The "Manuscript Found."
As the Sciotans & the Kentucks had maintained with
each other an unterrupted peace & friendly intercourse for
the space of four hundred & eighty years, it seems almost
incredible that a Cause which was of no great importance
to either nation, should excite their resentment against each
other & produce all the horrors of war. But such was the
unhappy effect of an affair, which had no regard to a single
person except the imperial families of the two empires &
the king of Sciota. As these families had were dessended
from the great Lobaska, they had, during the reign of all
their Emperors been in the habit of visiting each other; but
as each Emperor & his children were required not to marry
out of their respective dominions, no intermarriages had
taken place. They however claimed relationship, & still
continued to each other the appellation of our dearest & best
beloved Cousen.
A Cousen of this description who was the eldest son of
Hamboon, the Emperor of Kentuck, arrived at the City of
Golanga with a small but splendid retinue of Friends. At
that time Rambock, who was the fourteenth Emperor, was
seting on the throne of Sciota. He received the young
Prince with apparent sensation of the highest pleasure, &
spared no pains to manifest towards him by his treatment
the greatest esteem & friendship. The Emperor had an
only son, whose name was Moonrod. He ordered him to
attend the young Prince & to treat him with every token of
affection & honour.They spent their time in receiving visets
from the officers of the government, in viewing curiosities,
& in the assemblies of the first Class of young citizens
who met for recreation.
The "Manuscript
Elseon, for this was the name of the young prince,
was soon after his arrival introduced to Lamesa, the eldest
daughter of the Emperor. She was a young Lady of a
very fair & beautiful countenance. Her features & the construction
of her person were formed to please the fancy,
whilst the ease & gracefulness & modesty of her deportment
were very pleasing to all her acquaintance. Her
mind was replenished with the principles of knowledge &
virtue & such was her vivacity and the ease with which she
expressed her ideas, that all were delighted with her conversation.
No wonder that this fair imperial damsel attracted
the attention of Elseon; & at their first enterview enkindled
a spark in his boosom, which he could hardly prevent
from being discovered thro his blushing countenance
& the embarrassment he felt in conversation. He strove to
erase those tender impressions which she had made on his
heart, but in vain; every renewed enterview only served
only to fix her image deeper in his mind with & to make the
flame of Love more difficult to extinguish. He reasoned on
the obsticles in the way of obtaining this young lady for his
partner, but instead of cooling only ser it only increased the
ardor of his passion, & produced a resolution that with the
consent of Lamesa, nothing should prevent the attainment
of his wishes.
To a mind thus ardent which possessed the native
courage, resolution & perseverance of Elseon, the most
gigantic obstacles would vanish into vapour. Nor was it
long before he found that a correspondent passion was excited
in her breast. The moment she first saw him, her
heart palpitated, her face was covered with crimson, she
turned her eyes & attempted to speak, her tongue stopt its
motion in the midle of a period. She hamed, sat down &
The "Manuscript Found."
observed that she was not well. A description of this scene
is painted by a Sciotan bard in poetic numbers. He represents
the young Lady as recovering in a short time from
this state of agitation & confusion, & as being afterwards
composed & of having a better command of her passions. To
follow the poet in the description which he gives of Elseon,
to whom he attaches a countenance & figure superior to
other mortals, & qualities which produced the universal esteem
& admiration, would not comport with the faithful
page of history. Suffice it to say that Lamesa was captivated
with his person, & was impressed with those ideas
& sentiments that her happiness fled except when she either
enjoyed or anticipated his company. After Elseon had
firmly determined to marry Lamesa, he was impatient for
a private enterview with her to disclose his sentiments.
This occurred in a short time. They were together in one
of the apartments of the Emperors palace, the company had
all retired I have said he in a low voice to Lamesa, conceived
that opinion of you that I hope you will not be displeased
if I express my feelings with frankness & sincerity.
You must, she replied, be the best judge of what is proper
for you to express. I am always pleased with sincerity.
As the sun, says he my dear Lamesa, when he rises with
his radiant beams, dispels the darkness of knight; so it is in
your power to dispel the clouds of anxiety that rest upon
my soul. The Crown of Kentuck will be like a Rock on
my head, unless you will condesend to share with me the
glory & felicity of my reign. Will you consent to be my
dearest friend & companion for life? There is nothing, she
replies, would give me more pleasure than a compliance
with your request, provided it shall meet the approbation
of my Father. But how can he consent, when our Constitution
The "Manuscript
requires that his daughters should marry in his
own dominions? Besides, my father intends that I shall receive
the King of Sciota for my husband. By performing,
says he, the ceremonies of marriage at Talanga, we
shall literally comply with the imperial constitution, as Talanga
is within the dominions of your Father. But as for
the King of Sciota, do you sincerely wish to have him for
a husband? No, she quickly replies speaks anger sparkled
in her eyes. No. the King of Sciota for my husband. His
pride, his haughtiness, the pomposity of all his movements
excite my perfect disgust. I should as leave be yoked to a
porcupine. Several
These Lovers, as you may well conjecture, said many
things too tender & endearing to please the taste of the common
Class of Lovers. in this enterview, which lasted
about four hours, they exchanged the most transporting expressions
of love, made the most solemn protests vows of
sincerity & perpetual friendship & finally agreed that Elseon
should make known to the Emperor their mutual desire to
be joined in wedlock. The next day he wrote to the Emperor
as follows.
May it please your most excellent Majesty. Permit
me to express my most sincere gratitude for the high favors
& honour, which thro' the beneficence of your Majesty I
have enjoyed in your dominions. I am likewise impelled
to request a favour, which to me would be the most precious
gift, that is in the power of your Majesty to bestow. Having
contracted an acquaintance with your most amiable
daughter Lamesa, & finding that a correspondent affection
& esteem exist in our hearts toward each other & a mutual
desire to be united by the solemn covenant of mariage, I
The "Manuscript Found."
would therefore solicit Your Majesty's permission, that such
a connection may be formed.
Such a connection I conceive, may in its effect be very
salutary & beneficial to both Empires. It will unite the
two imperial families in a nearer in the bond of consanguinity,
& fix upon them an additional obligation to cultivate
friendship, peace & amicable intercourse. It will strengthen
the sinues of both governments & promote & promote
an happy interchange of friendly offices. As to the objection
that might arise from the constitution requiring, that
the Emperors daughters should marry in his own dominions,
this according to its literal meaning can have respect
only to the place where the Emperors daughters shall marry.
If by your Majestys permission, I should marry your
daughter Lamesa in your dominions it will be a literal fulfillment
of the constitution. From this ground therefore, I conceive
that no objection of any weight can arise. Will
your majesty please to vouchsafe me an answer to my request.
Signed, Elseon. Prince of Kentuck.
This letter was presented to the Emperor by Helicon,
an intimate friend of Elseon. The Emperor read it assumed
the aspect of deep consideration, walked the room a few
moments, then took a seat & told Helicon that he might inform
the young prince that he should receive an answer in
a ten days.
But why this few Ten days, a long time for two ardent
lovers to remain in suspense, But the Emperor must
consult his counsellors, his priests & the last & most fatal
counsellor of all the King of Sciota, who presumed to claim
the hand of the fair Lamesa. The affair became public.
The popular sintiment at first favoured the connection.
The "Manuscript
The Emperor's counsellors & his priests were at first inclined
to recommend an affirmative answer. But the interest
of the Sciotan King soon prevailed. This produced a
different view of the subject. The Counsellors perceived
that such a connection would be a most flagrant violation
of the true meaning & spirit of the constitution, & the priests
considered that it would be an act of the greatest impiety,
as it would transgress an explicit injunction of the great founder
of their government & religion. This opinion had vast
Weight on the minds of a greatmajority of the people.
The more liberal sort vindicated the cause of Elseon. This
produced great debate altercation & confusion thro' the
City. All were anxious to know the Emperor's decision.
On the tenth day the Emperor transmitted to the
prince the following answer to his letter.
To our best beloved Cousen Elseon, Prince of Kentuck.
The letter we received from your highness has impressed
our hearts with a deep sense of the honor & benefit, which
you intended uor family & Empire. At first we were inclined
to accept of the alliance you proposed. But having
examined & considered the subject with great seriousness
& attention, we find that to admit your Highness who is
not a citizen of our Empire to marry into our family, would
be a most flagrant violation of the true meaning & spirit of
our constitution. & an impious outrage on the sacred memory
of its Founder For these reasons we must solicit your
Highness not to insist on our compliance with your request.
Signed. Hambock, Emperor of Sciota.
As Elseon had been informed of the complexion which
his affair had assumed in the court, & through the City, he was
prepared for the answer which he received.
Without manifesting the least chagrin or Resentment,
The "Manuscript Found."
he appeared to acquiesce in the decision of the Emperor.
He displayed his in his countenance, his conversation & deportment,
his usual cheerfulness & vivacity. He continued
his amusements & associated with company with the same
ease, gracefulness & dignified conduct which he had done
before. At the same time, his determination was fixed to
transport the fair Lamesa into his father's dominions. The
first enterview which he had with her after he received the
Emperors letter, he informed her of its contents. She
trembled, paleness began to cover her face, & had not Elseon
received her into his arms, perhaps she would have falen
from her seat. However, by a few soothing words and caresses,
she was restored to her former composure & recollection.
Believe me, quoth he, "my dearest Lamesa, you shall
be mine. This heart shall be torn from my bosom, & these
limbs from my body, nothing else shall prevent our
union & compleat enjoyment of happiness. Can the ancient
scribbling of a great sage or the decree of an Emperor prevent
the streams from uniting with the ocean? with the
same ease & propriety can they prevent the union of our
hands, since our hearts are united. With your consent, you
shall be mine. Is it possible, she replies, is it possible to
disregard the authority of an indulgent & beloved parent &
disobey his command? This I never did. What if he
should command you, says Elsean, to marry the King of
Sciota? would you obey? He might she replies, with
more regard to my happiness, command me to plunge a
dagger into my heart. I cannot endure that supercilious
bundle of pride & affectation.
At this moment her maid entered the room & gave her
a letter. I received this letter, she says, from your Brother,
The "Manuscript
who told me it was from the Emperor. Lamesa opened it &
My Dearest & Best Beloved Daughter.
Having the most tender & affectionate regard
for your future welfare & felicity, we have concluded a
treaty of marriage between you & Lambul, the King of
Sciota. This alliance will be honourable to our family &
be productive of many benefits to the Empire. On the
tenth day from this time the nuptial ceremonies will be
celebrated consummated in our Palace. You will be in
readiness & yield a cheerful compliance with our will.
Signed, Bambock, Em'r of Sciota.
Had the lightning flashed from the clouds & pierced
her heart, it could not have produced a more instantaneous
effect. She fell into the arms of Elseon, the maid ran for a
cordial. Elseon rubed her temples & hands and loosened the
girdle about her waist. Within about an hour the blood
began to circulate. Elseon to his inexpressible joy felt her
pulse beginning to beat, & perceived flashes of colour in her
face. With a plaintive groan, she once more opened her
eyes to the beams of day, & in a kind of wild destraction
exclaimed, Ah, cruel, cruel Father, why have you doomed
your daughter to a situation the most odious & disgustful.
As well might you have thrown her into a den of porcupines,
opossums & serpents. With such animals I could
enjoy life with less disgust & torment, than with this mighty
King of Sciota, and An alliance with him an honour to our
family, an honour to the descendants of the great Lobaska!
What wicked counsellors have deceived my Father, & induced
him to throw me into the arms of this hateful monster?
Ah, whither shall I fly & escape my barbarous destiny.
I am your protector, says Elseon. I am your friend
The "Manuscript Found."
& will conduct you beyond the loving & gigantic grasp of
Sambol. His loathsome arms shall never encircle my dear
Lamesa. Consent to my request & we will be within ten
days at the City of Gamba. There you will be esteemed
as the brightest Orniment of my Father's empire. No
onger, Oh Elseon, she exclaimed, can I refuse my consent
to your proposal. When a compliance with my fathers
commands will entail wretchedness & misery thro' life,
Heaven will pardon my disobedience. Yes, Elseon, I will
go with you, & place my happiness in your power. rather
than fall into the hands of this haughty Sambul."
What could she say more to express the feelings of a
heart struggling under the operation of different passions
& opposite motives? She has taken her resolution, love has
gained the preeminence over every obsticle.
At this resolution, Elseon was transported with joy.
He now proceeded to form his plans for their flight. On
the fourth day after, he called upon the Emperor & requested
his permission to depart to his own Country. The
Emperor importuned him to tarry and be one of the guests
at Lamesa's wedding. But he declined by urging as his
apology the anxiety & impatience of his father for his return.
Permission was granted, & the Emperor aded that
he should do himself the honour to furnish the prince with
an escort when he left the city. Elseon replied that he
was not fond of much parade, he would wish the escort
might consist of the Emperors soldiers, only his
friend & his daughter & with each of them a friend.
These says he, are my dearest and best beloved cousens, for
The "Manuscript
whom I shall ever retain the most sincere friendship. Nothing
can afford me more pleasure, says the Emperor, than to
comply with your request.
Elseon took an affectionate leave of the Emperor & on
the second day after, being prepared for his journey he set
off with his three friends & their servants. Moonrod,
prince of the Empire, & Lamesa with her two sisters, with
each of them a friend, attended him on his journey about
twenty miles. They all tarried at a vilage over night.
Imagination alone can paint the pleasant & happy
scene. Elseon was transported with joy. He prest her to
his bosom with all the ardor of inthusiasm, & she yielded to
all his tender & innocent embraces with a grateful sensibility
& modest resignation.
The invention and ingenuity of Elseon must now be employed
in forming a plan for their flight to his Father's dominions.
As he appeared to acquiesce in the decision of
the Emperor, & had maintained the same cheerful deportment,
none were suspicious of his design. The Emperor &
the whole court still manifested toward him every token of
high respect & sincere friendship. Without any hesitation,
the Emperor complied with his request, that his dear cousins,
the son & the three daughters of the Emperor, with
each of them a friend, should accompany him about twenty
miles, on his return to Kentuck. The retinue of the young
Prince consisted of four of his most intimate friends & their
servants. He took care to send their baggage on by two
servants one day before they set out. The morning arived, t
he sun shone with radiant splendor, not a cloud intervened
or was seen to float in the atmosphere. It was the fourth
day after Lamesa had received the letter which doomed
The "Manuscript Found."
her to the embraces of Sambul. The Emperor, his Counsellors,
his Priests & principal officers assembled, & having
invited the young prince & his friends to meet them, they
entered the circle with great ceremony. The Emperor
then addressed the Young Prince, thanked him for the
honour of his visit & expressed his firm determination, to
maintain a sincere friendship & an inviolable peace with the
government of Kentuck. Elseon replied that the whole
sentiments would meet the cordial approbation of his Father,
who retained the same sentiments of friendship & peace
toward the government of Sciota. He then thanked the
Emperor & the whole assembly for the high respect they
had shown him. This was done with that frankness &
apparent sincerity that the whole assembly were highly
pleased. The Emperor then embraced him & gave him
his blessing. Customary ceremonies were mutually exchanged
by the whole company, & even tears were seen to
drop from every eye.
As the whole of this parade indicates no flight of
Elseon & Lamesa, we must now view them with their select
company of friends seting out on a short journey. All
mounted on horses, they rode about twenty miles to a village
where they halted. An eligant supper was provided,
they were chearful & sociable, none appeared more so, that
Elseon & Lamesa. The next day Elsean requested the
company of his dear cousens a short distance on his journey.
When they had rode about two miles they halted & proposed
to take their leave of each other Lamesa & her friend,
without being perceived by the company, rode on. It was
a place where the road turned, & by riding one rod, they
could not be seen. The rest of the company entered into a
short conversation & passed invitations for reciprocal visets
The "Manuscript
& friendly offices. They then clasped each others hands &
bowing very low, took an affectionate farewell. But where
are Lamesa & her friend? During these ceremonies their
horses move with uncommon swiftness, her heart palpitates
with an apprehension that she might be overtaken by her
brother. But now a friend more dear, her beloved Elseon,
with his companions, outstrip the wind in their speed. &
within one hour & half they overtake these fearful Damsels.
They all precipitate their course, casting their eyes
back every moment to no purpose, her pursuers. But pursuers
had not sufficient time to overtake them. They safely
arive on the Bank of the Great River. Elseon & Lamesa
were the first that entered the boat; the rest follow. & such
was Elseon's engagedness & anxiety to secure his fair prize,
that he even seized an oar and used it with great strength
& dexterity. As their feet stept on the opposite shore, Elseon
claspt his hands & spoke aloud, Lamesa is mine. She
is now beyond the grasp of a pompous tyrant & the control
of a father whose mind is blinded by the sordid advice of a
menial junto of counsellors & priests. She is mine & shall
soon be the Princess of Kentuck. Their movement is no
slow thro' the remaining part of their journey. They at
length arive at the great City of Gamba. We may now
contemplate them as having new scenes to pass thro' Not
to delineate the parade which was made at the court of
Hamboon, for the reception of his son, Lamesa, & their
friends, or to describe the joy that was exhibited in every
part of the city on their arival, & the universal surprize occasioned
by the story of the flight of these two Lovers.
Suffice it to say, that those who beheld Lamesa did not
blame Elseon.
As Hamboon was not very punctilious in his regard
The "Manuscript Found."
for the constitution, being possessed of very liberal sentiments,
Elseon found no difficulty in obtaining his consent to
marry Lamesa. On the fourth day after their arival, Elseon
& Lamesa, with each of them a friend appeared on a
stage, which was erected on the public square of the City.
The Emperor & Empress with his counsellors, his Priests
his officers, & all his relations, with the principal Ladies of
the City, formed a procession & surrounded the stage. The
common Citizens being a great multitude, took their stands
as they pleased. The Emperor & Empress then mounted
the stage, & united Elseon & Lamesa in the bond of wedlock
according to custom. & as pulling the Log was an indispensable
ceremony one was provided with a rope around
it on the stage. The Bridegroom & Bride played their
parts in pulling the rope with such dexterity & gracefulness,
that the whole assembly was most pleasingly entertained.
When all was ended, the whole assembly claped
their hands & cried, Long live Elseon & Lamesa. & giving
three huzzas, the common citizens dispersed. The rest repaired
to a sumptuous entertainment, & spent the remaining
part of the day & evening in conversation, singing &
The reader will recollect that Elseon & his friends left
Moonrod & his friends in a very pleasant mood without the
least suspicion, that Lamesa & her friend had deserted them.
When they had arrived at the vilage, what was their surprize
when they found that Lamesa & her friend were not
The "Manuscript
in company, nor had any one any recollection of her being
in company, after they had stopped to take their leave
of Elseon. Moonrod & the other gentlemen immediately
rode back with the greatest speed to the place where they
had halted, & not finding any traces of her Lamesa the
conclusion was then certain that she had prefer the company
of the young Prince & was on her way to Kentuck.
Pursuit would be in vain. Their only alternative was
to hasten back and carry the doleful intelligence to the Emperor.
Their speed was nearly equal to that of Elseon.
Without waiting to perform the customary ceremony of entering
the palace, Moonrod immediately rushed into the
Emperors presence, &exclaimed, your daughter Lamesa
has been seduced by Elseon to leave our company unperceived,
& has gone with him to Kentuck. Nothing but the
pencil of the Limner, could paint the Astonishment of the
Emperor. He rose, stood motionless for a moment, then
staring fiercely on Moonrod he spoke. is it possible, is it
possible, are you not mistaken my Son. I am not, says he,
my most excellent Father. I am not mistaken. This
morning we attended Elseon a small distance from the village
where we lodged. When we had halted to take our leave
& our attention was all engaged she and her friend she &
her friend rode off unperceived by any of our company nor
did we miss her until we arived again at the vilage. We
have made full search & enquiry, & find that she has absolutely
gone with the young prince to Kentuck. What an
ingrate says the Emperor, what a monster of hypocrisy Did
the honourable attention we have shown him demand such
treatment? How has he insulted the dignity of our family
& outraged the high authority of our government. This
affair will demand the most serious consideration. O Lamesa,
The "Manuscript Found."
Lamesa, my darling, my best beloved child, was it
possible for you to be so deceived by that artful prince, was
it possible for you to disobey the command of your indulgent
father? as they stept on the covering top of the canal,
the thin pieces of timber broke & they all plunged in &
found themselves in an instant at the bottom of the canal.
Surprised & terrified & they soon found themselves in no
situation to vindicate their exclusive right to wear blue
feathers in their caps. They were compleatly in the power
of their enimies who returned quick upon them. They demanded
quarter & surrendered themselves prisoners of war.
And giving up their arms, their demand was granted. In
the meantime a party of Sciotans who lay in ambush, on
the side of the Hill rushed down upon the reserved corps
of the Kentucks, who, being filled with consternation at the
direful disaster of their companions, surrendered themselves
prisoners of war without a struggle. Thus in a few moments,
by pursuing the stratigem or plan of Lobaska, An
army of thirty thousand men were captured, & the pride &
haughtiness of a mighty Prince was humbled. Not a drop
of blood was shed to accomplish the whole.
& bring upon our family such wretchedness & dishonour.
Fame with Her Thousand tongues commenced her
pleasing employment, & as swift as the wings of Time she
wafted the inteligence thro' the City with many distorted
& exaggerated particulars. All was astonishment confusion
& uproar. Resentment enkindled her indignant sparks
into a flame & the general cry was revenge & war. The
Sciotan King was walking in his parlour, feeding his imagination
The "Manuscript
with the pleasing prospect of his future glory &
felicity. I am, quoth he to himself, honoured above all the
other princes of the Empire, & even above the heir apparent
to the imperial crown of Kentuck. Who could be admitted
except myself to marry this fair Lamesa, the eldest
daughter of the Emperor, the most amiable the most accomplished
& the most honorable Lady in the universe.
This is a distinction which will place me on equal ground
with the Emperor himself, & command from all my subjects
the homage of their highest respect and reverence.
Besides I have a soul that can relish the charms of the
beautiful maid. She will adore me as her Lord & think
herself highly honoured & exceeding happy to submit to my
most endearing & affectionate embraces." But ah, mighty
Sambul, you little tho't how soon this delightful prospect
would be reversed, & that your soul would be filled with
chagrin indignation & revenge. A messenger burst into
his parlour & announced the astonishing tidings of Lamesas
elopement. She has absolutely gone, says he, to become
the wife of Elseon & the empress of Kentuck. Not the
wondrous & instantaneous roar of ten Thousand thunders
instantaneously thro' the atmosphere could have produced
greater surprise. His countenance was all amazement. It
was for a moment covered with paleness, his lips quivered,
his knees smote together & his gigantic body trembled like
the shaking of a tower under the effects of an earthquake.
But soon after a little silent his reflections & cogitations
caused the blood to return with a ten-fold velocity into his
face. it assumed the colour of redness & clinching He assumed
the attitude of terrific majesty & poured forth his
feelings in a voice more terrible than the roaring of a volcano.
How have I been abused, dishonoured, insulted &
The "Manuscript Found."
outraged. How have my prospects of glory been instantaneously
blasted & my character, my character become the
ridicule of a laughing world. What felicities of enjoying
the imperial maid in my arms, adoring me for her husband
are now vanished. & by whom am I thus disgraced insulted
& injured? By the mock prince of Kentuck, an
effeminate stripling, a cringing & plausible Upstart. He
has robed me of the fairest orniment of my kingdom, she
Lamesa, who was mine by solemn contract, & must he now
revel in her charms which are mine, & pride himself in
those deceitful arts by which he has seduced her, & stolen
her from my enjoyment? No, ungrateful & insidious monster,
your triumph shall be of short duration, & this arm
shall viset your crimes upon your head with a ten-fold
vengeance. Having poured forth a torrent of the most
dreadful imprecations & menaces, he left his parlour &
walked forth to consult his principal officers on the best
plan to obtain revenge.
In the meantime the Emperor, less haughty & indignant,
& possessed of sentiments more humane & benelent,
sent an invitation to his Counsellors to attend him. They
were unanimous in the opinion that the offense of Elseon
required reparation. But should war be the consequence,
if he refused to return Lamesa? On this question, two of
the counsellors contended that an humble recantation would
repair the injury done to the honour of the imperial family
& the authority of the government. The other two insisted
that they should demand in addition that would not be
sufficient But that they should demand in addition ten Mammoth
which would be an adequate compensation, but they
all deprecated the horrors of war. In the midst of their
debetes which were managed with great coolness & impartiality,
The "Manuscript
Sambul presented himself. I have come forward
says he, may it please your most excellent majesty, to demand
the fulfillment of that solemn contract which you
made to deliver me your eldest daughter in marriage. She
has been surreptitiously carried off by the young prince of
Kentuck. She is mine by contract & your majesty is bound
to deliver her to me. I demand Let her be immediately
demanded, & if the Emperor, the father of the young prince
shall refuse to return her, this will implicate him in the
same crime & be a sufficient cause of war. In that case
war will be indispensable to vindicate the honour of our
respective crowns, & the rights of the Empire. I should
then give my voice for war, & would never sheathe
my sword until torrents of blood had made expiation
for the ingratitude baseness & perfidy of the young Princy.
An humble recantation or the delivery of ten mammoth,
would this be a sufficient reparation for such an offense so
flagitious? No, the very proposal would be an insult on
the dignity of our government. Can anything short of the
repossession of the fair object stolen, of the invaluable prize
feloniously taken from us, be an adequate compensation?
Nothing short of this can heal our bleeding honour. appease
the indignation of our subjects, & reinstate friendship
& an amicable intercourse between both Empires. Let this
be your demand that Lamesa shall be returned. Let a refusal
be followed by an immediate declaration of war. Let
the resources & energies of the nation be called forth. Assemble
your armies & pour destruction upon all who shall
oppose the execution of our revenge. I myself will lead
the van & mingle my arm with those who fight the most
bloody battles. Heroes shall fall before us, their towns
The "Manuscript Found."
shall be laid in ruins, & carnage shall glut our indignant
When further deliberation had taken place, the Emperor
& two of his counsellors adopted the advice of Sambul
to demand Lamesa & an envoy was immediately despatched
to the Emperor of Kentuck with the following letter.
May it please your most gracious majesty. Nothing
could have given us more pleasure than the disposition you
manifested in sending Elseon, the heir apparent to your
crown to viset our family. We treated him as our dearest
Cousen & as our most intimate friend. He was invited to
associate with our children, & to consider himself whilst he
tarried as a member of our family. Such being the confidence
we placed in his rectitude & honour, that he assumed
the liberty to contract the most intimate acquaintance with
Lamesa, our eldest daughter. This produced an agreement
between them, that with our consent they would be united
in marriage. Nothing would have been more pleasing than
such a connection. But we found that it would be a most
flagrant violation of the true meaning & spirit of our constitution,
& an impious outrage on the memory of its great
founder. For these reasons, we signified our pleasure that
Elseon would not insist on our compliance with his request.
He appeared to acquiesse in our decision. & we afterwards
contracted with Sambul, King of Sciota to give her in marriage
to him.
But the after conduct of your son, may it please your
most gracious majesty, did not correspond with the high
confidence we placed in him. With deep regret & the most
painful sensations we are compeled to declare that he has
committed a crime which has disturbed our peace & happiness,
The "Manuscript
dishonoured our family & outraged the authority of
our government, & the rights of our Empire. He has
formed a plan to transport Lamesa into your dominions.
To accomplish this, he made use of the most insidious arts,
He took advantage of our clemency & indescretion, & the
high respect we manifested towards him, & without our consent
& contrary to our will, he has succeeded in transporting
to the city of Gamba in his perfidious design. Lamesa
is doubtless with you in the City of Gamba. A crime which
of such malignity, committed against the honour & interest &
dignity of our family government & Empire demands reparation.
Your majesty will perceive that the only adequate reparation
which can be made, will be the return of Lamesa to
our dominions. We therefore demand that she be conveyed
back with all possible expedition.
No other alternative can prevent the interruption of
that confidence friendship & peace, which have long continued
between both Empires, & save them from the horrors
& calamities of war.
Signed, Rambock, Emperor of Sciota.
When Hamboon had received this letter, he immediately
invited his counsellors to attend him, & laid it before
them, &, as it was a subject of vast importance to the Empire,
he likewise invited his priests and principal officers to
join them in council. The various passions appeared to operate
in the course of their consultation. To avoid Hostilities,
with all its attendant calamities, was what they most
ardently desired, & some contended that if no other alternative
could be agreed upon, it would be for the interest of
the Empire & the best policy to return the princess. but
others reprobated this measure as pusilanimous, & cowardly
The "Manuscript Found."
& advised if no other reparation would be received, to retain
the princess & maintain the conflict with a manly & heroic
firmness. What, say they, do not honour & justice require
that we should defend the rights of the imperial family?
If the Sciotan government should demand that we should
send them our Emperor or Empress, would not honour impel
us to spurn at the demand, & reject it with indignation?
Their present demand is as preposterous & as insulting.
No satisfaction will they receive for the supposed injury,
except that we should seize the Princess of the Empire, tare
her from the bosom of her consort & transport her to Sciota.
Are we capable of an act so unjust & inhuman, so base
& disgraceful? As the debates were proceeding, Elseon rose.
May I says he -- claim your attention a moment? Undaunted
by the cruel demand & haughty menace of the Sciotan
government, I am willing to abide your decision. If transporting
Lamesa into our dominions when she has been
most unjustly & inhumanely denied me for a companion, is a
crime so perfidious & flagitious as of such mighty magnitude,
then inflict a punishment that shall be adequate to the offense.
But if the Almighty, whose benevolence is infinite, has designed
the union of hands where hearts are united, I have
then transgressed no divine law, but have obeyed the divine
will. I am therefore innocent of any crime. I have an
undoubted right to retain Lamesa for my wife, & no government
on earth have any authority from heaven to tear
her from my bosom. Nor will I submit to such an event,
so long as the life blood circulates thro' my heart & warms
my limbs. If war must be the consequence of my proceedings,
which transgressed no principles of honour justice or
humanity, were both innocent & hounourable, it will give
me the most painful feelings. I shall deplore its calamities,
The "Manuscript
but will never shrink like a Dastard from the conflict. The
Sciotan King, who is at the bottom of all the mischief shall
never behold me fleeing before his gigantic sword, or
skulking to avoid a single combat with him. You have
therefore no other alternative but either, first to slay your
prince, & then like cowards to send back your princess to
Sciota, or else to make immediate preparations to meet their
threatened vengeance with fortitude & courage.
This speech of the young prince united the whole
council. & they unanimously agreed to reject the demand
of the Sciotan government. A Letter was written & an Envoy
dispatched, with instructions to attempt a reconciliation.
He precipitated his journey to the court of Rambock, &
when he arrived, he delivered him the following letter.
May it please your most excellent Majesty. Next to
the welfare & prosperity of our Empire, we should rejoice
in the welfare & prosperity of yours. It is therefore with
extreme regret that we view the unhappy difference, which
has arisen & which threatens to involve the two Empires in
the calamities of war.
Had you demanded a reparation for the supposed injury
which would consist with the principles of justice
& the honour of our crown & government, it should be
given you with the utmost cheerfulness. But to return you
Lamesa, who has now become the princess of Kentuck,
would be tearing her from the arms of an affectionate husband
& breaking the bond of solemn wedlock. As the
compliance with your demand, will subject us to the commission
of such injustice & cruelty, it must there fore be
our duty to declare that we will not return the young princess.
& as such an event would destroy her happiness as
well as that of her affectionate consort, we shall permit her
The "Manuscript Found."
to tarry in our dominions & grant her protection. We are
however desirous that an honourable reconciliation may
take place, & a good understanding be restored. To effect
this most important & very desirable object, we have given
full authority to Labanko our beloved brother, the bearer
of this Letter, to negotiate a settlement of our difference.
provided you will receive anything as a substitute for what
the object yo have demanded.
Signed, Hamboon, Emperor of Kentuck.
The mind of Rambock was not formed for the perpetual
exercise of resentment, & malice, & having conversed a
considerable time with Labanco, who apologized for the
conduct of the young prince with great ingenuity his anger
abated & he felt a disposition for the restoration of friendship.
But the indignation & malice of Sambul encreased
with time, his dark soul thirsted more ardently for revenge
& nothing would satisfy but blood & carnage, He employed
instruments to assist in faning the sparks of resentment, &
blowing them into the flames of war. Not content to represent
facts as they existed, & in their true colours, monstrous
stories were fabricated & put into circulation, calculated
to excite prejudice & rouse the resentment of the people
against Elseon, & the whole Empire of Kentuck. He had
recourse to a class of men who were denominated prophets
& conjurors to favour his design. They had for many
ages a commanding influence on the minds of a great majority
of the people. As they pretended to umderstand,
have art of investigating the councils & designs of the
heavenly Hierarchy, & to have a knowledge of future
events, the people listened with pleasure to their
representations. predictions & tho't it impious to question or doubt
their fulfillment. A small company of these necromanceers
The "Manuscript
or juglers assembled on the great square of the City, &
mounted a stage which was provided for them. The citizens
attended It was a prodigious concourse of all classes
of citizens The of all descriptions both wise & simple, both
male & female. They surrounded the stage & were all attention.
All anxious to learn the decrees of heaven, & the future
destinies of the Empire. Drofalick, their chief prophet
extended his arms & cast up his eyes to Heaven. Quoth he,
Heaven unfolds her massy gates, & opens to my view a
prospect wide & vast. The seven sons of the great Spirit
seize their glittering swords, & swear these shall not be
sheathed till blood in torrents run & deluge the fair land of
Kentuck I behold enemies martialing on the celestial plain,
& hear warriors & heroes cry, Avenge the crime of Elseon.
I hear a thundering voice proceeding from the great throne
of him who rules the world, proclaiming thus, Corn shall
not grow in the Sciotan fields, nor mammoth yield their
milk, nor fish be taken in the snare but pestilence shall
roam, unless Sciota shall avenge the crime of Elseon.
Drofalick ended his prophesy. Hamack then arose & in
his hand he held a stone which he pronounced transparent.
Thro' this he could view things present & things to come,
could behold the dark intrigues & cabals of foreign courts,
& behold discover hidden treasures, secluded from the eyes
of other mortals. He could behold the galant & his mistress
in their bed chamber, &count all their moles warts &
pimples. Such was the clearness of his sight, when this
transparent stone was placed before his eyes. He looked
fiercely & steadfastly on the stone & raised his prophetic
voice. I behold Hamboon with all his priests & great
officers assembled around him. With what contempt he declares
he despises all the Sciotans. They are, says he, cowards
The "Manuscript Found."
& poltroons. They dare not face my brave warriors.
Here I see four men coming forward bearing an image,
formed with all the features of ugliness & deformity. This
they call Sambul the King of Sciota, the whole company
break forth into boisterous Laughing. Ah, see & they are
cuting off his head with their swords. Yes, & are now
kicking it about the palace. Here is a pole. it is stuck upon
that & carried thro' the City. Oh my loving sparks,
Elseon & Lamesa, what makes you so merry? Why Elseon
says he has outwitted the Sciotans, he has got the prize
& he little regards their resentment. Hamack was proceeding
with such nonsensical visions, when the whole multitude
interrupted him with a cry, Revenge, Revenge, We
will convince the Kentuckans that we are not cowards or
poltroons. Their heads shall pay for their sport in kicking
about the pretended head the head of our pretended
beloved King. We will avenge the crime of Elseon. The
great & good Being is on our side & threatens us with famine
& pestilence, unless we avenge the crime of Elseon.
The arts of these Conjurers were the consummation of
Sambuls plan to produce in the minds of the multitude an
enthusiasm & rage for war. He now repairs to the Emperor
& solicits him to assemble his counsellors, immediately,
proclaim war & concert measures for its prosecution.
The Emperor replies that they should soon be assembled.
but as to war, it was a subject which reguired great consideration.
Early on the next day his counsellors -- priests & principal
officers met him in the council room. He laid before
them the Letter of Hamboon, & added observed that tho'
the government of Kentuck had refused to return Lamesa,
yet they had offered to make to our government a recantation,
The "Manuscript
for Elseon's crime, & to pay us almost any sum as a
reparation for our injury. The council sat silent for some
time. At length the venerable Boakim arose.
I must beg, says he, the indulgence of your majesty, &
this honourable council a few moments. Never
did I rise with such impressions of the high importance of
our deliberations, as what I now feel. The great question
to be decided, is peace or war. If peace can be preserved
with honour, then let us maintain peace; but if not, then let us
meet war with fortitude & courage.
As to the great Crime of Elseon, no one presumes to present
an apoligy. Even their own government acknowledge
that he has been guilty of a great Crime. But is it of such
malignity as to require the conflagration of towns, & cities
& the lives of millions to make an expiation? Can no other
reparation consistent with justice & humanity be received?
Or must we compel in order to have an atonement made
for the crime of Elseon compel the government of Kentuck
to commit another crime to separate, to tear from each others
embrace the husband & wife? Such a reparation as
this, we cannot in justice expect. Shall we then accept of
no other? Cannot our bleeding honour be healed without
shedding blood without laying a whole Empire in ruins?
Such refined notions of honour may prove our own ruin, as
well as the ruin of those on whom we attempt to execute
our vengeance. The calamities of war have a reciprocal action
on the parties. Each must expect to endure a portion
of evils, how large a portion would fall to our share in case
of war, it is not for us to determine. While thirsting for
revenge, we contemplate with infinite pleasure, their armies
routed, & their warriors bleeding under our swords their
helpless women & children expiring by thousands, & their
The "Manuscript Found."
country in flames. But reverse the scene. Suppose the
enimy have as much wit, as much stratagim, courage,
strength & inhumanity as what we you possess, & such may
be your situation. When the floodgate is once opened, who
can stop the torrent, & prevent devastation & ruin? We
ought therefore It was never designed by the great & good
Being that his children should contend, &destroy that existence
which he gave them. they all have equal rights &
ought to strive to maintain peace & friendship. This has
been the maxim of our fathers & this the doctrine taught by
the great Founder of our government & religion. Under
the influence of this maxim, our nation has grown to an
emence multitude, & contentment & happiness have been
universal. But why can we not enjoy peace with honour?
What insurmountable obstacles are there to prevent? Why
truely a recantation & -- (word illegible) -- are no compensation
for the injury? For other offenses these are accepted,
& why must the offense of Elseon be singular?
The Emperors daughter, we presume is happy, nor
can it be a disgrace to the imperial family that she has married
the son of an emperor, the heir apparent to his crown.
But she was to have been the wife of Sambul, the King of
Sciota We can therefore with honour to our government
accept of the reparation offered. & thus preserve the blessings
of peace. But if we suffer resentment, pride & ambition
to plunge us into a war, where will its mischiefs,
where will its miseries end? As to both empires are nearly
equal as to numbers & resources, I will venture to predict
their eventual overthrow & destruction.
Boakim would have proceeded, but Hamkol rose & interrupted.
It was impudence in the extreme, but he had
The "Manuscript
much brass & strong lungs, & would be heard further than Boakim.
"Such sentiments, says he, may comport with the infirmities
of age, but they are too degrading & cowardly for
the vigor of youth & manhood. If we suffer insult, perfidy
& outrage to pass off with impunity, we may afterwards
bend our necks to be trodden upon by every puny
upstart, & finical coxcomb. No. Let us march with our
brave warriors into the dominions of Hamboon. His effeminate
& luxurious Court will tremble at our presence &
yield the fair Lamesa into our possession. But if they
should still have the temerity to refuse, we will then display
our valour by inflicting upon them a punishment,
which their crimes deserve. Yes, our valiant heroes shall
gain immortal renown by their heroic exploits & by the destruction
of all shall who Sciota will ever after have the preeminence
over Kentuck, & compel her haughty sons to bow
in our presence. Let war be proclaimed. & every kingdom
& tribe from the River to the Lakes will pour forth their
warriors. anxious to avenge our countrys wrongs. Scarce
had he done speaking. And Lakoonrod, the High Priest
arose. He was in the interest of Sambul & had married
his sister. He had taken great umbrage at Elseon for saying
that the priesthood had too great an assendancy at the
court of Hambock. And lifting up his sanctimonious eyes
slowly toward heaven, & extending his right reverend hand
a little above an horizontal position, he spoke.
When the laws which are contained in our holy religion
are transgressed, it is my duty as High Priest of the Empire
to give my testimony against the transgression. Elseon,
the heir apparent to the imperial throne of Kentuck has
The "Manuscript Found."
been guilty of Robery & impiety within our dominions. He
has robed this Empire of an invaluable treasure, & as his
crime is a most flagicious transgression of our divine law it
must have been committed in defiance of the high authority
of heaven, therefore it is an act of the greatest impiety.
The injury the insult & the outrage has not been committed
against us alone, if this was the case perhaps we might accept
of reparation; but it is committed against the throne of
Omnipotence & in defiance of his authority. No reparation
can of consequence be received, except it be a return of
the stolen treasure, or the Blood of the Transgressor. Nothing
else can satisfy the righteous demand of the Great &
good Being. He therefore calls upon the civil power to
execute his vengeance, to inflict an exempleary punishment.
And as it is his cause & you are imployed as his instruments,
you may be assured that his almighty arm will add
strength to your exertions, & give you a glorious victory
over your enimies. The mighty achievements of your
warriors shall immortalize their names, & their heads shall
be crowned with never fading laurels. & as for those who
shall die, gloriously fighting in the cause of their country &
their God, they shall immediately receive etherial bodies, &
shall arise quickly to the abodes of increasing delight & glory.
He said no more. He had discharged some part of
his malice against Elseon, for saying that the priesthood had
too much influence in the court of Rambock. The door
now opened & it was seen that Sambul at the head of a
great multitude of citizens, had taken their stand in front of
the house, all crying with a loud voice, Revenge & war.
Long live the Emperor & King. We will avenge their
wrongs. This uproar & the harang of the high Priest determined
The "Manuscript
the wavering mind of the Emperor. But the venerable
Boakim & Bilhawa opposed the torrent & stood as
stood firm They boldly affirmed that a war was impolitic & unjustifiable.
But the Their opposition however, was in vain.
The popular voice was against them & the other two counsellors
Hamkal & Gammack gave their vote for war urged
with great vehemence that war should be declared.
In vain were all the reasonings of the venerable Boakim
& Bilhawan. The other two counsellors, Hamkol &
Gamanko joining the Emperor, they proceeded to make
out a declaration of War. It was in these words.
War is declared by the government & Empire of Sciota
against the government & Empire of Kentuck. The
Sciotans are required to exterminate with distinction of age
or sex all the inhabitants of the Empire of Kentuck. They
are required to burn their houses & either to destroy or take
possession of their property. for their own use & benefit.
This destruction is demanded by the great benevolent
Spirit & the government of Sciota.
Signed. Rambock, Emperor of Sciota.
A copy of this declaration was given to Labanco the brother
& Envoy of Hamboon. He demanded a guard to
defend him against the rage of the common people, who
discovered a disposition to plunge their swords into the
heart of every man whose fortune it was to be born on the
other side of the River. Labanco was guarded as far as the
River & conveyed across in safety. He repaired to Gamba
& there he proclaimed the intelligence of the declaration of
War & there made known all the proceedings of the Sciotan