs 000:00] But it was HAMBOON's policy by placing garrisons [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- but it was in vain, and they had made their escape [Alma 47:32 LDS] but it was more dreadful on the part of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:37 LDS] 412: =========================================== WITH A(N) ARMY KENTUCKS are marching with a prodigious army towards the fort [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they came down with a numerous army to war against the people [Alma 63:15 LDS] he immediately sent forth LEHI with an army 'round about [Helaman 01:28 LDS] MORONI had obtained. . . MULEK with a part of his army [Alma 52:26 LDS] ANTIPUS did march forth with a part of his army [Alma 56:33 LDS] but he did march forth with a large army [Helaman 01:23 LDS] 413: =========================================== THE. . . OF HIS ARMY and the immense slaughter of his army [ObMs 000:00] seeing the deplorable situation of his army [ObMs 000:00] he shall appoint the officers of his army [ObMs 000:00] selected from all the grand divisions of his army [ObMs 000:00] With the main body of his army he made [ObMs 000:00] commanded the left wing of his army [ObMs 000:00] marched. . . to the left wing of his army [ObMs 000:00] the immense slaughter of his army [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- leaving a part of his army in the land [Alma 43:25a LDS] took the remaining part of his army and marched [Alma 43:25b LDS] the command of that part of his army [Alma 47:03 LDS] at the head of his army [Alma 49:10 LDS] MORONI commanded that a part of his army who were [Alma 52:24 LDS] MORONI. . . with a part of his army while he marched [Alma 52:26 LDS] for the strengthening of his army [Alma 54:02 LDS] march forth with a part of his army [Alma 56:33 LDS] ANTIPUS. . . did speed the march of his army [Alma 56:38 LDS] command over the remainder of his army [Alma 62:03 LDS] 414: =========================================== ALL THE. . . OF THE Here he beheld all the ladies of the imperial family [ObMs 000:00] exercise a jurisdiction over all the priests of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] All the duties of the conjugal state, in their opinion [ObMs 000:00] honored above all the other Princes of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] In vain were all the reasoning of the venerable BOAKIN [ObMs 000:00] without distinction of age or sex, all the inhabitants of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] made known all the proceedings of the SCIOTAN Government [ObMs 000:00] All the princes of the Empire were quick to obey the requisition [ObMs 000:00] all the sympathetic and compassionate feelings of the human heart [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Therefore, all the prisoners of the LAMANITES did join [Alma 62:29a LDS] were relieved from all the prisoners of the LAMANITES [Alma 62:29b LDS] took the command of all the armies of the NEPHITES [Alma 43:16 LDS] and also sent forth in all the parts of the land [Alma 46:28 LDS] among all the people of the LAMANITES, who were [Alma 47:35a LDS] and all the dissenters of the NEPHITES [Alma 47:35b LDS] he cut off all the strongholds of the LAMANITES [Alma 50:11 LDS] merciful and just are all the dealings of the Lord [Alma 50:19 LDS] retain all the prisoners of the LAMANITES as a [Alma 52:08 LDS] notwithstanding all the intrigues of the LAMANITES [Alma 55:27 LDS] 415: =========================================== BETWEEN THEM AND was prevented by HELIZA, who stepped between them and [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and a union took place between them and the people of LEHI [Alma 50:36 LDS] this great and lasting war between them and the LAMANITES [Alma 62:35 LDS] 416: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ THE DEATH OF (name) Revenge the death of LABANCO that the death of no man could have produced more grief [ObMs 000:00] satiate your revenge but the death of my dear friend [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- conferred upon HELAMAN, before the death of SHIBLON [Alma 63:13 LDS] with him to testify concerning the death of the king [Alma 47:33 LDS] they satisfied the Queen concerning the death of the king [Alma 47:34 LDS] and he did cause the death of the king immediately [Alma 51:34 LDS] known unto the Queen concerning the death of his brother [Alma 52:12 LDS] and after the death of SHARED, behold, there arose the [Ether 14:03 LDS] spake unto the people of NEPHI, after the death of NEPHI [Jacob 02:01 LDS] and they also did mourn for the death of ABINADI; and also [Mosiah 21:30 LDS] An account of the death of LEHI. NEPHI'S brethren rebel [2 Nephi Intro. LDS] 417: = extra citation =========================== (name/pronoun + verb) CONDUCT (pronoun + prep.) THE I will conduct you to the field of battle and direct your movements [ObMs 000:00] I am your friend and will conduct you beyond the loving [ObMs 000:00] HELICON would ascend and conduct her as his partner [ObMs 000:00] I shall conduct you to my palace and you shall [ObMs 000:00] He was conducted to the King and introduced to him [ObMs 000:00] They are then conducted to a log 'round which a rope is tied [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- desiring that he would conduct him to the judgment-seat [Helaman 02:07 LDS] give unto them power to conduct the war in that part of the land [Alma 61:15 LDS] prepare his horses and chariots, and conduct him forth to the [Alma 18:09 LDS] Alma conducted his brethren back to the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 27:20 LDS] 418: =========================================== THE MAN WHO He is the man who first introduced their present method [ObMs 000:00] never endure the man who is guilty of such monstrous crimes [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the leader of the NEPHITES, or the man who had been appointed [Alma 43:16 LDS] 419: =========================================== THE LEADER OF THE/THIS/THOSE. . . WAS The leader of this band was LAMOCH the eldest son [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the leader of the NEPHITES, or the man who had been appointed [Alma 43:16 LDS] the leader of those who were wroth. . . was a large and a strong man [Alma 46:03 LDS] desiring that the leader of those. . . whose name was LEHONTI [Alma 47:10 LDS] Now the leaders of the LAMANITES had supposed, because of the [Alma 49:06 LDS] therefore he became the leader of the band of KISHKUMEN [Helaman 02:04 LDS] 420: = extra citation =========================== NOR/NOT (be verb) GUILTY OF (violation) you are innocent; nor am I guilty of any crime [ObMs 000:00] acknowledge that he has been guilty of a crime [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON. . . has been guilty of robbery and impiety [ObMs 000:00] The young Prince of KENTUCK. . . has been guilty of these crimes [ObMs 000:00] never endure the man who is guilty of such monstrous crimes [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense [Alma 43:46 LDS] that ye had not been guilty of so great a crime [Alma 39:07 LDS] 421: = extra citation =========================== THEIR DESTRUCTION(S) finish with your spears and your swords their destruction [ObMs 000:00] opportunity of displaying their valor in their destruction [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- brought upon them their wars and their destructions [Alma 50:21 LDS] his had been hitherto a cause of all their destruction [Alma 51:16 LDS] he did curse it against them unto their destruction, and he [1 Nephi 17:35 LDS] indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction [2 Nephi 20:25 LDS] and I am desirous to know the cause of their destruction [Mosiah 08:12 LDS] believe in incorrect traditions which would prove their destruction [Alma 03:08 LDS] had found. . . that it was in vain to seek their destruction [Alma 27:01 LDS] salvation and the redemption of men, and also their destruction [Alma 42:26 LDS] they could not be governed. . . save it were to their destruction [Helaman 05:03 LDS] began to declare. . . concerning their destruction if they did [Helaman 10:12 LDS] hath proven their destruction except they should repent [Moroni 08:27 LDS] 422: =========================================== THE (ordinal number) OFFENSE For the third offense he is covered with tar [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense [Alma 43:46 LDS] 423: =========================================== THE (soldiers) WHO(M). . . LEFT TO GUARD THE the SCIOTANS whom SAMBAL had left to guard the imperial ladies [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL. . . ordered them to guard the women in that house [ObMs 000:00] mammoth skins to guard them from arrows and the weapons [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- fell upon the guards who were left to guard the city [Alma 58:21 LDS] slew all those who had been left to protect the city [Alma 52:25 LDS] a small army, which had been left to protect the city [Alma 52:27 LDS] 424: =========================================== FOR THEY WERE. . . THAT THE for they were informed by an express that the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- for they were desirous that the law should be altered [Alma 51:05 LDS] for they were high priests over the church [Alma 46:06 LDS] ALMA and his sons, for they were all men of God [Alma 48:18 LDS] refused to take up arms, for they were so wroth with the chief [Alma 51:13 LDS] repulsed by TEANCUM and his men, for they were great warriors [Alma 51:31 LDS] overtake them; for they were wearied because of their march [Alma 52:28 LDS] for they were about to break the oath which they had made [Alma 53:14 LDS] for they were all of them very young [Alma 56:46 LDS] with great speed, for they were exceedingly desirous to overtake [Alma 58:19 LDS] for they were surrounded on every hand by the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:31 LDS] inspired by a better cause, for they were not fighting [Alma 43:45 LDS] 425: =========================================== HE. . . TO DRAW (from) he instantly concluded to draw his army out of the fort [ObMs 000:00] ought to draw in the same direction [ObMs 000:00] and being commanded to draw the log into the house [ObMs 000:00] command them to draw in the same direction [ObMs 000:00] yoked together, to draw in the same direction [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he was endeavoring. . . to draw away a part of their forces [Alma 52:13 LDS] 426: =========================================== BLOOD. . . FOR VENGEANCE. . . UPON YOUR HEAD your murdered friends whose innocent blood calls for vengeance [ObMs 000:00] visit your crimes upon your head with a tenfold vengeance [ObMs 000:00] cruelties retaliated upon themselves with a threefold vengeance [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- blood of thousands shall come upon your heads for vengeance [Alma 60:10 LDS] 427: = extra citation =========================== [miscellaneous] VENGEANCE ye shall feel the weight of our vengeance [ObMs 000:00] to execute his threatened vengeance on the SCIOTANS [ObMs 000:00] to execute His vengeance in their overthrow [ObMs 000:00] to meet their threatened vengeance with fortitude [ObMs 000:00] ruin of those on whom we attempt to execute vengeance [ObMs 000:00] calls upon the civil power to execute his vengeance [ObMs 000:00] likewise execute his vengeance on those perfidious ingrates [ObMs 000:00] beings above shall rejoice in the execution of divine vengeance [ObMs 000:00] if they found their enemy, to take ample vengeance [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Thus God executeth vengeance upon those that destroy his people [Mosiah 17:19 LDS] were we to spare thee his blood would come upon us for vengeance [Alma 01:13 LDS] his blood would cry. . . for vengeance to come upon thee [Alma 20:18 LDS] therefore they swore vengeance upon the NEPHITES [Alma 25:01 LDS] the blood. . . did cry unto the Lord their God for vengeance upon [Alma 37:30 LDS] the blood of thousands shall come upon your heads for vengeance [Alma 60:10 LDS] And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as [3 Nephi 21:21 LDS] Vengeance is mine, and I will repay; and because this people [Mormon 03:15 LDS] and vengeance is mine also, and I will repay [Mormon 08:20 LDS] the blood. . . to cry unto the Lord. . . for vengeance upon your [Mormon 08:40 LDS] the sword of vengeance hangeth over you; and the time soon [Mormon 08:41 LDS] the blood of his saints. . . cry. . . from the ground for vengeance [Ether 08:22 LDS] for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also [Ether 08:24 LDS] 428: = extra citation =========================== (most/more) WILD. . . FEROCIOUS in a country inhabited by savages and wild, ferocious beasts [ObMs 000:00] rid our country from the most ferocious band of murderers [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they became . . . more wild, wicked, and ferocious than the [Alma 47:36 LDS] they became wild, and ferocious, and a bloodthirsty people [Enos 01:20 LDS] They were a wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people [Mosiah 10:12 LDS] ye shall be smitten. . . even as. . . wild and ferocious beasts [Mosiah 17:17 LDS] they. . . preach. . . to a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people [Alma 17:14 LDS] until they. . . becoming wicked, and wild, and ferocious [Helaman 03:16 LDS] 429: =========================================== (bad/sinful) AND (bad/sinful) DISPOSITION niggardly and avaricious disposition of their commander [ObMs 000:00] malice and vengeful disposition have produced this horrid war [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- were of a more wicked and murderous disposition [Alma 43:06 LDS] 430: =========================================== (leader's name) WAS READY TO (verb + pronoun) SAMBAL was ready to meet him, and marched forward [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- TEANCUM was ready to give them battle on that day [Alma 52:01 LDS] 431: =========================================== EACH OTHER AND should excite their resentment against each other and [ObMs 000:00] they attended each other and walked hand-in-hand [ObMs 000:00] Not the dashing against each other of two mighty ships [ObMs 000:00] Both heroes sprang towards each other [ObMs 000:00] They exchanged vows of. . . love to each other [ObMs 000:00] we lived in separate houses, situated near each other [ObMs 000:00] each nation may carry on a commerce with each other [ObMs 000:00] These two empires continued. . . to rival each other in [ObMs 000:00] a rivalship existed. . . to exceed each other in skill [ObMs 000:00] in their common intercourse with each other, they are [ObMs 000:00] But if the parties are pleased with each other [ObMs 000:00] a solemn covenant to be true and faithful to each other [ObMs 000:00] two ramparts which run parallel with each other [ObMs 000:00] maintained with each other an uninterrupted peace [ObMs 000:00] they had. . . been in the habit of visiting each other [ObMs 000:00] and still continued to each other the appellation of [ObMs 000:00] esteem exist in our hearts towards each other [ObMs 000:00] they halted and proposed to take their leave of each other [ObMs 000:00] If men will be so indignant towards each other [ObMs 000:00] they poured forth upon each other with a lavish hand [ObMs 000:00] warriors on both sides charged each other with incredible fury [ObMs 000:00] chiefs prudently avoided a combat with each other [ObMs 000:00] seeking. . . to gain advantage over each other [ObMs 000:00] and formed toward each other the strongest attachment [ObMs 000:00] armies were paraded in fair view of each other [ObMs 000:00] Not the dashing against each other of two mighty ships [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they were beloved by each other, and also beloved by [Alma 53:02 LDS] 432: =========================================== THEY. . . EACH OTHER'S They then clasped each other's hands, and bowing [ObMs 000:00] must clasp hands and condescend to each other's humor [ObMs 000:00] Why then have you thirsted for each other's blood [ObMs 000:00] empires were not displeased with each other's prosperity [ObMs 000:00] nor jealous of each other's power [ObMs 000:00] to tear from each other's embraces, the husband and wife [ObMs 000:00] behold my dearest friends become each other's implacable [ObMs 000:00] see them mutually engaged to destroy each other's life [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and they rejoiced in each other's safety [Alma 53:02a LDS] beloved by each other, and also beloved by all the people [Alma 53:02b LDS] 433: = extra citation =========================== IN THE FRONT the second rank closed and took their stations in the front [ObMs 000:00] As warriors fell in the front ranks, their places were [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- at the same time they were met in the front [Alma 56:23 LDS] people who were hewn down, being led in the front by me [Mormon 06:11 LDS] 434: =========================================== RAN AND TOLD (leader's name) . . . THE A messenger ran and told ELSEON of the fate [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And he ran and told HELAMAN all the things [Helaman 02:09 LDS] they ran and told it unto JACOB, their leader [Alma 52:22 LDS] his servants ran and told the queen all that had happened [Alma 22:19 LDS] and they ran and told the people what they had seen [Helaman 07:11 LDS] and the servants ran and told the people, raising the cry [Helaman 09:06 LDS] 435: =========================================== (commands) THAT I SHOULD (verb) Heaven demands that I should revenge thy cruel death [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- ANTIPUS ordered that I should march forth [Alma 56:30 LDS] and would that I should be their leader [Alma 56:05 LDS] 436: = extra citation =========================== (3rd per. pronoun) SELECTED A. . . AND He instantly selected a small band and marched [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- we selected a part of our men, and gave them charge [Alma 57:16 LDS] And he selected a wise man. . . and gave him [Alma 04:16 LDS] 437: =========================================== PLUNGED. . . IN(TO). . . THE HALOON plunged his sword into the heart of HAMKO [ObMs 000:00] He spoke and plunged his sword into SAMBAL's heart [ObMs 000:00] The rest as their turns came plunged in and came out most [ObMs 000:00] they all plunged in and found themselves in an instant at the bottom [ObMs 000:00] This sword. . . shall be plunged into your cowardly heart [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- CORIANTUMR plunged the LAMANITES into the midst of the [Helaman 01:32 LDS] 438: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ (aux. verb) BE PRESERVED (prep.) If peace can be preserved with honor, then let us [ObMs 000:00] there it shall be preserved as a trophy of my superior strength [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they should be preserved by his marvelous power [Alma 57:26 LDS] the seed of my son be preserved by the hand of God [Alma 46:24 LDS] unto future generations; therefore they shall be preserved [Alma 37:19 LDS] 439: =========================================== PRESERVE(D) AS A. . . OF it shall be preserved as a trophy of my superior strength [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Yea, let us preserve our liberty as a remnant of JOSEPH [Alma 46:24 LDS] 440: = extra citation =========================== PIERCE(D) (pronoun) HEART This sword shall pierce your malignant heart [ObMs 000:00] lightning flashed from the clouds and pierced her heart [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- many hearts died, pierced with deep wounds [Jacob 02:35 LDS] he did cast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart [Alma 62:36 LDS] it did pierce them. . . and did cause their hearts to burn [3 Nephi 11:03 LDS] 441: =========================================== MANY OF THEIR. . . THEY. . . PIERCE(D) Many hundreds of their enemies they pierced [ObMs 000:00] Many warriors, say they, lie there, pierced with [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and they did pierce many of their breastplates [Alma 43:44 LDS] 442: = extra citation =========================== OF THE PRIESTS OF all the priests of the Empire [ObMs 000:00] vicious and improper conduct of the priests [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the descendants of the priests of NOAH [Alma 43:13 LDS] And now the priests of king NOAH, being ashamed to return [Mosiah 20:03 LDS] remember the priests of thy father, whom this people sought [Mosiah 20:18 LDS] supposing them to be priests of NOAH therefore he caused that [Mosiah 21:23 LDS] who were the priests of NOAH, and they were slain by the [Alma 25:04 LDS] which he said concerning the seed of the priests who caused that [Alma 25:09 LDS] And he said unto the priests of NOAH that their seed should [Alma 25:12 LDS] and the descendants of the priests of NOAH [Alma 43:13 LDS] 443: =========================================== IT WAS (NOT) (leader's) INTENTION TO it was RAMBOCK's intention to have attacked HANOCK [ObMs 000:00] But as it is not my intention to amuse my readers [ObMs 000:00] He had no intention to risk his person in the hazardous attempt [ObMs 000:00] effort, with an intention to divide his body in twain [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- Now it was not AMALICKIAH's intention to give them battle [Alma 47:08a LDS] it was his intention to gain favor with the armies [Alma 47:08b LDS] that it was their intention to destroy their brethren [Alma 43:29 LDS] 444: =========================================== WITH. . . FORCE WHICH with a prodigious force which broke in the middle [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- with our small force which we had received [Alma 58:12 LDS] suppose that this little force which I brought with me [Alma 56:17 LDS] 445: =========================================== (verb + ing) AND BEHOLDING recovering and beholding his defenseless situation [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES, knowing. . . and beholding the greatness [Alma 62:19 LDS] 446: = extra citation =========================== SPARE (poss. pronoun) LIFE/LIVES Spare their lives and then name your terms [ObMs 000:00] spare my life says he [ObMs 000:00] She conjured him to spare the life of her father [ObMs 000:00] implored him to spare the life of LAMESA [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- if he would hearken unto our words, we would spare his life [1 Nephi 04:32 LDS] nevertheless, GIDEON did spare his life [Mosiah 19:08 LDS] Therefore the Lamanites did spare their lives and took [Mosiah 19:15 LDS] Alma. . . cried. . . O Lord, have mercy and spare my life [Alma 02:30 LDS] he began to plead with Ammon that he would spare his life [Alma 20:21 LDS] if thou wilt spare our lives, we will be thy servants [Alma 22:03 LDS] we will seek not your blood, but we will spare your lives, if ye [Alma 44:06 LDS] if they would spare the remainder of their lives, that [Alma 44:19 LDS] 447: =========================================== RESTORE(D) PEACE (UN)TO (country's name) And I will restore peace to KENTUCK [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- PAHORAN having restored peace to the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 62:11 LDS] the people of NEPHI had peace restored unto them [Alma 50:37 LDS] 448: =========================================== A MAN WHOSE. . . IS/WAS. . . WITH a man whose sword is red with the blood [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving [Alma 48:12 LDS] a man whose soul did joy in the liberty and the freedom [Alma 48:11 LDS] led by a man whose name was MORIANTON [Alma 50:28 LDS] led by a man whose name was TEANCUM [Alma 50:35 LDS] led by a man whose name was CORIANTUMR [Helaman 01:15 LDS] led by a man whose name was LEHI [Alma 43:35 LDS] 449: =========================================== A VAST NUMBER OF and a vast number of towns were built [ObMs 000:00] beheld and reflected on the vast number of citizens [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- their forces had slain a vast number of our men [Alma 56:10 LDS] 450: =========================================== HIS ARMY HADOKAM had by this time, formed his army in order [ObMs 000:00] seeing the deplorable situation of his army [ObMs 000:00] he shall appoint the officers of his army [ObMs 000:00] walked out of the city and presented himself before his army [ObMs 000:00] RAMBOCK beheld his army giving ground on every part [ObMs 000:00] to cross the river or to attack his army [ObMs 000:00] selected from all the grand divisions of his army [ObMs 000:00] prevented by the arrival of HAMBOON with his army [ObMs 000:00] HAMBOON and his army had arrived within five miles [ObMs 000:00] With the main body of his army he made an assault [ObMs 000:00] he instantly concluded to draw his army out of the fort [ObMs 000:00] He has thrown himself and his army into a most critical [ObMs 000:00] HELICON, who commanded the left wing of his army [ObMs 000:00] with the utmost speed, to the left wing of his army [ObMs 000:00] SAMBAL's death and the immense slaughter of his army [ObMs 000:00] the massacre that SAMBAL and his army had made [ObMs 000:00] ELSEON and his army returned in great haste [ObMs 000:00] --------------------------------------------------------- MORONI, leaving a part of his army in the land [Alma 43:25a LDS] took the remaining part of his army and marched [Alma 43:25b LDS] MORONI caused that his army should be secreted in the [Alma 43:27 LDS] he divided his army and brought a part over [Alma 43:31 LDS] having placed his army according to his desire [Alma 43:33 LDS] and he led his army forth and encircled the LAMANITES [Alma 43:35 LDS] MORONI and his army met the LAMANITES in the valley [Alma 43:41 LDS] he took his army and marched out with his tents [Alma 46:31 LDS] gave AMALICKIAH the command of that part of his army [Alma 47:03 LDS] he caused his army to pitch their tents in the valley [Alma 47:09 LDS] AMALICKIAH desired him to come down with his army [Alma 47:13 LDS] that he had pursued them with his army [Alma 47:32 LDS] out of the land of NEPHI, at the head of his army [Alma 49:10 LDS] TEANCUM did slay MORIANTON and defeat his army [Alma 50:35 LDS] MORONI commanded that his army should go against [Alma 51:17 LDS] sent a large number of men to strengthen his army [Alma 52:07 LDS] march forth with his army against the LAMANITES [Alma 52:17a LDS] that he might receive strength to his army [Alma 52:17b LDS] MORONI did arrive with his army at the land [Alma 52:18 LDS] would not come out with his army to meet them [Alma 52:20 LDS] MORONI and his army, by night, marched [Alma 52:22 LDS] MORONI commanded that a part of his army who [Alma 52:24 LDS] with a part of his army, while he marched [Alma 52:26 LDS] beheld LEHI with his army coming against them [Alma 52:28 LDS] MORONI had been in their rear with his army [Alma 52:29 LDS] till they should meet MORONI and his army [Alma 52:30 LDS] his own people for the strengthening of his army [Alma 54:02 LDS] and were a great strength to his army [Alma 55:24 LDS] his army had been reduced by the LAMANITES [Alma 56:10 LDS] ANTIPUS had received a greater strength to his army [Alma 56:18 LDS] ANTIPUS did march forth with a part of his army [Alma 56:33 LDS] ANTIPUS. . . did speed the march of his army [Alma 56:38 LDS] TEANCUM command over the remainder of his army [Alma 62:03 LDS] And now MORONI returned to his army [Alma 62:21 LDS] MORONI and his army did pursue them [Alma 62:32 LDS] And LEHI retained his armies upon the bank [Alma 43:40 LDS] it was expedient that he should take his armies [Alma 46:31 LDS] AMALICKIAH marched with his armies [Alma 47:20 LDS] AMALICKIAH commanded that his armies should march [Alma 47:27 LDS] he entered the city NEPHI with his armies [Alma 47:31 LDS] he appointed them to be chief captains over his armies [Alma 48:05 LDS] banks of earth 'round about to enclose his armies [Alma 48:08 LDS] for he caused that his armies should commence [Alma 50:01 LDS] MORONI caused that his armies should go forth into the [Alma 50:07 LDS] Thus MORONI, with his armies... did seek to cut off the [Alma 50:12 LDS] he did prepare himself and his armies to come to battle [Alma 51:10 LDS] Now his armies were not so great as they had hitherto been [Alma 51:11 LDS] And he caused that his armies should stand in readiness [Alma 51:36 LDS] he would come out with his armies to meet them [Alma 52:20 LDS] And MORONI yielded up the command of his armies [Alma 62:43 LDS] and he did gather together his armies [Helaman 01:17 LDS] 451: =========================================== WHEN (person) HAD When I had removed the cover I found that it [ObMs 000:00] and when he had arrived at the royal city of GAMBA [ObMs 000:00] When HADOKAM, King of SCIOTA, had received this [ObMs 000:00] When the two Empires of SCIOTA and KENTUCK had commenced [ObMs 000:00] When they had ridden about two miles they halted [ObMs 000:00] When they had arrived at the village, what was their [ObMs 000:00] When further deliberation had taken place, the Emperor [ObMs 000:00] When HAMBOON had received this letter, he immediately [ObMs 000:00] When these kings with their forces had all arrived at TOLANGA [ObMs 000:00] When LABANCO had presented to HAMBOON. . . the declaration [ObMs 000:00] When the SCIOTANS had advanced, with a firm and moderate [ObMs 000:00] When the night had far advanced RAMBOCK's forces [ObMs 000:00] When ELSEON had entered the fort, he found that [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And when the servant of HELAMAN had known all [Helaman 02:08 LDS] when GADIANTON had found that KISHKUMEN did not [Helaman 02:11 LDS] when ZERAHEMNAH had heard these sayings he came forth [Alma 44:08 LDS] when ZERAHEMNAH had made an end of speaking [Alma 44:10 LDS] And now when MORONI had said these words [Alma 44:12 LDS] when ALMA had said these words he blessed the church [Alma 45:17 LDS] when ALMA had done this he departed out of the land [Alma 45:18 LDS] when he had poured out his soul to God, he named [Alma 46:17 LDS] And when MORONI had said these words, he went forth [Alma 46:19 LDS] when MORONI had proclaimed these words, behold [Alma 46:21 LDS] that when MORONI had said these words he went forth [Alma 46:28 LDS] when LEHONTI had come down with his guards to [Alma 47:13 LDS] when he had raised the first from the ground, behold [Alma 47:24 LDS] when they had come to the spot, and found the king [Alma 47:27 LDS] when she had heard that the king was slain [Alma 47:32 LDS] when the Queen had received this message she sent unto [Alma 47:33 LDS] when the LAMANITES had found that LEHI commanded [Alma 49:17 LDS] when MORONI had driven all the LAMANITES out [Alma 50:09 LDS] when the men . . . had heard that the LAMANITES were [Alma 51:13 LDS] when the guards of the LAMANITES had discovered TEANCUM [Alma 52:22 LDS] when the chief captains of the LAMANITES had beheld LEHI [Alma 52:28 LDS] that when the LAMANITES had heard these words [Alma 52:38 LDS] AMMORON, when he had received this epistle, was angry [Alma 54:15 LDS] when MORONI had received this epistle he was more angry [Alma 55:01 LDS] when MORONI had said these words, he caused that [Alma 55:04 LDS] when MORONI had armed all those prisoners [Alma 55:17 LDS] that when he had fortified the city GID, according to [Alma 55:26 LDS] when they had been informed by their spies [Alma 56:35 LDS] when they had surrendered themselves up unto us [Alma 56:55 LDS] when they had fled and we could not overtake them [Alma 57:34 LDS] when I, HELAMAN, had heard these words of GID [Alma 57:36 LDS] and when they had thus secreted themselves, behold [Alma 58:17 LDS] And when they had come and were about to fall [Alma 58:18 LDS] when the LAMANITES had passed by, or when the army had [Alma 58:20 LDS] that when they had cut them off [Alma 58:21 LDS] when MORONI had sent this epistle to the land of ZARAHEMLA [Alma 59:04 LDS] when MORONI had received this epistle his heart did [Alma 62:01 LDS] when MORONI had gathered together whatsoever [Alma 62:06 LDS] And when they had entered into this covenant [Alma 62:17 LDS] when they had sent them away they pursued their march [Alma 62:18a LDS] when they had come to the city of NEPHIHAH [Alma 62:18b LDS] when MORONIHAH had discovered this, he immediately [Helaman 01:28 LDS] 452: =========================================== HAD LEFT TO (hold) THE the SCIOTANS whom SAMBAL had left to guard the imperial [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- commanded those whom he had left to possess the cities [Alma 52:13 LDS] 453: =========================================== IN WHICH THEY the kind of composition in which they most excel [ObMs 000:00] plays, in which they display all the arts [ObMs 000:00] arrived to that state of perfection in which they exist [ObMs 000:00] a few moments with LAMESA, in which they exchanged [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- must have remained in the same state in which they were [2 Nephi 02:22 LDS] all the cities of the LAMANITES in which they did repent [Alma 23:15 LDS] doubtful concerning the justice of the cause in which they had [Alma 46:29 LDS] they did also prepare a vessel, in which they did carry [Ether 02:02 LDS] they. . . did build barges, in which they did cross many waters [Ether 02:06 LDS] a great famine, in which they should be destroyed [Ether 09:28 LDS] 454: =========================================== BETWEEN THE TWO which intervenes between the two continents [ObMs 000:00] intercourse that existed between the two rival empires [ObMs 000:00] any engagement between the two grand armies [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- to meet them upon the plains between the two cities [Alma 52:20 LDS] 455: =========================================== ACCORDING TO THE. . . OF according to the present system of philosophy [ObMs 000:00] of different dimensions according to the number of inhabitants [ObMs 000:00] if according to the PLATONIC System, the Earth is a globe [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation [Alma 43:02 LDS] according to the record of HELAMAN, which he kept ????? I perceive. . . according to the spirit of revelation which is [Alma 45:10 LDS] give them battle according to the commandments of the king [Alma 47:08 LDS] it was granted according to the voice of the people [Alma 51:16 LDS] in their power, according to the power of their armies [Alma 52:13 LDS] this was according to the design of MORONI [Alma 55:16 LDS] according to the goodness of God. . . not one soul of them [Alma 57:25 LDS] have been done, according to the fulfilling of His word [Alma 60:16 LDS] give unto them. . . according to the Spirit of God [Alma 61:15 LDS] took a small number of men, according to the desire of PAHORAN [Alma 62:03 LDS] according to the records of HELAMAN, who was the son [Helaman Intro. LDS] and also according to the records of his sons [Helaman Intro. LDS] of the NEPHITES, according to the record of HELAMAN [Helaman Intro. LDS] and was tried according to the voice of the people [Helaman 01:08 LDS] was appointed, according to the voice of the people [Helaman 01:13 LDS] that they might be executed according to the law [Helaman 02:10 LDS] constrained, according to the covenant which I have made [Alma 60:34 LDS] will go speedily. . . according to the faith which is in us [Alma 61:17 LDS] PACHUS received their trial, according to the law [Alma 62:09a LDS] and they were executed according to the law [Alma 62:09b LDS] their freedom was speedily executed according to the law [Alma 62:10 LDS] 456: =========================================== ACCORDING TO THEIR Nothing rude. . . according to their ideas. . . is admissible [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that they might worship God according to their desires [Alma 43:09 LDS] to prepare for war, according to their danger [Alma 48:15 LDS] slay and massacre them according to their pleasure [Alma 49:07 LDS] according to their pleasure and their strength [Alma 50:05 LDS] possessing all the land. . . according to their pleasure [Alma 50:11 LDS] to bring the wicked to justice according to their crime [Alma 50:39 LDS] and according to their oath they would have perished [Alma 53:11 LDS] and even according to their faith it was done unto them [Alma 57:21 LDS] unto them it was granted according to their desires [Alma 62:28 LDS] 457: =========================================== A PORTION OF Each must expect to endure a portion of evils [ObMs 000:00] thou shalt escape the portion of the wicked and enjoy [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- give unto the NEPHITES a large portion of their substance [Alma 43:13 LDS] 458: =========================================== OUT OF THE CITY HAMBOON. . . walked out of the city and presented himself [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And those who fled out of the city of MORONI came to [Alma 51:24 LDS] that we could lead them out of the city by our small bands [Alma 58:01 LDS] 459: = extra citation =========================== WERE READY TO. . . THE were ready. . . to vindicate the preeminence of their [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- made preparations and were ready to receive the LAMANITES [Alma 51:24 LDS] as if he were ready to destroy And where is the fury [2 Nephi 08:13 LDS] 460: =========================================== WE (NOT) SUPPOSE THAT THE But we are not to suppose that in the most virtuous age of the nation [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- for they did not suppose that the armies of MORONI would know [Alma 43:22 LDS] ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost [Alma 60:13 LDS] and we suppose that he has also received ALMA in the spirit [Alma 45:19 LDS] And we suppose that they are now at this time [Alma 56:12 LDS] And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea [Alma 63:08 LDS] 461: =========================================== (discern + which way) THEY HAD GONE the KENTUCKS. . . found the direction they had gone [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- MORONI would know whither they had gone [Alma 43:22 LDS] 462: = extra citation =========================== CERTAIN MEN/MAN the occupation of a certain part of the men to tend upon [ObMs 000:00] it is very common for a certain class of the learned [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- sent certain men unto him, desiring him that he should inquire [Alma 43:23 LDS] there were certain men passing by and saw Nephi as he was [Helaman 07:11 LDS] certain men who were among them ran to the judgment-seat [Helaman 09:01 LDS] for a certain man, being called AMLICI, he being a very [Alma 02:01 LDS] no wars nor contentions for a certain number of years [Alma 16:01 LDS] 463: =========================================== AND. . . DELIVERED THE (correspondence) and when he arrived he delivered him the following letter [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- messengers went and delivered the message unto MORONI [Alma 43:24 LDS] 464: =========================================== THEY. . . A. . . OVER ALL THE They shall exercise a jurisdiction over all the priests of the [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they . . . established. . . there is one God. . . over all the earth [1 Nephi 13:41 LDS] they met the father of LAMONI, who was king over all the land [Alma 20:08 RLDS] and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth [Alma 26:37 LDS] they might establish a kingdom unto themselves over all the land [Alma 43:29 LDS] they did appoint priests. . . over all the churches [Alma 45:22 LDS] 465: =========================================== FIGHTING. . . THEIR. . . AND THEIR fighting in the cause of their country and their God [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they were fighting for their homes and their liberties [Alma 43:45 LDS] 466: =========================================== SHRINK. . . FLEE(ING). . . FROM [in combat] shrink like a dastard from the conflict. . . behold me fleeing [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they were about to shrink and flee from them [Alma 43:48 LDS] 467: =========================================== THE/THEY. . . ARE/WERE MORE NUMEROUS THAN THE the young women. . . are more numerous than the young men [ObMs 000:00] there are nations vastly more numerous. . . than themselves [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the LAMANITES were more numerous, yea, by more than double [Alma 43:51 LDS] the people of MORONI were more numerous than the AMALICKIAHITES [Alma 46:29 LDS] our prisoners were so numerous that, notwithstanding [Alma 57:13 LDS] they were so much more numerous than was our army [Alma 58:02 LDS] we know that they are more numerous than that which [Alma 58:36 LDS] their armies were so numerous that the remainder of the people [Alma 59:08 LDS] and those who have risen up are exceedingly numerous [Alma 61:03 LDS] those descendants were as numerous, nearly, as were the NEPHITES [Alma 43:14 LDS] 468: =========================================== DESIRE TO BE their mutual desire to be joined in wedlock [ObMs 000:00] and a mutual desire to be united by the solemn covenant [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- that we do not desire to be men of blood [Alma 44:01a LDS] ye are in our hands, yet we do not desire to slay you [Alma 44:01b LDS] neither do we desire to bring any one to the yoke of bondage [Alma 44:02 LDS] if so, we do not desire to murmur [Alma 58:35 LDS] we desire to know the cause of this exceedingly great neglect [Alma 60:06a LDS] we desire to know the cause of your thoughtless state [Alma 60:06b LDS] 469: =========================================== DESIRE TO. . . BATTLE and their ardent desire to engage the enemy in battle [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- it was our desire to wage a battle with the army [Alma 57:07 LDS] 470: =========================================== (be verb) EXTINCT [people or nation of people] transactions of nations who, for ages have been extinct [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- death in your bodies, that ye may become extinct [Alma 44:07 LDS] until the people of NEPHI shall become extinct [Alma 45:11 LDS] pursue even until they shall become extinct [Alma 45:14 LDS] to usurp power and authority shall become extinct [Alma 60:27 LDS] to our authority or to their eternal extinction [Alma 54:20 LDS] 471: =========================================== IN(TO) THE MIDST OF THE In the midst of their debates. . . SAMBAL presented himself [ObMs 000:00] and drove us into the midst of the boundless ocean [ObMs 000:00] They found themselves in the midst of a vast ocean [ObMs 000:00] a mariner stept forward (( into )) the midst and proclaimed [ObMs 000:00] and invited our company to come forward into the midst [ObMs 000:00] a resolution to build a church in the midst of our village [ObMs 000:00] A speaker mounts a stage in the midst [ObMs 000:00] rolled his whole length into the midst of the quagmire [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and we did pass by in the midst of GID and TEOMNER [Alma 58:19 LDS] plunged the LAMANITES into the midst of the NEPHITES [Helaman 01:32 LDS] withdrew from before them into the midst of his soldiers [Alma 44:12 LDS] 472 =========================================== ENTERED INTO A // A COVENANT The rest of the company entered into a short conversation [ObMs 000:00] we have made a solemn covenant to be true and faithful [ObMs 000:00] desire to be united by the solemn covenant of marriage [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and entered into a covenant of peace [Alma 44:15 LDS] and after they had entered into a covenant with him [Alma 44:20 LDS] and entered into a covenant to keep the peace [Alma 46:31 LDS] those who had entered into this covenant were compelled [Alma 53:15 LDS] they had many sons, who had not entered into a covenant [Alma 53:16 LDS] they entered into a covenant to fight for the liberty [Alma 53:17 LDS] those young men, who entered into this covenant [Alma 53:18 LDS] who have been slain have entered into the rest of their God [Alma 57:36 LDS] when they had entered into this covenant they sent them [Alma 62:17 LDS] and they all entered into a covenant, yea, swearing [Helaman 01:11 LDS] upheld by his band, who had entered into a covenant [Helaman 02:03 LDS] they had entered into a covenant and they would not [Alma 43:11 LDS] 473: =========================================== AS MANY AS they carried as many of them together as what could be done [ObMs 000:00] and dissected into as many pieces as there were persons [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And as many as entered into a covenant they suffered to depart [Alma 44:15 LDS] that as many as would not hearken to the words of [Alma 46:01 LDS] together at this time, as many as were able to take up arms [Alma 53:16 LDS] as many as were able to use a weapon of war [Alma 55:17 LDS] that as many as were desirous, unto them it was granted [Alma 62:28 LDS] but as many as were found were condemned unto death [Helaman 01:12 LDS] 474: =========================================== TO DEPART (IN)TO (geographic location) and requested his permission to depart to his own country [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- as many. . . they suffered to depart into the wilderness [Alma 44:15 LDS] after they. . . were suffered to depart into the wilderness [Alma 44:20 LDS] and suffer that we may depart into the wilderness [Alma 44:08 LDS] the LAMANITES. . . should depart out of the land in peace [Helaman 01:33 LDS] 475: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ I. . . A(N) ACCOUNT OF THE I will give a succinct account of his life and of the cause of his [ObMs 000:00] At present I shall wave the account of its introduction [ObMs 000:00] They shall keep an account of the amount of [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And now I return * the NEPHITES [Helaman Intro. LDS] An account of their conversion [Helaman Intro. LDS] An account of the righteousness of the LAMANITES [Helaman Intro. LDS] then will I make an account of mine own life [1 Nephi 01:17 LDS] 476: =========================================== CHAPTER (roman numeral) THE/AN ACCOUNT OF Chapter II An Account of the Settlement of the [ObMs 000:00] Chapter VIII An Account of BASKA [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Chapter XXI The account of the people of NEPHI, and their wars ????? Chapter I An account of the NEPHITES. Their wars and contentions ????? 477: =========================================== THE/AN ACCOUNT OF (important person's name) Chapter VIII An Account of BASKA [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And thus ended the account of ALMA, and HELAMAN [Alma 63:017 LDS] 478: =========================================== THE. . . WAS/WERE (very much) REJOICED The little society. . . were greatly rejoiced on our return [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- the people of NEPHI were exceedingly rejoiced [Alma 45:01 LDS] he was exceedingly rejoiced because of the welfare [Alma 59:01 LDS] we were exceedingly rejoiced when we came to the seashore [1 Nephi 17:06 LDS] and they were exceedingly rejoiced because of the liberty [Mosiah 29:39 LDS] 479: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ WITH GREAT JOY received the orders of the Emperor with great joy [ObMs 000:00] great joy and gladness were visible in every countenance [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy [Alma 45:01 LDS] was filled with exceedingly great joy because of the [Alma 62:01 LDS] here is one thing in which we may have great joy [Alma 56:09 LDS] to my great joy, there had not one soul of them fallen [Alma 56:56 LDS] being filled with great joy because of the resurrection [Alma 04:14 LDS] this the people did hear with great joy and gladness [Alma 16:20 LDS] he beheld with great joy; for he beheld that their afflictions [Alma 32:06 LDS] |
480: = extra citation =========================== AT THE TIME THAT At the time that CONSTANTINE arrived at that city [ObMs 000:00] At the time they enter their new habitation [ObMs 000:00] at the time their imperial governments were founded [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he was in disguise at the time that he murdered PAHORAN [Helaman 01:12 LDS] at the time we were contending among ourselves [Alma 60:16 LDS] in four hundred years from the time that [Alma 45:10 LDS] we had first pitched our tents against the time that [Alma 58:17 LDS] at the time that ZEDEKIAH . . . was carried away captive [Omni 01:15 LDS] at the time that MOSIAH discovered them, they had [Omni 01:17 LDS] which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go [Alma 34:34 LDS] at the time that he shall yield up the ghost there shall be [Helaman 14:21 LDS] to command them at the time that the robbers should come [3 Nephi 03:17 LDS] 481: = extra citation =========================== (article/pronoun) DREADFUL (noun) who were reduced to this dreadful situation by the [ObMs 000:00] and gave him the dreadful intelligence of [ObMs 000:00] in our power to prevent this most dreadful calamity [ObMs 000:00] produced these dreadful calamities [ObMs 000:00] must be its dreadful calamities if it should continue [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- whosoever . . . is not destroyed in that great and dreadful day [Alma 45:14 LDS] the rocks did cease to rend, and the dreadful groanings did cease [3 Nephi 10:09 LDS] before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord [3 Nephi 25:05 LDS] 482: =========================================== MORE/MOST DREADFUL and make a most dreadful slaughter [ObMs 000:00] poured forth a torrent of the most dreadful imprecations [ObMs 000:00] power to prevent this most dreadful calamity [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- but it was more dreadful on the part of the LAMANITES [Alma 43:37 LDS] 483: =========================================== AND DREADFUL Most hideous forms and dreadful to behold [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- whosoever . . . is not destroyed in that great and dreadful day [Alma 45:14 LDS] 484: =========================================== (preposition) EVERY NATION which designated their preeminence over every nation [ObMs 000:00] In every nation there is some kind of religion [ObMs 000:00] has been believed in every nation, from the earliest ages [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- 'Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation [Alma 45:16 LDS] 485: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ (offer consideration) TO THE WORDS OF Be attentive, O man, to the words of truth [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- give heed to the words of HELAMAN [Alma 45:23 LDS] that they would hearken to the words of MORIANTON [Alma 50:32 LDS] hearken to the words of HELAMAN and his brethren [Alma 46:01 LDS] I know that the words of truth are hard against all [2 Nephi 09:40 LDS] 486: =========================================== ARE/WERE/WAS DESIROUS THAT We are, however, desirous that an honorable reconciliation may take place [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- people who were wroth were also desirous that he should be their king [Alma 46:04 LDS] Therefore, those who were desirous that the law should be altered [Alma 51:04 LDS] those who were desirous that PAHORAN should be dethroned [Alma 51:05a LDS] for they were desirous that the law should be altered in a manner [Alma 51:05b LDS] those who were desirous that PAHORAN should remain [Alma 51:06 LDS] we were desirous that the LAMANITES should come upon us [Alma 56:21 LDS] MORONI was desirous that the LAMANITES should come out [Alma 62:19 LDS] the people that were desirous that he should be [Helaman 01:07 LDS] those people who were desirous that he should be their governor [Helaman 01:09 LDS] 487: =========================================== ARE/WERE/WAS DESIROUS TO The bridegroom and bride are now desirous to form a family [ObMs 000:00] in the enjoyment of their rights, and desirous to raise up [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- all the people who were desirous to maintain their liberty [Alma 46:28 LDS] LEHI was not desirous to overtake them till they should meet [Alma 52:30 LDS] moved with compassion and were desirous to take up arms [Alma 53:13 LDS] for we were not desirous to make an attack upon them [Alma 56:21 LDS] we were desirous to bring a stratagem into effect upon them [Alma 56:30 LDS] they were exceedingly desirous to overtake us [Alma 58:19 LDS] the LAMANITES that were prisoners were desirous to join [Alma 62:27 LDS] AMALICKIAH was desirous to be a king [Alma 46:04 LDS] made them more desirous to drink of the wine [Alma 55:10 LDS] therefore we were desirous, if they should pass by us [Alma 56:23 LDS] as many as were desirous, unto them it was granted [Alma 62:28 LDS] 488: =========================================== COULD/SHOULD WE (count on) DELIVERANCE. . . HIM ["Him" being God] From Him alone could we expect deliverance [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in Him [Alma 58:11 LDS] 489: =========================================== THEIR DELIVERANCE By our valor we can effect their deliverance and rid our country [ObMs 000:00] we may achieve a glorious deliverance to our country [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- because of their deliverance by the hand of the Lord [Alma 46:07 LDS] 490: =========================================== THAT THERE SHOULD BE it is necessary that there should be something which [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- he caused that there should be. . . works of timbers built [Alma 50:02 LDS] MORONI had supposed that there should be men sent [Alma 59:09 LDS] 491: =========================================== AND CAUSE(D) THEM TO and caused heaps of them to lie prostrate in the narrow passage [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and caused them to erect fortifications that they might [Alma 50:10 LDS] and cause them to come to battle against them [Alma 46:30 LDS] and caused that a small number of men should go with him [Alma 55:07 LDS] and caused that all the prisoners should be liberated [Alma 55:24 LDS] and caused that their wounds should be dressed [Alma 57:24 LDS] and caused that they should prepare in haste strong cords [Alma 62:21 LDS] and caused that the LAMANITES. . . should depart [Helaman 01:33 LDS] 492: = extra citation =========================== AND EXERCISE AUTHORITY (OVER) shall hold their offices and exercise the same authority [ObMs 000:00] They shall exercise a jurisdiction over all the priests [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- power. . . to establish and to exercise authority over them [Alma 00:00 LDS] they would smite them. . . and exercise authority over them [Mosiah 21:03 LDS] began to exercise authority over ALMA and his brethren [Mosiah 24:08 LDS] he exercised authority over them, and put tasks upon them [Mosiah 24:09 LDS] he had power. . . to exercise authority over them [Alma 46:34 LDS] they did exercise power and authority over the disciples [4 Nephi 01:30 LDS] 493: =========================================== SEASONS OF THE YEAR days and nights and the different seasons of the year [ObMs 000:00] This accounts for the various seasons of the year [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- which at some seasons of the year were very frequent [Alma 46:40 LDS] 494: =========================================== THE EXCELLENT QUALITIES OF for the excellent qualities of her mind [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- because of the excellent qualities of the many plants [Alma 46:40 LDS] 495: = extra citation =========================== THE NATURE OF THE(IR) And having explained the nature of the subject [ObMs 000:00] Such being the nature of their penal laws [ObMs 000:00] the mild nature of their laws, and the certainty of executing [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- to which men were subject by the nature of the climate [Alma 46:40 LDS] and they have gone contrary to the nature of God; therefore [Alma 41:11 LDS] which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness [Helaman 13:38 LDS] 496: = extra citation ======= PARTIAL LIST ============ BELIEVE(ST) IN THE (persuasion) OF (JESUS) CHRIST professed to believe in the religion of JESUS CHRIST [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and those who died in the faith of CHRIST [Alma 46:41 LDS] he was a man who was firm in the faith of CHRIST [Alma 48:13 LDS] if we do not stand fast in the faith of CHRIST [Alma 46:27 LDS] Believest thou in JESUS CHRIST, who shall come [Alma 45:04 LDS] cast about your eyes and begin to believe in the Son of God [Alma 33:22 LDS] we believe in JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, who created [Mosiah 04:02 LDS] they shall believe in me, that I am JESUS CHRIST [3 Nephi 20:31 LDS] will not believe in my words, who am JESUS CHRIST [3 Nephi 21:11 LDS] and believe in JESUS CHRIST, that he is the Son of God [Mormon 07:05 LDS] 497: =========================================== THE COMMANDMENTS respect to all the commandments which have been written [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- part of them would not obey the commandments of the king [Alma 47:02 LDS] give them battle according to the commandments of the king [Alma 47:08 LDS] were faithful in keeping the commandments of God [Alma 48:15 LDS] yea, in keeping the commandments of God [Alma 48:16 LDS] any who should keep the commandments of God [Alma 48:25 LDS] because MORONI had kept the commandments of God [Alma 49:27 LDS] were faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord [Alma 50:22 LDS] they had been taught to keep the commandments of God [Alma 53:21 LDS] Have ye forgotten the commandments of the Lord [Alma 60:20 LDS] I have made to keep the commandments of my God [Alma 60:34 LDS] to do good continually, to keep the commandments [Alma 63:02 LDS] they should transgress the commandments [Alma 46:21 LDS] let us remember to keep the commandments of God [Alma 46:23 LDS] 498: =========================================== (S)HE (conveyed) (UN)TO (name + telling) HIM THAT HE SHOULD He. . . dispatched an express to HAMBOON, informing him that he should [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- she sent unto AMALICKIAH, desiring. . . him that he should [Alma 47:33a LDS] and she also desired him that he should bring witnesses [Alma 47:33b LDS] MORONI also sent orders unto him that he should retain [Alma 52:08 LDS] he also sent orders unto him that he should fortify [Alma 52:09 LDS] MORONI also sent unto him, desiring him that he would be [Alma 52:10 LDS] they sent. . . to their leader. . . desiring him that he would [Alma 52:20 LDS] MORONI. . . sent. . . unto him, desiring him that he should inquire [Alma 43:23 LDS] the king. . . commanded him that he should go forth [Alma 47:03 LDS] 499: = extra citation =========================== A/THE (geographic feature) WHICH WAS CALLED (name) in conjunction produced a river which was called OHIO [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- went forward to the place which was called ONIDAH [Alma 47:05 LDS] the top of the mount which was called ANTIPAS [Alma 47:07 LDS] and was buried in the place which was called NAHOM [1 Nephi 16:34 LDS] did go forth to a place which was called MORMON [Mosiah 18:04 LDS] reached the wilderness, which was called HERMOUNTS [Alma 02:37 LDS] yea, the land which was called the land of MORMON [Alma 05:03 LDS] having been a city built, which was called the city of GIDEON [Alma 06:07 LDS] and he came to a city which was called AMMONIHAH [Alma 08:06 LDS] his journey towards the city which was called AARON [Alma 08:13 LDS] the place of water, which was called the water of SEBUS [Alma 17:26 LDS] towards the land which was called. . . JERUSALEM [Alma 21:01 LDS] had built a great city, which was called JERUSALEM [Alma 21:02 LDS] and came over to a village which was called ANI-ANTI [Alma 21:11 LDS] they might maintain that which was called by their enemies [Alma 48:10 LDS] we had come northward to the land which was called SHEM [Mormon 02:20 LDS] gather together our people. . . by a hill which was called CUMORAH [Mormon 06:02 LDS] and came to a place which was called ABLOM, by the seashore [Ether 09:03 LDS] the land southward, which was called. . . ZARAHEMLA [Ether 09:31 LDS] pitch their tents in a place which was called OGATH [Ether 15:10 LDS] 500: = extra citation =========================== AND BY THE ASSISTANCE OF HIS and promised, by the assistance of his grace, to make ample return [ObMs 000:00] With the assistance of a lever I raised the stone [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- and by the assistance of his cunning servants, he obtained [Alma 47:35 LDS] sent to the city of NEPHIHAH, to the assistance of the people [Alma 59:09 LDS] king BENJAMIN, with the assistance of the holy prophets [Words Morm. 01:16 LDS] 501: = extra citation =========================== INSTRUCTED IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF and instructed them in the knowledge of their religious principles [ObMs 000:00] the people are instructed in the arts of reading and writing [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- these dissenters. . . instructed in the same knowledge of the Lord [Alma 47:36 LDS] grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you [Mosiah 04:12a LDS] or in the knowledge of that which is just and true [Mosiah 04:12b LDS] they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth [Alma 17:02 LDS] began to grow exceedingly in the knowledge of their God [Helaman 06:34 LDS] 502: =========================================== (OF) SO MANY OF THE(IR) they were informed of the destruction of so many thousand of their enemies [ObMs 000:00] A country thus fortified, containing so many million of inhabitants [ObMs 000:00] destroy them with as much facility as you would so many porcupines [ObMs 000:00] the blood and carnage of so many thousand brave warriors [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- among the brethren of PAHORAN and also many of the people [Alma 51:07 LDS] obtained, by the cunning of AMALICKIAH, so many cities [Alma 51:27 LDS] have obtained possession. . . of so many of our valiant men [Alma 56:13 LDS] because so many of your brethren have been killed [Alma 60:12 LDS] because of so many wars and contentions it had become expedient [Alma 62:44 LDS] the means of sending so many of their brethren out of this world [Alma 48:23 LDS] 503: =========================================== (dress) OF SKINS Their clothing consisted of skins dressed with the hair on [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they had also prepared themselves with garments of skins [Alma 49:06 LDS] 504: =========================================== AND WAS/WERE ASTONISHED AT and all were astonished at his eloquence [ObMs 000:00] and all were astonished at the ingenuity of his arguments [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And. . . were exceedingly astonished at their manner [Alma 49:09 LDS] ZEEZROM was astonished at the words which had been spoken [Alma 14:06 LDS] insomuch that they began to be astonished at his power [Alma 17:36 LDS] the king was greatly astonished at the words which he [Alma 20:27 LDS] and began to be less and less astonished at a sign [3 Nephi 02:01 LDS] many were astonished at thee -- his visage was so marred [3 Nephi 20:44 LDS] 505: = extra citation =========================== THEY KNEW NOT. . . FOR They knew not the direction to the rising sun or polar star; for the [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- they knew not that MORONI . . . built forts of security, for every [Alma 49:13 LDS] murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God [1 Nephi 02:12 LDS] they knew not the course. . . to the land of LEHI-NEPHI [Mosiah 07:04 LDS] 506: =========================================== WHEN THEY FOUND their surprise when they found LAMESA and her friend [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Now when they found that they could not obtain power [Alma 49:22 LDS] 507: =========================================== NOT A. . . OF [remarkable battle in which there are no deaths] Not a drop of blood was shed to accomplish the whole [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- here was not a single soul of the NEPHITES which was slain [Alma 49:23 LDS] 508: = extra citation =========================== NOT ONE. . . OF [remarkable battle in which there are no deaths] [ObMs 000:00] He conjured the SCIOTANS not to shed one drop of blood [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- there had not one soul of them fallen to the earth [Alma 56:56 LDS] there was not one soul of them who did perish [Alma 57:25 LDS] and there was not one soul of them had been lost [Alma 16:08 LDS] 509: =========================================== PEACE AND PROSPERITY during their long period of peace and prosperity [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- continual peace among them, and exceedingly great prosperity [Alma 49:30 LDS] 510: =========================================== THOSE WHO HAD BEEN the lifeless remains of those who had been his enemies [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- slew all those who had been left to protect the city [Alma 52:25 LDS] more than the number of those who had been slain [Alma 52:40a LDS] yea, more than those who had been slain [Alma 52:40b LDS] Yea, even those who had been compelled to flee [Alma 59:06 LDS] yea, and by all those who had been ordained [Alma 49:30 LDS] 511: =========================================== SENT FORTH (TO) ALL THE. . . OF [message sent throughout the land] sent forth . . . to all the Princes of his Empire. . . kingdoms [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- MORONI . . . sent forth in all the parts of the land [Alma 46:28 LDS] written and sent forth. . . throughout all the land [Alma 63:12 LDS] HELAMAN sent forth to take them [Helaman 02:11 LDS] and sent forth to preach among the people [Alma 49:30 LDS] and behold, they sent forth one KISHKUMEN [Helaman 01:09 LDS] he immediately sent forth LEHI with an army [Helaman 01:28 LDS] sent forth and inspired their hearts with these thoughts [Alma 43:48 LDS] 512: =========================================== SENT FORTH (TO) ALL THE which first marked the commencement and progress of [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- in the commencement of the eighteenth year [Alma 43:04 LDS] in the commencement of the nineteenth year [Alma 45:20 LDS] in the commencement of the twentieth year [Alma 50:01 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and first year [Alma 50:17 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and fourth year [Alma 50:25 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and fifth year [Alma 51:01 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and eighth year [Alma 52:19 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year of the [Alma 54:01 LDS] in the commencement of the thirtieth year [Alma 56:01 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and seventh year [Alma 56:20 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year [Alma 54:01 LDS] in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year [Alma 57:06 LDS] in the commencement of the thirty and first year [Alma 62:12 LDS] in the commencement of the thirty and sixth year [Alma 63:01 LDS] in the commencement of the fortieth year [Helaman 01:01 LDS] 513: =========================================== (also) (UP)ON THE TOP OF THE(SE) (earthen bastions) TIMBERS In addition. . . pieces of timber on the top of the ramparts [ObMs 000:00] ---------------------- [vertical lengths of cut timber about 6 to 7 feet high] These pieces were about seven feet in length [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And upon the top of these ridges of earth. . . should be timbers [Alma 50:02a LDS] ---------------------- [vertical lengths of cut timber about 6 to 7 feet high] yea, works of timbers built up to the height of a man [Alma 50:02b LDS] 514: =========================================== AND CUT OFF THE sword which pierced LABANCO and cut off the head [ObMs 000:00] pierce your malignant heart and cut off that head [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- And thus he cut off all the strongholds of the LAMANITES [Alma 50:11 LDS] and marched. . . to cut off the course of AMALICKIAH [Alma 46:31 LDS] seek to cut off the strength and the power of the LAMANITES [Alma 50:12 LDS] they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord [Alma 50:20 LDS] and did cut off the spies of the LAMANITES [Alma 58:20 LDS] he thought to cut off the people of AMALICKIAH [Alma 46:30 LDS] the LAMANITES being cut off from their support [Alma 57:11 LDS] 515: =========================================== AND MINGLE WITH THE I myself will lead the van and mingle my arm with those [ObMs 000:00] will mingle with the boldest combatants and lead you [ObMs 000:00] and mingle their blood with the blood of heroes [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- perish by the sword. . . and mingle with the LAMANITES [Alma 50:22 LDS] his band. . . did mingle themselves among the people [Alma 00:00 LDS] SUPPLEMENTAL CITATIONS: S001: = supplemental citation =========================== SHALL FALL BEFORE Heroes shall fall before us; their towns shall be laid in ruins [ObMs 000:00] ------------------------------------------------------- Therefore we shall fall before them [Alma 22:20 LDS] S002: = supplemental citation =========================== WHO FLED TO THE ARMY OF (name) about fifty who fled to the army of RAMBOCK [ObMs 162:29] -------------------------------------------------------- as many as have fled to the army of AARON have fallen [Moroni 09:17 LDS] a part of them fled to the army of SHIZ [Ether 14:20 LDS] and a part of them fled to the army of CORIANTUMR [Ether 14:20 LDS] Go to: "Sciota Revisited" Part I |