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Vernal Holley (1924-2000) "Book of Mormon Authorship" Third Edition: Revised & Enlarged (Roy, Utah: self-published 1992) |
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In October 1825, at the age of 20, Smith went to work for, and lived with, Josiah Stowell of Chenango County, New York. He was still living there in March 1826 when he was arrested and stood trial for "glass looking," a misdemeanor. Stowell testified in Smith's behalf at that trial [and] Smith was dismissed on "leg bail." 40 Later, A. W. Benton wrote: "In this town (South Bainbridge, N.Y.), a wealthy farmer, named Josiah Stowell, together with others, spent large sums of money in digging for hidden money, which this Smith pretended he could see, and told them where to dig; but they never found their treasure."41 In January 1827 Smith married Emma Hale. Later that year, he went to work for Joseph Knight in neighboring Broome County.42 Knight was also involved with the "money digging,"43 -----------------------  40 Letter of Judge Joel K. Noble, Turner Collection, Illinois State Historical Library.  41 A. W. Benton, letter to the editor of the Evengelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, April 9, 1831. 42 B.H. Roberts, A Compregensive History of the Church, 1965, vol. 1, p. 85. 43 Marvin Hill, Dialogue, A Journal of Mormon Thought, winter 1972, p. 78. [49] The Nephite Records It was during these years that Smith first claimed knowledge of the ancient Nephite records which later became the Book of Mormon. Stowell and Knight were both in the Smith home the night before Smith came into possession of the Nephite record. B. H. Roberts tells us: In relation to the matter of the prophet Joseph obtaining the Nephite record on the morning of the 22nd of September. . . It appears that both Joseph Knight of Broome County, New York, and also a Mr. Josiah Stoal were present at the Smith homestead on the night of September 21st, 1827. 44When Joseph Smith returned to the Joseph Smith Sr. home on the morning of September 22 with the record, Josiah Stowell was the first person to take the record from Smith's hands.45 Was it just a coincidence that Knight and Stowell were in the Smith home the very night Smith obtained the Nephite record? or did they have some purpose (relating to the event) for being there? The Canadian Revelation The following story is related by David Whitmer: When the Book of Mormon was in the hands of the printer, more money was needed to finish the printing of it. We were waiting on Martin Harris who was doing his best to sell a part of his farm, in order to raise the necessary funds, After a time Hyrum Smith and others began to get impatient. . . they should not wait any longer on Martin Harris, and that the money should be raised in some other way. . . Brother Hyrum said it had been suggested to him that some of the brethren might go to Toronto, Canada, and sell the copy-right of the Book of Mormon for considerable money; and he persuaded Joseph to inquire of the Lord about it. Joseph concluded to do so. He had ----------------------- 44 B.H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, vol. 2, p. 58 45 Ibid., p. 316. not yet given up the stone. Joseph looked into the hat in which he placed the stone and received a revelation that some of the brethren should go to Toronto, Canada, and that they would sell the copy-right of the Book of Mormon. Hyram Page and Oliver Cowdery went to Toronto on this mission, but they failed entirely. . . 46Hiram Page, who accompanied Cowdery on the mission to Canada, tells a slightly different story: Joseph herd (sic) that there was a chance to sell a copyright in Canada for any useful book that was used in the states. Joseph thought this would be a good opertunity (sic) to get a handsome sum of money, which was to be (after the expenses were taken out) for the exclusive use of the Smith family, and was to be used at the disposal of Joseph. Accordingly, Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Knight, Hiram Page and Joseah Stoel [Josiah Stowell] were chosen to do the buoiness (sic). . . 47David Whitmer's account of the Canadian mission tells that only Oliver Cowdery and Hiram Page were sent to Canada. Does David Whitmer omit the names of Joseph Knight and Josiah Stowell for some wise purpose? Did Knight and Stowell go to Canada to protect their interest in the monies that might come from the sale of the copyright? Knight's History Sometime between 1835 and 1845 Joseph Knight wrote a history of Joseph Smith's early years.48 In this account Knight tells of his personal involvement with Smith, and that after Smith received the ancient record, Smith and his wife returned to Pennsylvania where he began the translation. On several occasions, while they were living in Pennsylvania, Knight helped the Smith's with food and supplies and visited them so often that Knight's wife on one occasion asked him, "Why are you going again so soon?" Knight tells us that Josiah Stowell later moved the Smiths to the Joseph Smith, Sr. home in Palmyra. In the spring of 1830, Knight visited Smith in Palmyra for several days at the same time Martin Harris was there. Knight "stayed a few days waiting for some books (Book of Mormon) to be bound." -----------------------  46 David Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ, Richmond, Missouri, 1887.  47 Letter of Hyrum Page to William McLellin, Feb. 2, 1848, copy in possession of the author.  48 Joseph Knight, Manuscript of the Early History of Joseph Smith, LDS Church Archives. In the fall of that same year, Smith visited Knight on some business at Knight's home in Pennsylvania. While Smith was at the Knight home, "a young fellow by the name of Doctor Benton in Chenango County. . . swore out a warrant against Joseph for, as they said, pretending to see underground." Smith was arrested that evening at the Knight home. Knight asked if he wanted counsel, and Smith said he, thought he should. That night, Knight hired James Davidson, a man he was acquainted with, and John Reed, another lawyer, to defend Smith. The next morning, Smith was brought before Justice of the Peace Chamberlain who dismissed him after an all-day trial. Smith was immediately arrested again and taken to Broome County for another trial on the same kind of charge. Again, he was dismissed. Joseph Knight paid the lawyer fees for both trials. Judge Noble's Letter Judge Joel K. Noble, who presided over Smith's second 1830 trial, reates an account similar to that of Joseph Knight, but with some: interesting additional information: . . . Jo. Smith (Mormon) came here when about 17-18 y. of age in the capacity of glass looker or fortune teler (sic). At that time his physiognomy indicated almost anything rather than native good common sound sense.Judge Noble seems to be quite sure that Joseph Smith was not the originator of the Book of Mormon, and clearly places its origin on -----------------------  49 Letter of Judge Joel K. Noble, March 8, 1842, Turner Collection, Illinois State Historical Library. Conclusion "2 other individuals." Stowell and Knight must be considered as possibly being the two individuals referred to by Judge Noble. Joseph Smith at Hartwick? Judge Noble's declaration that Joseph Smith and his followers traveled in a "triangle," -- the [sides of the triangle being the roads from] Palmyra (New York), [to] Harmony (Pennsylvania), [then to] Bainbridge (New York), [and] then back to Palmyra -- may not have been a complete description. The geographical locations, and the available routes of travel, between these three towns do not constitute a triangle. According to F. G. Mather, Smith and his followers (Knight and Stowell?) operated with Smith's "peek-stone" [17 miles NE of Bainbridge] in Otego, Otsego County, "in this part of the valley where he (Smith) was a comparative stranger."50 From Otego Smith and his followers may have continued up the Susquehanna River [and adjoining Otego Creek] a day's journey and stayed overnight at Hartwick, Otsego County, with Josiah Stowell's relative, David Stowell. If Smith did visit Hartwick, his route of travel (from Palmyra to Harmony, Bainbridge, Hartwick, then back to Palmyra) would have constituted a triangle. The writings of Solomon Spaulding [then] lay in a trunk in the home of John Davison [sometimes spelled "Davidson," like Smith's lawyer in neighboring Chenango County] of Hartwick, whom the widow Spaulding [had] married in 1820. In 1833 Philastus Hurlbut attempted to obtain the [supposedly original] Book of Mormon manuscript from the Davison home but [reported that] he found only [Spaulding's] Roman story. If Spaulding's widow had a trunk full of Spaulding's writings at Hartwick in 1820, who took them all away but one? If Joseph Smith really succeeded in getting the Book of Mormon manuscript from Mrs. Davison's trunk (or if someone did it for him), this would account for its disappearance from the trunk before 1833. Turner's Account In 1843 J. B. Turner wrote of these events concerning Joseph Smith: The point to be noticed here is, that from 1823 to 1827, the precise four years in which Smith and his friends, in all the Mormon journals, either by accident or design, omit all accounts of him, he is passing to and fro, from his native place to Chenango county, N.Y., and then to Harmony, Penn., which is near by; he is seemingly out of employ, and resources, and friends; and, by his own confession, employed a part of his time in digging for a cave of silver, by Stowell. ----------------------- 50 F.G. Mather, "The Early Days of Mormonism," Lippencott's Magazine, Aug., 1880. |
He was, therefore, in the society of men not only ready to believe, but on the look-out for wonders and sudden speculations. ![]() Note: |
BOOK OF MORMON GEOGRAPHY (cont'd.) Maps of the Great Lakes Region [Figure 1. below shows the actual landscape of the Great Lakes Region where Rev. Solomon Spaulding lived after leaving his home state of Conneticut in about 1795. Place names shown in brown represent the locations of imaginary cities and lands appearing in his Roman story manuscript. All the other features and sites are actual places existing before his death in 1816. ![]() Figure 1. Actual Place Names and Locations [in the] Spaulding Story Larger image of Figure 1. [Figure 2. shows several of the Book of Mormon place names fit to the landscape of the Great Lakes Region. Several of the sites have the same names, or similar names, of sites at the same locations as in Figure 1. The inset in the upper left indicates the "Narrow Strip of Wilderness" ridge that runs between the Sea West and the Sea East. ![]() Figure 2. Proposed Book of Mormon Lands Locations larger image of Figure 2. |
[62] Waters of Ripliancum (cont'd.) Waters of Ripliancum may have been Lake Superior, the largest of the five Great Lakes. On or near the north shore of Lake Superior are Ripple Bay, Ripple Creek, Ripple Reef, and Ripple Lake -- names surprisingly similar to the "Waters of Ripliancum." [One possible alternative identification could be the great natural wonder of Niagara Falls, whose outpourings "exceed all" other "waters" in North American waterfalls.] Hill Ramah In the Book of Mormon story, the armies of Coriantumr ["beat" the armies of Shiz and caused them to retreat "southward"] from Ripliancum. [The armies of Coriantumr apparently remained in the north country] and pitched their tents by the Hill Ramah (Ether 15:10-11). Today, south by southeast from Lake Superior (Waters of Ripliancum?), near Lake Simcoe in Ontario, Canada, is the Rama Indian Reservation,61 located within the boundaries of Rama Township62 The Book of Mormon Ramah was [relatively near] the Waters of Ripliancum in the "land northward," and, similarly, the modern day Rama Indian Reservation is located [relatively near] several place names with a "Ripple" designation, in Canada (the north country). Book of Mormon Cities The following modern place names are actually located in the area of Spaulding's Manuscript Story setting. All but a few can be found in gazetteers published prior to the Book of Mormon. Also shown is all companion list of Book of Mormon place names that are either identical or similar to the modern names listed. Some of these modern place names are located north of the Great Lakes in Canada. In each case, the parallel name in the Book of Mormon is in the area called the "land northward." An asterisk (*) identifies these places.
----------------------- 61 According to G.H. Armstrong, in his The Origin and Meanings of Place Names in Canada, Toronto, 1972, "Rama is the Greek form of Ramah of the Bible, which is said to mean 'high place'". 62 J.G. Farewell, History of the County of Ontario, 1907. [63]
City of Angola One of the war stories related in the Book of Mormon was fought "in the borders of Zarahemla by the Waters of Sidon" (Mormon 1:10). Later the war resumed, and [Mormon's armies] retreated towards the "north countries." [At this time they occupied] a city called Angola (Mormon 2:4). The present day city of Angola, New York, is located west of the Genesee (Sidon?) River and south ["in the borders"] of the proposed land of Zarahemla. This is another example of the many actual locations in the Great Lakes area that can be located on modern maps by following geographical information in the Book of Mormon. City of Teancum Teancum, a Book of Mormon city located in a land called Desolation, within the north country, was "in the borders by the seashore" (Mormon 4:3). It was named after Teancum, who fought and died in the land Desolation while helping the Nephite military commander, Moroni, contain the Lamanites who were trying to gain access to the "land northward" (Alma, Chapters 50-62). The modern city of Tecumseh [Tenecum] is located in Canada (the land to the north), by "the borders" of Canada and the United States, and by "the seashore." It was named after the great Shawnee Indian chief, who fought and died as a military commander under the British in the War of 1812, while helping their forces contain the Americans, who were trying to gain access to British territory in Canada. "King Gideon" [& the Land of Lehi-Nephi] In 1750, the Delaware "king," Chief Tadeuskund, was baptized into Christianity and christened "Gideon." He was a counselor to his nation and negotiated peace with the other Indian nations. Gideon was eventually burned to death in Wyoming County, Penneylvania, after being supplied with liquor and made drunk63 The Book of Mormon tells a similar story of a "Gideon" who was a Christian convert of Alma. He was also a great peacemaker (Mosiah 20:17-21). Within this story, King Limhi desired baptism to Christianity, King Noah was burned to death, and the Lamanites were made drunk with a tribute of wine supplied by Gideon. ----------------------- 63 Rev. John Heckewelder,History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations, 1876, pp. 302-305. The historical location of the Delaware King Gideon story was in the area of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, near the [Roman's] landing place in the Spaulding story. The Book of Mormon Gideon story took place in the land of Lehi-Nephi, the landing place of the Lehites. [The Land of Lehi-Nephi may thus correspond to the land of modern Lehigh County.] The similarities between the elements of the two stories suggest that the writer of the Book of Mormon used [post-columbian] Indian history [and geography] as the basis for some of his stories, using the same ideas, but applying them to different parts of [his own] story. This suggestion [may be quite] significant, considering the fact that Spaulding wrote his Manuscript Story as a fictional history of the Delaware Indians [and their neighbors]. Kishkumen The location of the Book of Mormon city of Kishkumen is not given in the text. However. there are names similar to Kishkumen, on modern maps, in the location of Spaulding's Manuscript Story setting. In Spaulding's story, his travelers left their landing place on the Delaware River and traveled west across the "Great Mountain." They "came to the confluence of two great rivers which in conjunction produced a river which was called Owaho" (Ohio) (Manuscript Story, p. 18). This place was on the site of the present day city of Pittsburgh. Near this area, are the remains of an ancient Delaware Indian village named Kiskiminetas. A monument marks the site of the ancient village. There was also a group of Delaware towns called Kuskuski in Lawrence County, near the present-day site of New Castle.64 Another variation of this Delaware name, found on early maps, is Kishkiminetas. The Book of Mormon Kishkumen appears to be yet another variation of this Delaware Indian name. Here, again, the evidence suggests that the writer of the Book of Mormon used [Anglicized] Indian place names and [elements of Indian] stories as ideas for his story about the ancestors of the American Indians. It is interesting to consider the influence that Spaulding's travels seemed to have had upon his writings. During his lifetime, he lived in several different locations. In 1782, at age twenty-one, Spaulding left his birthplace in Connecticut to attend Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. While there he became acquainted with Reverend Ethan Smith, who may have influenced Spaulding's interest in the origin of the American Indians. Based on information provided by Ethan Smith's grandson, an article65 was printed in the Cleveland Plain Dealer [of April 24, 1887], in which Ethan Smith was said to have written a manuscript based on the theory that the American ----------------------- 64 C, Hale Sipe, The Indian Wars of Pennsylvania, 1929, p. 750. 65 New York Public Library Mormonism Files: ZZMD, p. 20; see also Appendix C in David Persuitte, Joseph Smith and the Origins of The Book of Mormon, 1985. Indians were descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. The 1887 article [published three decades before the "Ethan Smith as a Mormon Source" theories were first developed] also stated that he had shared his ideas with Solomon Spaulding while they were attending Dartmouth. [While finishing up his Masters degree, Spaulding's last days in the Dartmouth region appear to have overlapped Smith's first days at the college.] In 1823, Ethan Smith published a book dealing with [this] same subject [of Indian origins] entitled, View of the Hebrews. [The enlightened views on accepting, educating, and possibly even inter-marrying with the American Indians that appear in the writings of Smith and Spaulding were very much in vogue during their stay at Dartmouth, a college established for these very purposes. Spalding's notions regarding communal life may have been shaped during his years at Dartmouth -- following visits to the nearby Enfield Shaker Commune.] After completing his training at Dartmouth, Spaulding [very likely remained briefly] in Hanover, New Hampshire, before moving to Windham County, Connecticut, where he finished his preparation for the ministry in 1787 and served as a licensed preacher [and evangelist] for eight or ten years. [According to his step-daughter, Matilda] one of his first writing efforts was a story entitled, "The Frogs of Windham," based on the actual happening in the area. Cherry Valley, [Otsego Co.,] New York, was Spaulding's next home. For a short period, while living there, he served as principal of the Cherry Valley Academy. According to John Sawyer's History of Cherry Valley (1898), "It was during this time that the Rev. Solomon Spaulding. . . wrote the biblical romance, which afterwards fell into the hands of Joseph Smith, and was adopted by him as the basis of the Mormon bible." Spaulding may have only begun his biblical story at this early date, since it was said that he worked on it from time to time until at least 1812. [It is possible that local accounts of the 1778 Cherry Valley Massacre, coupled with his own experience of active duty with the Continental Army, influenced Spaulding to insert so much "blood and carnage" among the descendants of "bretheren" into his story-telling.] From Cherry Valley, he moved then on to Conneaut, Ohio, where he [supervised a land-sales] business for his brother, Josiah. The known route of travel from [Otsego County, New York] to Conneaut, at that time, followed the old Indian trails that skirted around the mountains and rivers that lie between the two cities. It took the traveler around the north end of the Finger Lakes, across the Genesee River to the Niagara area, then along the shoreline of Lake Erie to Ohio. [In making this trek (perhaps partly by boat), Spaulding would have had ample opportunity to visit the Niagara region of southern Ontario, as well much of the American shoreline of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.] After failing in business at Conneaut and experiencing deteriorating health, Spaulding devoted most of his time to finishing the novel which he called "Manuscript Found." In 1812, [in the midst of the threat of a British-Canadian invasion] he moved from Conneaut to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There he attempted to get his writings published. Failing in this endeavor, he moved to Amity, Pennsylvania, where he died in 1816. When Spaulding's travels are tracked on modern maps, they encompass nearly all of my proposed Book of Mormon geographical locations. He had opportunity to obtain first-hand knowledge of ancient fortified earthworks, Indian place names, [biblically-derived] place names, and [unique] geographical locations that influenced his writings. In this study, I have identified many similarities between Spaulding's Manuscript Story and the Book of Mormon. These are not [only the] vague similarities also found in [many other old] adventure stories; they are [generally unique] to the two works in question. How many books exist that have the same story outline as the Book of Mormon? How many stories tell of a record being written by the ancestors of the American Indians and buried by [the ancient people], to come forth at some future time when other people inherit their lands? How many tell of [similar] worship ceremonies, cultural technology, Christian theology, seer stones, and give the same descriptions in their fortifications and war stories? How many novels tell of a [light-skinned demi-god] whose teachings brought about a long period of peace followed by a war between kindred tribes in which the losing people are exterminated? Many similarities in the literary style of the two works have also been identified, including [numerous] identical word combinations. The geographical settings of the two stories appear to be in the same area. Most skeptical readers of Spaulding's Manuscript Story encounter difficulty in recognizing similarities between it and the Book of Mormon because they expect it to be written in the King James style, complete with sentences beginning with "And it came to pass" and [ancient Middle East] personal names [such as appear in] the Book of Mormon. When [novice investigators] cannot find these elements, they may lose interest and find it difficult to complete even a first reading. The problem is compounded when the readers [are] not veteran students [of early Mormon history and the stories] of the Book of Mormon. For example, if readers [are] unaware that Gazelem, the Book of Mormon servant of the Lord, possessed a seer stone, [they may easily pass over the seemingly insignificant] Spaulding seer stone. [In ignoring this similarity investigators would also miss the "works of darkness" parallel in Alma 37:23, the similar "transparant stones" of Ether 3:1, and the notorious seer stone user, Joseph Smith, jr., who was called "Gazelem" in Mormon revelations of the Kirtland era. A similar example could be made of Spaulding's passage on polygamy, which (as in the Book of Mormon and early Mormon practice) was allowed only under certain, authorized conditions provided in the divinely-inspired sacred records.] I believe that anyone who carefully studies all the material in this report will see that a relationship does exist between Solomon Spaulding's unpublished writing [sometimes] called the Manuscript Story, and the Book of Mormon. The only significant difference [I find in] the two story outlines is the inclusion of the romance between Prince Elseon and Princess Lamesa in Manuscript Story. There is no such romance in the Book of Mormon. All the same, Nibley's assertion that the similarities between the Manuscript Story and the Book of Mormon "add up to nothing" seems to me to be an unfair conclusion. I believe the application of Nibley's rule (the closer the resemblance, the closer the connection) leaves little doubt that a connection does exist between Solomon Spaulding's writing and the Book of Mormon. So the questions remain: How did this relationship come about? And, was the unfinished Spaulding Manuscript Story -- or, more likely, an enlarged, [re-written] version -- used by Joseph Smith, jr. as the groundwork for the Book of Mormon?
The late Vernal Holley was a former member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a lifetime resident of Weber County, Utah. Born in 1924, he was the fifth of seven children in an active Mormon family with a rich pioneer heritage. His great-grandparents immigrated to America from England, following their mid-19th century conversion to Mormonism. He is presently living as a retired contractor in Roy, Utah For over twenty-five years of his adult life, Mr. Holley served in various mid-level LDS leadership positions. His appointments included three successive stake missions, President of a Stake Mission, Senior President of the 54th Quorum of Seventies, and many other possitions of responsibility within the LDS Church. After 1980 Mr. Holley devoted uncounted hours in researching and reporting on the Solomon Spaulding Authorship of the Book of Mormon. During the course of his in-depth investigation of obscure and unpublished documents relating to this old question in Mormon History, Mr. Holley came to believe that many previous investigators and writers had misunderstood and, perhaps, even purposely misrepresented vital facts relating to the Spaulding Theory. Following this realization he initiated a long-term study of the 1830 Book of Mormon text, carefully comparing its story, setting, theological concerns, writing style, and phraseology with that of the Spaulding manuscript kept at Oberlin College. At an early stage of this investigation he became convinced that the Book of Mormon story was neither historical truth nor divinely inspired. After coming to view "the keystone" of the LDS faith as a fictional account, more related to 19th century literature than to the writings of ancient American tribes, Mr. Holley disassociated himself religiously from the LDS Church. Although he retained a certain respect for the accomplishments of that organization, he ceased to support its teachings on religious matters. Mr. Holley did not consider his writings to be "anti-Mormon;" and he looked forward to the day when members of the various churches originating from the efforts of Joseph Smith, jr. will better comprehend the true origin of their scriptures and practices. In the last months of his life as circumstances permited, Mr. Holley refined his manuscript writings on historical, religious, and textual subjects. Most of these he issued as privately published, limited-circulation booklets before his death in 2000. Many of his writings on sources which may have influenced Spaulding and Book of Mormon texts remain unpublished. Among these are his studies of Spaulding's use of Josephus' "Works," Virgil's "Aenied," Livy's "History of Rome," MacPherson's "Poems of Ossian," Bruce's writings on Enoch and Ethiopian Jews, the teachings of Thomas and Alexander Campbell, etc. A very limited number of Vernal Holley's out-of-print 3rd edition of Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look, are available from the web-master of SidneyRigdon.com. Return to: page 1 |