Richard C. Evans (1861-1928) Forty Years in the Mormon Church (Toronto: self-published 1920) |
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Next month we expect to give some extracts from the Book of Abraham -- a relic of greater antiquity than the Bible, written on papyrus and taken from the breast of an Egyptian mummy now in the possession of and translated by Joseph Smith. Mill. Star, July, 1842, page 32. The history of the Book of Abraham is fully laid out in the paper, Smith and his people having purchased several mummies from a man called Chandler. "The record is now in course of translation by means of the Urim and Thummim and proves to be a record written partly by the father of the faithful Abraham, and finished by Joseph when in Egypt, preserved in the family of the Pharaohs and afterwards hid up with the embalmed body of the female with whom they were found." Mill Star, July 1842, pages 45-46. The entire Book of Abraham is printed in the book published by the Mormon Church entitled "The Pearl of Great Price." Pages 46-70. That this Book of Abraham was received as an inspired work, translated by the gift of God through Smith was admitted by the Reorganized church for many years, as will appear by the following, "But the Hebrew Patriarch (Abraham) has written his own history, it is contained in the Book of Abraham, translated by Joseph Smith." This extraordinary book has entered largely into Mormon Theology, and has given prominence to some of its most beautiful themes." This reveals a Book of God." Joseph the Prophet, pages 166-169. That Joseph believed in and taught a plurality of Gods, and that his translation of the Bible and the Book of Abraham taught this doctrine and both the Bible and Book of Abraham were not only considered inspired by the church in the days of Smith and the Utah church today, but the Reorganized church admitted and taught it. This is made plain by the following: "By the quotations from our Utah Correspondent from the New Translation of the Bible, and from the Book of Abraham, it will be perceived that a plurality of Gods is a doctrine of these books. It is a doctrine of the common version of the Bible too. The New Translation of the Bible was commenced very soon after the church was organized, and therefore this doctrine was a doctrine of the church at that time. The Scriptural evidences concerning the order of the kingdom in the exaltation of the Sons of God, show that the revelations in the New Translation of the Bible and in the Book of Abraham concerning the Gods all harmonize together: "And the Gods formed man from the dust of the ground. And the Gods planted a garden eastward in Eden. Unto Abraham the Gods said, Let us prepare the earth. And the Gods took ,council among themselves. And the Gods said, let us make a helpmate for man. The Gods caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. The Gods formed every beast of the field." Pearl of Great Price, pages 62-70. Herald, 1860, pages 280-285. Now let us see how this Reorganized church misrepresented the facts about this Book of Abraham. and the position Joseph Smith and the church took upon it from 1842 till some time after it was proved to be a fraud. "The church has never to our knowledge taken any action on this work, Joseph Smith, as a translator is committed of course to the correctness of the translation, but not necessarily to the endorsement of its historical or doctrinal contents." Ch. Hist., Vol. 2, page 569. "The Reorganized church has never endorsed the Book of Abraham or accepted it as a standard church work. If he (Bishop Spaulding) is successful in proving that Joseph Smith's translation is unreliable, that does not effect the Book of Mormon. There is no vital connection between the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham. The power to translate the Book of Mormon was a divine gift, the translation went on with the aid of the Urim and Thummim. There is nothing to indicate that the divine help was ever claimed in the translation of the Book of Abraham. Certainly the Urim and Thummim was not used." Pres. A. E. Smith, Herald Oct. 20th, 1915, pages 106-107. We doubt if a more deceptive misrepresentation was ever penned in so short a space as this statement made by President Smith. Those who read the Book of Abraham, as found in the Pearl of Great Price and Mill. Star, and the description of it and statements made concerning it in the Mill. Star, and Saints' Herald as recorded above, and the history of Joseph Smith, and they will be convinced that Smith claimed inspiration for it, and that he was divinely inspired to translate it by the Urim and Thummim, as well as the Book of Mormon. This has been the claim of every strip of Mormonism from the time Smith obtained the Book of Abraham till the great fraud was exposed, then the Saints' Herald and Historians of tile Reorganized church published their misrepresentations as cited above. Did E. A. Smith know all this when he denied that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Abraham by the use of the Urim and Thummim? The fact is that the Mill. Star that makes the statement is quoted by him in his article, so he misrepresented the facts with the paper before him. Having proved that Smith claimed to translate both the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham by inspiration through the Urim and Thummim, the proof is apparent that both Books were frauds. That Bishop Spaulding, Dr. Sayce, Dr. Petrie, Dr. Breasted, Dr. Mase are all leading professors in decifering Egyptian Hieroglyphics, is world-wide admission. They have each examined the work of Smith, and declare with one accord, that the translation of the Book of Abraham by Smith is a "Farrago of nonsense from beginning to end." "None but the ignorant could possibly be imposed upon by such ludicrous blunders." "It may be safely said that there is not one single word that is true in these explanations." La Rue, pages 115-123. All this being true, it follows that Smith's claim to translate the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham by the Urim and Thummim is false in all its parts, and stamps him as an impostor of the blackest dye. The latest manifestation of downright misrepresentation and hypocrisy on the part of the leaders of the Reorganized Church, may be read in The Saints' Herald for, Nov. 19th, 1919. It seems that the Christian Advocate for Aug. 27th, 1919, has taken the position that Joseph Smith' claim to inspiration has been completely exposed in the fraudulent translation of the Book of Abraham. In continuing to try to deceive the people, the editor of the Saints' Herald, makes the following false statements, regarding the Book of Abraham: "The Book of Abraham was printed by the Utah Church in the Pearl of Great Price, as our readers may well know, the Pearl of Great Price is accepted as one of the sacred books of the Utah Mormon church. It was not so included by the original church in the days of Joseph Smith, the founder of the church, nor is it so accepted by the Reorganized Church." This monstrous statement is drawing a herring across the path, trying to make out that the Book of Abraham being printed by the Utah Church in the Pearl of Great Price, and therefore, it is not regarded as an inspired book by Joseph Smith or the Reorganized Church. The facts are, the Book of Abraham was printed in the days of Joseph Smith and by his instruction and authority, while he presided over the very papers wherein it was published, and it was, in those papers regarded as a revelation from God and printed from the translation said to have been made by Joseph Smith through the Urim and Thummim, and was regarded as a revelation from the Almighty. Times and Seasons, Vol. 3, page 704. See also Mill. Star, for June, July and August, 1842. First the editor of the Mill. Star, 1842, says: "The record (Book of Abraham) is now in course of translation by the means of the Urim and Thummim, and proves to be a record written partly by the father of the faithful, Abraham, and finished by Joseph when in Egypt." Here is a direct claim that Smith translated it by the Spirit of revelation from God, imparted by the Urim and Thummim, the same instrument and the same way as came the Book of Mormon. Leaving the Original Church and the Prophet Joseph Smith, let us come to the Saints' Herald published by the Reorganized Church, and we will show the unblushing men of that paper's editorial staff and presidential force who have testified so falsely, that the early editors and leaders of the Reorganized Church quoted the Book of Abraham as equal with the Bible and Book of Mormon, and said that it was inspired of the Almighty. "The Book of Abraham was translated through the 'gift and power of the Holy Ghost by Joseph Smith. We learn from this revelation that the first woman was not begotten and born of parents but Created out of the rib of Adam. Here we have four witnesses, Joseph Smith, Abraham, Moroni and Alma, all bearing testimony they were created from the dust of the ground." Saints' Herald, 1860, page 270. "The new translation of the Bible (Smith's Bible), and the Book of Abraham both teach the doctrine of a Plurality of Gods. Although it is an unpopular doctrine, it is the doctrine of the common version of the Bible. The new translation of the Bible was commenced very soon after the church was organized and therefore this doctrine was a doctrine of the Church at that time. Some say if we believe in a plurality of Gods, why do we not believe in Adam as a God. The scriptural evidences show that the revelations in the New Translation of the Bible and in the Book of Abraham concerning the Gods all harmonize together." Saints' Herald, Vol. 1, 1860. pages 282-283. President W. W. Blair of the Reorganized Church, one of the leaders of that body for a life time, writing of the revelations of Joseph Smith, says: "Now, we propose to prove that all the revelations which Joseph Smith gave unto the Church we are bound to give heed unto. If the first edition of that book (Doctrine and Covenants) is divine all the subsequent revelations which are contained in the Book of Covenants, in The Book of Abraham, etc., and which he gave to the church are equally divine." Saints' Herald, 1860, page 63. That Pres. Blair wrote the article, is claimed by Elder Shook. "True Origin of Polygamy." page 162. Here we have the Presidency and editors of the Reorganized Church, endorsing the Book of Abraham as a revelation from God, given to Joseph Smith by direct revelation, and that it is equally divine with the revelations as given him in the New Translation of the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. Why the Reorganized Church Editors and church presidents will willfully misrepresent this and try to cover up the dirty thing, is one of the lying wonders of the Latter Days. The Band Called Danites Organized to Commit Murder. That Joseph Smith controlled and organized a murderous band, bound under oath-bound penalties to obey the Church leaders, is acknowledged by the leading men who have left the church, and by some of the leading men of the nation who have evidence of such a band.God Authorized Smith to Curse His Enemies. According to Smith's revelations, Christ made him the supreme rule of the church and he was in command of every part of it, and every member was under his control.He was a "Prophet, Seer, Revelator, Apostle, Translator." D. C. 19,1. A High Priest, D. C. 104, 11. President of the Church, Mill Star, Vol. 18-1 page 535. Trustee for the whole Church, Nauvoo Neighbor, Dec. 27th, 1843 Treasurer of the Kirtland Bank. Journal of Hist., Vol. 2, No. 4. Grand Chaplain of Masonic Lodge at Nauvoo, Mill Star, Vol. 19, page 152. Lieutenant-General of the Nauvoo Legion, Mill Star, Vol. 19 page 135. Judge of the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, Mill. Star, Vol. 19, page 135. Mayor of the City of Nauvoo, Ibid. 19, 135. Registrar of Deeds, Ibid. Vol. 19, page 135. And was at the time of his death a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Nauvoo Neighbor, June 26th, 1844. La Rue, pages 50, 51. He was ordained a King, Herald, Vol. 51, No. 4; Wm. Marks records this. The Lord is reported to have bound the church under a heavy curse if they rejected his words, and he was the only one that the Lord would give revelations to for the government of the church. He was in supreme control. "Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments. For his words ye shall receive as if from mine own mouth." D. C. 19, 2. "And this shall ye know assuredly that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations, until he be taken" D. C. 43, 1, 2. "And it shall be given thee in the very moment what thou shalt speak and write, and they shalt hear it, or I will send them a cursing instead of a blessing." D. C. 23, 3. "No one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting my servant Joseph Smith-and thou shalt. be obedient unto the things which I shalt give unto him." D. C. 27, 2. "Therefore in as much as some of my servants have not kept the commandment, I have cursed them with a very sore and grievous curse, for I, the Lord, have decreed in my heart that in as much as any man belongeth to the order shall break the covenant with which ye are bound he shall be cursed in this life and shall be trodden down by whom I will. D. C. l01, 1. Speaking of those who reject the commandments of Smith, the Lord is made to say,: "Ye shall curse them and whomsoever ye curse I will curse and ye shall avenge me of my enemies" D. C. 100, 5. Now we will show that a society was formed to kill on command. Governor Ford. Governor Ford of Illinois, made a report to the State Legislature Dec. 17th, 1844. We submit a few statements-"It was asserted that Joseph Smith, head of the Mormon Church, had caused himself to becrowned and anointed King of the Mormons. That he had embodied a band of his followers, called Danites, who swore to obey Him as God and to do his command, murder and treason not excepted." La Rue, page 38. President Wm. Law. Pres. Wm. Law: "Smith taught Polygamy, spoiling (robbing) the Gentiles, murder, swindling, lying and many other evils. Joseph Smith told me that he sent a man to kill Governor Boggs-the fellow shot the Governor through a window." Shook, Origin of Polygamy, page 127J. C. Bennett. J. C. Bennett says: "Smith told me to sign that certificate or he would make cat-fish bait of me, or deliver me to the Danites for execution." Ibid. page 58.David Whitmer. David Whitmer: "In June, 1838, at Far West, Mo., a secret organization was formed, Dr. Avard was put in as leader of the band. A certain oath was to be administered to all the brethren to bind them to support the heads of the church in every thing they would teach." Whitmer's address. page 27.Oliver Cowdery. Oliver Cowdery said: "Sidney Rigdon influenced the Prophet, Seer and Revelator to the Church of the Latter Day Saints into the formation of a secret band at Far West, committed to depredations upon Gentiles, and the actual assassination of apostates from the church. A society has been organized among them to inflict death upon those who are deemed apostates, with the knowledge and sanction of the first elder." O. Cowdery's Defence, Mormon Polygamy by Shook, pages 53-54.Thomas B. Marsh. Thomas B. Marsh, President of the Twelve, apostatized and swore, saying: "They have among them a company consisting of true Mormons, called 'The Danites' who have taken an oath to support the heads of the church in all things that they say or do, whether right or wrong. I heard the Prophet say: 'that he would yet tread down his enemies and walk over their dead bodies and that he would make it one gore of blood from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, and that if he was not let alone he would be a second Mahomet to this generation."Apostle Orson Hyde, said he knew to be true most of the above statement. La Rue, pages 162-163. Samson Avard. Samson Avard, who was a leader in the band, after his apostasy, said: "A band called the Daughters of Zion was organized by the members of the Mormon Church. I considered Joseph Smith as the prime mover and organizer of this Danite Band. The officers of the band were brought before him at a school house, together with Hyrum Smithand Sidney Rigdon, the First Presidency of the Church. Joseph Smith blessed them and prophesied over them said it was necessary for the band to be bound together by covenant and those who revealed the secrets of the society should be put to death." La Rue, page 165. Bishop Corrill. Bishop Corrill, after he left the church, wrote: "I was afterwards invited to one of these meetings where an oath, in substance the same as testified by Dr. Avard, was administered. At the second or last meeting I attended, the Presidency (to wit, Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith and Sidney Rigdon) were present. The Presidency pronounced blessings upon each member of the society. Smith threatened at this meeting to be a second Mahomet." La Rue, page 165.W. W. Phelps. W. W. Phelps testified that D. W. Patton said he heard Rigdon say: "If any man attempted to move out of the county, any man seeing him attempt to pack his goods should kill him and haul him aside into the bush and that all the burial he should have should be a Turkey Buzzard's guts." La Rue, page 165.The above testimonies are from those who held the leading positions in the church under Smith, who when they left him swore to the above in the trial at Richmond, Mo., when Smith and others were tried for high treason, Nov. 12th, 1838, and is republished by Rev. La Rue, who was a Reorganized Elder for many years, but left the church because of what he knew. Justice Morse. Justice Morse, who was a Mormon in the old church and a High Priest in the Reorganized Church, at the time he testified, March, 1887, as follows:"In the year 1838 at Far West, Caldwell County, Mo., I was made a Danite in an organized meeting held for that purpose. Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith were present frequently at our meetings, Brother Avard had charge of organizing the band. We held our secret meeting in a deep ravine, in the year 1838. We were instructed by Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith that the church could not advance without means, we must get money and means, right or wrong, honest or dishonest, that the church should suck the milk of the Gentiles. To take from Gentiles was no sin." La Rue, page 167. Shook, True Origin of Mormonism, pages 108-171. Rigdon made the Fourth of July speech at Far West, 1838. He said: "It shall be between us and them a war of extermination, for we will follow them till the last drop of their blood is spilled, or else they will exterminate us." After this speech Smith was on the platform and led off with a shout of "Hosanna and Amen." Church Hist., Vol. 2, page 165; La Rue, page 175. So we learn that the Mormons were the ones to talk of driving the Gentiles out of Missouri, and milking them and that there would be a war of extermination. Here we append a significant statement to confirm the above: "We are daily told, and not by the ignorant alone, but by all classes of them, that we, the (Gentiles) of this county are to be cut off, and our lands appropriated by them for inheritances." Mill. Star, Vol. 14, page 488. The Utah Mormons are accused by the Reorganized Mormons of having the Danites still in existence. The Mountain Meadow massacre is a sample, be that as it may, if Utah has the Danites yet, they are but following Smith and the Church over which he had control, and if the Reorganized Mormon does not commit murder, they defame the character, and lie about all those who differ from them and are absolutely heartless and unfair to apostates. Blood Atonement. The President of the Reorganized Church, Joseph Smith, and son of the original, Joseph Smith, in attempting to excuse the atrocious crimes and statements made by his father and other leaders of the Danites makes the following statement:"Whoever counselled or did evil in those times (in Missouri) are responsible personally, therefore; but the church, as such, is no more responsible for it that were the early Christians for Peter's attempt to kill the High Priest's servant when he cut off his ear with a sword. The church, as such, should be judged by its authorized doctrines and deeds, and not by the unauthorized sayings or doings of some of its members or ministers." Blood Atonement, page 44. "You take great pains to cover up the conditions prevailing which call forth such extreme and in some instances unwise remarks. Conditions in some respects akin to those surrounding the Saints in Missouri in 1838 and 1839, when other unwise remarks were made by members of the leading quorums of the church, but in a sense justifiable and which should be condoned under the trying circumstances that called them forth." Joseph F. Smith in reply to R. C. Evans in Blood Atonement, page 43. Thus we have the President of the Reorganized Church and son of Joseph Smith admitting, as well as apologizing for the rash statements of his father and other leaders in the old church, and then we have Joseph F. Smith of the Utah church using about the same argument to excuse the language and murderous conduct of the Danites in Utah. All we care to say is reply to both of these descendants of the original prophet and organizer of the Danite Band is, that when the leading members and officers of the church for many years teach and practice, by threats and murders, ascribed to the Danite Band, then we believe the public is justified in denouncing such language and conduct, and affirming it to be the doctrine of the church. We will now quote from the Utah Mormon Church some leading statements made in the public printed sermons of Brigham Young, his counsellors and apostles, regarding the Danites and their murderous conduct under the title of Blood Atonement. These sermons were reported by G. D. Watt and published by the authority of the Mormon Church in a work entitled "Journal of Discourses." Coming from their own church leaders, published by their own church papers, there seems to be little opportunity to deny the genuineness of these statements. Brigham Young. Brigham Young said, October 9, 1852: "What shall be done with the sheep that stink the flock so? We will take them, I was going to say, and cut off their tails two inches behind their ears; however I will use a milder term, and say cut off their ears." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, page 213.Brigham again said, March 27, 1853: "I say, rather than that apostates should flourish here, I will unsheath my bowie knife, and conquer or die. Now, you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be put to the line and righteousness to the plummet. If you say it is all right, raise your hands (all hands up). Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this and every good work." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, page 83. President Brigham Young preached, February 8, 1857, as follows: "All mankind love themselves; and let these principles be known by an individual and he would be glad to have his blood shed. That would be loving themselves even to an eternal exaltation. Will you love your brothers and sisters likewise when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding of blood" Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood? That is what Jesus Christ meant. He never told a man or woman to love their enemies in their wickedness. He never intended any such thing. I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain in order to atone for their sins. I have seen scores and hundreds of people for whom there would have been a chance in the last resurrection if their lives had been taken and their blood spilled upon the ground, as a smoking incense to the Almighty, but who are now angels of the devil, until our elder brother, Jesus Christ, raises them up, conquers death, hell and the grave. I have known a great many men who have left this church, for whom there is no chance whatever for exaltation; but if their blood had been spilt it would have been better for them. The wickedness and ignorance of the nations forbid this principle being in full force, but the time will come when the law of God will be in full force. This is loving our neighbor as ourselves, if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood upon the ground in order that he may be saved, spill it." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, page 220, or Deseret News, Vol. 6, page 397. Orson Hyde. Elder Orson Hyde said, April 9, 1853: "Suppose the shepherd should discover a wolf approaching the flock, what would he be likely to do? Why, we would suppose, if the wolf was within proper distance,that he would kill him at once-kill him on the spot. It would have a tendency to place a terror on those who leave these parts, that may prove their salvation when they see the heads of thieves taken off, or shot down before the public." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, pages 72, 73. President J. M. Grant. President J. M. Grant said, Sept. 21, 1856: "I say there are men and women here that I would advise to go to the president immediately, and ask him to appoint a committee to attend to their case, and then let a place be selected, and let that committee shed their blood." Deseret Vol. 7, page 235.President Heber C. Kimball. President Heber C. Kimball said, July 19, 1854: "It is believed in the world that our females are all common women. Well, in one sense they are common -- that is, they are like all other women, I suppose, but then -- are not unclean, for we wipe all unclean ones out of our midst; we not only wipe them from our streets, but we wipe them out of existence. And if the world wants to practice uncleanness, and bring their prostitutes here, if they do not repent and forsake their sins, we will wipe the evil out. We will not have them in this valley unless they repent, for so help me God, while I live I will lend my hand to wipe such persons out, and I know this people will." Deseret News, August 15, 1854, and Mill. Star, Vol. 16, pages 738-9.Fanny Stenhouse. Fanny Stenhouse: "There was the murder of the Aikin party-six persons-who were killed on their way to California. The same year a man named Yates was killed under atrocious circumstances; and Franklin McNeil, who had sued Brigham for false imprisonment and who was killed at his hotel door. There was Sergeant Pile, and there was Arnold and Drown. There was Price and William Bryan at Fairfield; there was Almon Babbitt, and Brassfield, and Dr. Robinson; there was also James Cowdy and his wife and child, and Margetts and his wife; and many another, too, to say nothing of that frightful murder at the Mountain Meadows." "Tell-It-All," page 319.We could fill a volume with the history of the murders that have stained and scarred the Mormon Church, both in Missouri, Illinois, Utah and elsewhere, the history of which has made Mormonism a stench in the nostrils of civilization, and as one has said, has made Utah a land of assassination and a field of blood. Mormonism Regards All Other Churches As Corrupt. Joseph Smith claimed that in his first vision, which was in the spring of 1820, that after God had introduced Joseph to Christ, that Joseph asked Christ "Which of all the sects is right?" That Christ made the following answer to him: "I was answered that I must join none of them,for they were all wrong' and the personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that they draw near me with their lips but their hearts are far from me, and they teach for doctrines the commandments of men having a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof." Church Hist., Vol. 1, pages 9, 10. "Is it any wonder then, that we say of priests of modern days, that they are of Satan's own making, and are of their father the Devil? Nay, verily, nay, for no being but a scandalous sycophant and base hypocrite would say otherwise. We shall see all the priests who adhere to the sectarian religions of the day, with all their followers without one exception, receive their portion with the devil and his angels." Elders Journal, 59-60, August, 1838; La Rue, page 45. "Respecting the Melchisedec Priesthood, the sectarian world never professed to have it, consequently they never could save anyone and would all be damned together. The sectarian world are going to hell by hundreds, by thousands and by millions." Mill. Star, Vol. 22, page 54; La Rue, page 45. "They have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious, and also many covenants of the Lord have been taken away -- that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men." The above is part. of the preface of Smith's new Bible. The statement of the Lord to Smith showed that the churches had become corrupt and taken away much of the Bible to corrupt and deceive the people of the churches, and it was necessary for God to give Smith the plain and precious things which the wicked Christian churches bad taken away from the Bible when they translated the Authorized Version. In the first revelation published in the book known as the Doctrine and Covenants, Jesus Christ when speaking to Joseph Smith is reported to have said, speaking of the Mormon Church, as "The only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased." D. C. 1, 5. "Behold, there is, save it be two churches; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the Devil. Wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth." Book of Mormon, page 40; First Nephi, 3 ch. v., 220-223. Orson Pratt. Orson Pratt, the most eloquent Apostle, and the greatest writer of Mormonism, says: "Since the church with its authority and power has been caught away from the earth, the great Mother of Harlots, with all her descendants, has blasphemously assumed authority of administering some of the sacred ordinances of the gospel." Revelation Necessary by O. Pratt.Apostle W. H. Kelley. To the above may be added the statement made by Apostle W. H. Kelley, President of the Apostolic Quorum of the Reorganized Church. "The Priesthood having been caught up to heaven, no man on earth has authority to minister in gospel ordinances, and hence the necessity for new revelation." Presidency and Priesthood, page 224.No Salvation Outside of The Book of Mormon and Mormonism "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct, of any book on earth, and the keystone to our religion; and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book." J. Smith, in Mill. Star, Vol. 18, page 790; La Rue, page 62.The Book of Mormon claims to be a divinely inspired record. It professes to be revealed to the present generation for the salvation of all who will receive it and for the overthrow and damnation of all nations who reject it. The nature of the message in the Book of Mormon is such that if true, no one can possibly be saved and reject it." Apostle Pratt, Divinity of Book of Mormon, No. 1, page 1; La Rue, page 81. Brigham Young. "Every spirit that confesses that Joseph Smith is a prophet, that he lived and died a prophet, and that the Book of Mormon is true, is of God, and every spirit that does not is of anti-Christ." Story of the Mormons, page 28; La Rue, page 81.Reorganized Church. "No book ever came before the race of mankind with such an august age as the Book of Mormon." Saints' Herald, Nov. 6, 1918, page 1082.Orson Pratt. "They (the Ministry) have dishonored the name of Christ by calling their powerless apostage filthy and most abominable, churches, the church .of Christ., the whole Romish, Greek and Protestant Ministry, from the top down through every grade of office, are as destitute of authority from God as the devil and his angels." More Revelation Indispensable Necessary, page 19."All other churches are unauthorized of God. Their articles of religion, their creeds, their prayer books, their ordinations, their sacraments, their baptisms, their various forms of worship, their preaching their religious assemblies are all an abomination in the sight of Heaven." Evidence of the Book of Mormon and Bible Compared, page 61. "We are commanded to accept the Book of Mormon and renounce all the wicked traditions of our fathers, as also the "Popish and Protestant Ministry, together with all the churches which have been built up by them or that have sprung up from them as being entirely destitute of authority, they should turn away, from all the priestcraft and abominations practiced by these apostate churches, falsely called Christians." The Bible Alone an Insufficient Guide, page 334. "And as every creature in all the world, who would not believe the chosen eye witnesses of a risen Saviour were to be damned, so every living Soul who rejects the testimony of the chosen witnesses of the ministry of the angel confirmatory of the Book of Mormon, will be damned for thus saith the Lord spoken." Evidence of the Book of Mormon and Bible compared, page 58. "This generation has more than one thousand times the amount evidence to demonstrate and forever establish the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon than they have in favor of the Bible." Evidence of the Book of Mormon and Bible Compared, page 64. "The Book of Mormon contains the everlasting gospel in all its fullness and it has been revealed to the inhabitants of our earth by an angel -- let the nations know assuredly that the hour of God's judgment is come, and that they have only one way of escape and that is by embracing the Book of Mormon." Prophetic Evidence in Favor of the Book of Mormon, pages 82-84. We have shown in this article from leading Mormons, from Joseph Smith down, that there is no salvation outside of the Mormon Church. The Holy Scriptures Translated by Joseph Smith. In a work published by the Reorganized Mormon Church, entitled "Three Bibles Compared," we are informed that it took a King and forty seven scholars from 1604 to 1611, seven years to translate what is known as the King James translation, and that eighty-two scholars were employed fourteen years of the Old Testament, and ten years on the New Testament, when the Revised Version was given from 1870 to 1884.These men had the wealth of the churches and the scholarship the world behind them, while God commanded and directly inspired Joseph Smith, an illiterate young man of but twenty-eight years of age surrounded with poverty and mobs, to translate the entire Bible of Old and New Testaments in three years. He commenced the work June 1,830, and finished it June, 1833. The manuscript of this great work was preserved by the widow of Smith, and was given to her son, who, with I. L. Rogers and E. Robinson formed a committee of the Reorganized Mormon Church, to publish the New Bible. This was accomplished, and is now on sale by the Reorganized Church Publishing House. The reader will find published in the Preface of the Mormon Bible the following, which in part disclosed the reason that Smith gave for his translation, "For behold they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious and also many covenants of the Lord have been taken away, and all this, have they done that I hey might pervert the right way of the Lord, that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men wherefore thou seest that after the book hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church, there are many plain and precious things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God, and after these plain and precious things were taken away it goeth forth unto all the nations of the Gentiles." The above is taken from the Book of Mormon. The church referred to as "great and abominable" is considered the "Mother of Harlots and her daughters," or in other words, the church of Rome and the Protestant churches. They have taken away the plain and precious things in order to deceive the world, and now God has raised up Smith to bring back these plain and precious things so that the honest people may be saved and rescued from the "great whore of the earth," (Rome and Protestantism) and so inspired Smith to give us the New Translation of the Bible. The Lord further instructs Smith regarding this new Bible: "Thou shalt ask and my scriptures shall be given as I have appointed, and they shall be preserved in safety, and it is expedient that thou shouldst hold thy peace concerning them and not teach them until ye have received them in full, and I give unto you a commandment that then ye shall teach them unto all men, for they shall be taught to all nations, kindreds, tongues and people." D. C. 42, 15. "Ye shall hasten to translate my scriptures and all this for the salvation of Zion." D. C. 90, 12. "The Scriptures shall be given even as they are in mine own bosom to the salvation of mine own elect." D. C. 34, 5. Joseph was informed by the Lord that, "He should bring to light those parts of my scriptures which have been hidden because of iniquity." D. C. 6, 12. Those who wish to read this marvelous work, the new Bible translation by Joseph Smith, by direct revelations will discover that he has not translated a single word, that he had no manuscript of any kind, that he was an ignorant young man is admitted. There is no evidence that he compared any originals with each other, nor could he have done so if the originals were before him. The claim is that it was all done by direct inspiration from the Almighty, but to call it a Translation is the height of impudence and nonsense. Let us present Smith's own account describing the method of receiving revelations and translating: "But behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your own mind. Then you must ask of Me if it be right? And if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you, therefore you shall feel that it is right. Now if you had known this you could have translated." D. C. 9, 3-4. Here is the secret of Smith's power to translate. He read the Bible, thought that such and such a change should be made, either by adding a few verses, or taking away a few verses. If he had the burning sensation in his bosom it was right, and so he cut and slashed away at the Word of God to his heart's content, and the result is the Mormon Bible. We will take time to show one of thousands of changes that Smith has made by inspiration. When God inspired Smith to translate the Lord's prayer in the Book of Mormon, he translated it exactly as it in the Authorized Version, Matt. 6, 13, "and lead us not into temptation." But when the same God inspired him to translate the Bible, he inspired him to translate it as follows, "and suffer us not to be led into temptation" Matt. 6, 14. We ask, is it right in the Authorized Version, if so it is right in the Book of Mormon, but if right in the Authorized Version and Book of Mormon, Joseph's burning bosom business in the inspired translation of his new Bible, got him in wrong. Closing this part of his marvelous work we now call attention to changes has made in the first twelve chapters of the Bible, this will be sufficient to show, as a fair sample of the entire translations, the monstrous work of Smith. Christian Bible, First twelve chapters, Genesis, we find 319 verses. Mormon Bible, First twelve chapters of Genesis, we find 454 verses. Joseph's burning bosom business just invented an extra 135 verses. Christian Bible, Gen. 4th chapter has 26 verses. Mormon Bible, Gen. 4th chapter has 13 verses. Christian Bible, Gen. 7th chapter has 24 verses. Mormon Bible, Gen. 7th chapter has 75 verses. In one chapter the Mormon Bible has just half as many verses as is found in the Christian Bible, in the other chapter the Mormon Bible has more than three times as many verses as the Christian Bible. But why prolong the agony. The general reader will ere this conclude that Smith's burning bosom business was not the inspiration of God, but it was the imposition of a vile and impudent, false prophet, and that it is in line with his spurious revelations as recorded in his productions known as the Book of Abraham, Book of Mormon, Book of Commandments, Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and other so-called revelations which have dragged many thousands into the lying wonder of the latter days -- Mormonism. |
1920 Book by Bishop Evans |